Weekend Plans

oh and villalobos @ sub club on friday...have to say was slightly disappointed...had (too high) expectations perhaps, as the last time he played at subclub is in my top 10 glasgow club nights of all time i'd say.

very disjointed set, at times he was playing some amazing stuff, taking it in the right directions, then he'd just go off in some weird tangent and kinda killed the whole mood of the place...it was the club nights (sensu) birthday party, and for me it just didnt end up being that much of a celebration, even at the 'one more tune' bit at the end,where people were expecting a really big tune...ended up playign some kinda nu jazz/modern classical thing....not what glasgow is wanting at 4am really...(and by that point the club wasn't that busy as people had left/got bored.

i think overall villalobos can be just very hit n' miss...he is an enigma (if im being generous) or vastly overrated (as friends of mine think)...it was a 7/10 night really.

saturday - catch up dinner & drinks with my friends back from their honeymoon in amsterdam / ibiza, & tales from the Space closing party...ended up in bar in glasgow playign Jenga, and getting very carried away in doing so:lol:
Didnt make it to Sankeys on saturday stayed at el chiringuito closing way to long and then straight over to Bhs for a great party,music and people.Groove Armada played at el chiringuito usally not my thing but they rocked it..AP yesterday for dinner and then back to Ireland..:D
Interesting little break from reality. Very much needed, been a lousy few weeks and I'm right back in to it.

Friday - Traveled up to that there London to see a friend and headed to Ministry for the Top 100 party. Was on guest list so no queue for us thankfully. Got in to MoS as the count down had hit 25, which I was very disappointed about. Always look forward to watching the count down from the previous years I've gone to this. Met our fourth member of our group, then headed on to The Box. Sean Tyas started off a lot heavier than I expected, which was a good surprise. Then Orjan Nilsen came on. He stole the show, he's been fantastic in production this year and his set was not only the best of the night, but one of the best of the year (http://soundcloud.com/edmtunestv/orjan-nilsen-live-top-100-djs-awards-party-london-19-10-2012). Two of our group of four left just as Markus came on, as they were both shattered.
Markus then proceeded to slay lots of unicorns. Within 2 minutes of Armin coming on at 4 am, The Box became very overcrowded. Having lost the ability to move, let alone dance, me and my remaining friend pushed for the smoking area (took us 10 minutes to get out!) and had a chat for half an hour. By time we went back in, the room had started to empty a little bit. By 5 am, most of the tourists had all gone and it was just down to the hardened fans of both Armin and the music. 6 am rolled on and Armin finished... then the room completely cleared out, even though there was one of The Gallery residents on.
Long tube journey back to my mates who had left earlier (was staying at theres) and promptly passed out for 7 hours.

Saturday: Got up about 2pm, got myself ready, then headed with my mate who I was staying out towards Victoria station for the journey down to Brighton for part two of the weekends double header, JOOF Editions. I'd asked John Fleming if I could have a quick word with him when I got to the club, so we got down the club for 10pm. Had a chat with him about the best way to put a small night on in Brighton and he shared with me some of his knowledge. HBar was a tiny little bar/club, but the crowd were very knowledgeable in the music. Airwave played midnight - 1.30 am and rocked the main room, against one of the best sets of the year. The sound system was pretty beastly for such a small room (cap of about 100 I'd guess). John then came on and just kept pushing it. I must say, as much as I do like going to Trance nights and hearing music I know, it's also very nice to go and hear lots of music I don't know. Think I could of named maybe 5 tracks all night. Very deep and dark, loved it.

Sunday: Slept in, then wandered round Brighton with my friend showing him some of the sights. Had a pretty long chat about where I am in my point in life, and where I go from here.
Interesting little break from reality. Very much needed, been a lousy few weeks and I'm right back in to it.
Sounds like a nice weekend indeed.

As noted above, I was in Belgrade. Really lovely city, great atmosphere and nightlife. We tried some top notch restaurants too... and everything is so cheap. Highly recommended. 8)

Only downside is I caught a cold which is kicking my ass. Off to Donetsk tomorrow so hopefully won't be in too bad shape by then :confused:
Absolute howler of a weekend for me. Ended up drinking too much rum on Friday night, got knocked out of our game of poker fairly early in very unlucky circumstances. I slept through about 5 alarms so was running late to meet the lads for the train to London on Saturday morning, which meant driving my car to Southampton Airport to catch them up on the train, which would result in a £25 taxi to pick the car up before work on Sunday morning. A few tins on the train then a few in The hole in the wall at Waterloo, and I was fully topped up again. Lost my train ticket somewhere between pubs so had to spend a load on a new one, and lost all the lads in the process, and spent ages trying to navigate the tube system not really knowing where they were. Few more in Bethnal Green then on to football. Tried to calm down a row about a spilled beer at half time, and took a cheap shot from some punchy c*nt who clearly can't handle his beer, which has left me with a huge shiner/swollen cheekbone and a chipped tooth. Back up into the stands to finishing watching us get smashed 4-1, and my memory is fairly non existent from then on. Got woken up by the taxi I'd booked the day before, and off I went to a hellish 11 hour day at work, mildly concussed, hugely hung over and looking and feeling pretty stupid. Not a weekend to remember.

Oh yea, and I had to go through the awful task of checking who I'd phoned/texted through those few hours that I was on another planet, and apologising. Mobile phones are bad news when hammered like that.
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I'd planned a quiet one with the mrs down in south london with no real plans..

got told her mum was in town and they were having a quick drink with her sister friday night. turned up to a drunk family outing in a restaurant then on to cocktails in soho which set the tone for the rest of the evening. cue a party back at her house which stopped some time around midday saturday.,,

the good news was that the flat we'd put an offer in to ent got accepted which im really happy about.
Saturday night spent in and after big lie in sunday we made a roast

i think overall villalobos can be just very hit n' miss...he is an enigma (if im being generous) or vastly overrated (as friends of mine think)...it was a 7/10 night really.

I've only seen him once, but would say he is overrated. People were there for his name more than anything. As you said, a weird and poor flowing set.