Weekend Plans

Drunken work do on Fri which rendered me :confused: for most of Sat.

Got involved in the filming of a video for Max Coopers latest release in the afternoon which was interesting.

Saturday eve = beauty and the beat at the new empowering church. Brilliant night - family/house party atmos and following the original New York tradition, a buffet of dried apricots soaked in ac1d. :lol:

Wonderful, eclectic music and a great night.
Mr Buckley strikes again - despite the early morning 'revelations' sounds like a great weekend ! :lol:

Got involved in the filming of a video for Max Coopers latest release in the afternoon which was interesting.

Saturday eve = beauty and the beat at the new empowering church. Brilliant night - family/house party atmos and following the original New York tradition, a buffet of dried apricots soaked in ac1d. :lol:

Wonderful, eclectic music and a great night.

Thought you might get involved with the Max Cooper thing :lol:. Very nearly went to the New Empowering too ... but couldn't waste a ticket and wound up in Brixton with Minimarc ... a very very messy affair ensued ....

Friday - Failed to get to London completely after swing by to pick up a friend and winding up taking his flat-mate to A&E for a stomach pump. Was not a happy bunny :evil:.

Saturday - efforts to work were rather ineffectual and wound up in Brixton meeting up with Minimarc, his ex and her rather dippy flatmate (:eek:). Absolutely GREAT night at Electric Brixton (the old Fridge) with fantastic sets from Speedy J and Marcel Dettmann (pre-drinkies meant we missed Fengler but hey-ho). Gareth Wild & Chris Sanford dished out some good stuff too in the 'ante-room'. Sandwell District came on .. pace dropped a bit and decided to bolt to Cable for Jaded (I was back below the limit I think by then :confused:).

Sunday - Oh my god - the queue ! I'm a terrible one for queues .. managed to blag straight in and lost Minimarc for 2 hours :)oops:). Was very very messy (if you've been you know what I mean) ... great music and totally great fun. About 11.30 I couldn't dance (or stand up) any longer. And then the full saga unfolded...

Rescued Minimarc from an amorous male suitor :)lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:) and left as I needed directing back to the car. I have no bearings on Cable location although I've been there before. Basically, Minimarc got us there about 5am but had no recollection whatsoever of how he'd arrived. I had no clue where I'd parked either. All I had was a vague recollection of turning into a side street and driving round a sort of 'island'. Vague flashbacks of possible hospitals, or office-type areas but nothing tangible to speak of.

Suffice to say that we pounded the streets for hours in the arctic rain looking dodgy in our 'hoodies' looking for the car (took me 2 hours to persuade Marc the car was NOT in Brixton), with a break for a pizza (where someone fell asleep at the table :lol:) and a pub leveller (partly to get Minimarc's iphone charged behind the bar - my own phone was out of battery too)...

No-one could be raised at the flat in Brixton (bar ex's dippy flatmate who insisted my car was in Brixton when I knew for sure it wasn't :rolleyes: ...). Having phoned the Council, Trace and the Pound still no clue as to car whereabouts.

Was in a taxi about to give up totally exhausted when the driver announced it would be nearly £300 if I didn't find the car and it got towed. Fuelled with adrenaline, I jumped out, left Minimarc, bought an A to Z and proceeded to quarter the entire radius around Cable on an extended - and very determined - 'powerwalk'. At the very end of my quest, the sun came out ... and as I turned the corner to Southwark Crown Court at 4pm ... there it was (right outside the entrance) - unscathed and unticketed - complete with food, orange/mango juice & fags. And I suddenly remembered I had (correctly) thought it would be safe there :)lol:).

Despite the mangled ordeal yesterday, it was a flipping GREAT night and feel like I've run a marathon today... really must do something about getting a 'find-my-car' facility in future tho' :eek::rolleyes:.
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I only go to Jaded on bankholiday weekends!
Were both rooms open?

Am physically broken today ! Yes there was the one with the mezzanine over and the adjacent room too. It was pleasantly packed and absolutely pumping.

Regis & Function (Sandwell District) played a 4-hour set after Gareth Wild & Chris Stanford... full-on techno all morning !

Raymundo Rodriguez, Gabbi Lopez and Himan played great sets in the room with the mezzanine.
I only go to Jaded on bankholiday weekends!
Were both rooms open?

Did any of the Liverpool lot go to Circus this weekend for Joris?

I didn't mate. None of my lot went. Reports have been, as usual, all good. Joris was apparently on fire.

You really need to come up to Circus Ferd, you would love it

Tough call on what's funnier between Buckley's buck-naked corridor incursion and Kimajy's extended car search ordeal :lol:

Quiet Friday night for me as I was still getting over a cold combined with massive allergies (4x normal pollen count here right now as late start to spring meant everything bloomed simultaneously).

Worked on Saturday, then stopped by an exhibition of comics and later met a friend for a few drinks at Hudson Bar. Called it an early night not long after 12 as allergies sapped my energy.

Stayed in on Sunday night. Bank holidays today and tomorrow so probably out for a few drinks later on tonight to watch the Manchester derby and then carry on.
How's your search gone? Are you sorted for a match ticket as well? Chelsea are taking a day and an age releasing the ticket selling procedures - rumour has it we shall all be told tomorrow. Great month being Chelsea, especially todays hammer of QPR. Carefree!
Ya, sorted on match ticket but still not sure what to do about hotel. No matter what the website/database, most of the hotels in the center are coming up full or "call for info". I know for a fact that much of that capacity will be empty (I remember in '08 having coffee with a travel agent friend one afternoon and listening to him release 50 rooms in a hotel a week before the final. The agencies stitch the whole thing up!! And that was with 2 visiting teams not just one!) So it's just a matter of how long I wait.

Yesterday's match was a delight to watch. We are back! 8)

Ticket sale details out today, btw.
I didn't mate. None of my lot went. Reports have been, as usual, all good. Joris was apparently on fire.

You really need to come up to Circus Ferd, you would love it

I really want to go, will keep an eye out for a line-up I fancy
just to note that matthew dear (minus a few technical issues#) and andrew weatherall were amazing at sub club on saturday night....

weatherall is just totally on form the last year or so for my tastes...seen him quite a few times recently, all been amazing nights, really loving his new 'masterpiece' compilation on ministry of sound, and into the A Love From outer Space (ALFOS) nights he's doing with Sean Johnston.

edinburgh on friday nigth for ALFOS...looking forward too it a lot8)
A classic for me...

The clunk of a heavier door that one would expect on a bathroom was followed by the realisation that I was no longer benefitting from the darkness of black blinds, despite having not reached for a light switch. I was in the corridor and no amount of door banging and shouting could wake the missus. And yes, I was stark b****** naked.

Saw this episode again tonight and for some reason I thought of this post ... 19m30 onwards :arrow: :lol: :lol: :lol:
