Weekend Plans

I know the feeling. May is gonna be an incredibly tight month for me financially, especially with the Openings at the end of month, but so many good parties going on in the UK before I fly out. Gonna be tough to stop myself from venturing out and going over budget!

Yeah. I'd love to do Passion on Friday, but I spent too much money the weekend just gone. :\

I'm still not sure about my Ibiza trip in June. I'm currently saving up to go back to university
Friday - Sunday: Scweeeeeeeeet FA.

Having a quiet one this weekend. Found out I've been successful in the FA Cup ballot so saving myself for that, Toolroom Knights @ MoS and then the last Gods night at Air on the sunday.
We've got one of these wacky weekends where they've declared Saturday a work day and, in return, we get Monday off. Tuesday is the May Day bank holiday


Friday - mostly quiet night. Might meet some friends for dinner
Saturday - Stop by a party for a DJ friend who is celebrating 20 yrs in the business
Sunday - Watch football in afternoon. Hope to make it to club Solyanka for a live show by We Have Band
Monday - No plans at present. Might take it easy after 2 nights out
Tuesday - Rest, relax
Friday - Sunday: Scweeeeeeeeet FA.

Having a quiet one this weekend. Found out I've been successful in the FA Cup ballot so saving myself for that, Toolroom Knights @ MoS and then the last Gods night at Air on the sunday.

Drink at gods? We never seem to actually meet up at these nights! :lol:
We only have one (dog) now, the other one died :cry: But yes Lottie can be seen sporting the below atire when the heavens open :lol:

He`s not happy on that beach..:lol:
Taking it easy Friday .

Weatherall & Matthew dear @ subclub on Saturday night, couple of pals coming down to Glasgow for it, should be a good / long night!!!:)
Dinner and show tonight with big nose. :lol:

Tomorrow evening with the kids and no doubt 3 hours of Just Dance on the wii.

Saturday take kids karate then onto the home of football. Supposed bbq after that which i will be swerving out off.

Sunday - whatever the kids want to do. I am hoping one of them wants to see the Avengers. If not just a chilled day and bit of footy on the box. Nothing too exciting.
Very true. Just a pain, whenever I end up in town and I don't have a plan of action, Mint is always shut.
Tonight - can't decide whether to go to this at Oval Space, Bethnal Green or not. Don't fancy a snoozefest or a bunch of tossers. Any thoughts from anyone welcome !! 3rd time I've got cold feet about one of their parties and £22 now so not feeling blaze :


Saturday - tickets for Electric Deluxe at Brixton Academy. However, short sets and masses to do making me unconvinced at the mo !

Sunday - recovery or work me thinks.
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Very good night at Mint last night, great set from Danny Daze, really starting to enjoy his sets.

Considering I'm primarily a trance fan and wasn't drinking a lot better than expected. Being in Mint club makes it all the more better
Tonight, train to Nottingham to see the girlfriend - may head out for a few lemonades ;D

Saturday - hoping it'll be relatively quiet, attempting to go to see Avengers at some point after having to sit through Titanic a few weeks back :spank:

Sunday - Train home AM, dump my stuff in the car and jump back on to the train to SW6 to see Chelsea play some small side from the slums of West London :lol:

Hoping this will be relatively quiet and good on me financially after booking flights to Munich earlier in the week for the CL Final and then finding out yesterday I have a buckled wheel on my Mini :-(. Having custom bloody alloys meaning I couldn't find a replacement 1 and have had to shell out for a set of 4!

RIP Savings. Long live MasterCard!

*Disclaimer - In no way do I recommend people fund their weekend antics and boozing via MasterCard. I will not be held liable for irresponsibility by others following this post. Thank you. Please.
Hoping this will be relatively quiet and good on me financially after booking flights to Munich earlier in the week for the CL Fina
I feel your pain. Between that, the FA Cup final and my friend's wedding back in the States, the month of May is turning out to be a serious drain on the resources!

Have you found a hotel yet?
I feel your pain. Between that, the FA Cup final and my friend's wedding back in the States, the month of May is turning out to be a serious drain on the resources!

Have you found a hotel yet?

Just need to sort myself a match ticket now!

Not bothering with a hotel, going with my Dad as my brother can't afford it.

Flying out from Manchester at 9am on match day getting to Munich for 12ish then leave Munich at 6.45 the following morning so will hopefully have a few celebratory drinks if all goes our way in Munich then off to the airport again after the game! Going to be a tiring day but fingers crossed it'll be worth it! I'm at Kanye West & Jay Z's opening night of their tour on the Friday as well! Going to be a manic weekend!

How's your search gone? Are you sorted for a match ticket as well? Chelsea are taking a day and an age releasing the ticket selling procedures - rumour has it we shall all be told tomorrow. Great month being Chelsea, especially todays hammer of QPR. Carefree!
Good weekend, all?

A classic for me.

Amazing time at my friend's wedding including me, worse for wear, choosing the wrong door for the bathroom at 5am Sunday morning. The clunk of a heavier door that one would expect on a bathroom was followed by the realisation that I was no longer benefitting from the darkness of black blinds, despite having not reached for a light switch. I was in the corridor and no amount of door banging and shouting could wake the missus. And yes, I was stark b****** naked. I must have been spotted on the CCTV system because after about 5 mins, a chap appeared in hotel uniform and asked me what I was doing. I explained my predicament (and I now recollect I did so with no effort to cover myself up) and he disappeared and returned with a spare keycard. The whole saga was about 10 mins in all, but could have been so much worse, with naked visits to reception etc:lol:

The wedding itself was amazing and it's always nice to get a mention in the speeches. Missing the flight for the stag do guaranteed that!:lol:

The other big thing about the weekend for me was an impromptu visit to my Grandfather's grave. We drove into the small Irish town of Charleville on Friday night and on the way in, I recognised a grey wall and grey iron gate from somwehere in my dim and distant memory. I'd been here once before, at 9 years of age in 1983. A quick check in the morning confirmed that the rogue that made the rogue that is my Dad, who subsequently somehow broke the cycle and produced a fine upstanding young gent:)lol:), was indeed buried here. I've never been big on sentimentality, but I left some flowers and a note so that some other random passing relative might see he was remembered.

Landed at Stansted after 11 last night, wasn't in bed until 1 and up at 5.30am this morning, so pretty knackered, but worth it for a special weekend. (Also only have 2.5 days in the office until 5 days in Tenegrief, so can't really complain)