Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member

Friday - fly to Cork, pick up hire car and drive to Limerick. Meet up with the paddies and other fellow plastics for a couple of beers

Sat - up early for a swim in the hotel pool, breakfast and then the main event - my mate's wedding. A full day's drinking may get me over having to go to a church!

Sun - Early swim? Maybe. Sunday afternoon watching others great drunk, before driving back for evening flight home.

Meant to be p1ssing down all weekend, as is to be expected on visiting Ireland:lol:

Friday night - out with peeps from work

Saturday - the old man's birthday. I'll likely make him homemade pizza for his birthday dinner.

Sunday - foraging?
Heading up to the Lake District for 4 days - hired a lovely country cottage and going to involve lots of dog walking, hiking, a couple of early morning trail runs :oops::lol: and lots of hearty pub grub :D
Thursday - Monday: New fella visiting from down south for the whole weekend. Pretty relaxed weekend planned but probably will involve a few dinners and maybe Sankeys on Friday.

:) Ashamed to admit, I'm rediculously excited!!! Not been on a date in ages!
Heading up to the Lake District for 4 days - hired a lovely country cottage and going to involve lots of dog walking, hiking, a couple of early morning trail runs :oops::lol: and lots of hearty pub grub :D

Is it not due to hammer down all weekend there as well? (Hola, btw!)
Is it not due to hammer down all weekend there as well? (Hola, btw!)

It's actually looking alright (well as alright as the NW England is going to be in April) - but never fear, in my new status as a hiker type I am fully gore-tex-ed up to the max in case of showers and the like :oops::lol:
It's actually looking alright (well as alright as the NW England is going to be in April) - but never fear, in my new status as a hiker type I am fully gore-tex-ed up to the max in case of showers and the like :oops::lol:

Good good. Do the dogs have goretex also?:lol:
Good good. Do the dogs have goretex also?:lol:

We only have one (dog) now, the other one died :cry: But yes Lottie can be seen sporting the below atire when the heavens open :lol:

Oh no! Sorry to hear that. Was it just old age? (They were rescue dogs IIRC, so not puppies when you got them?)

Lottie looks very smart. The missus and I really want a dog but can't really look after one atm.
Oh no! Sorry to hear that. Was it just old age? (They were rescue dogs IIRC, so not puppies when you got them?)

Lottie looks very smart. The missus and I really want a dog but can't really look after one atm.

Yep it was just old age and things starting to fail on the old boy :cry: They were both rescue dogs and fortunately (touch wood) Lottie, despite being 11 last week, acts like she is going on about 3 :lol:
cute doggie:D

friday: gym or bike ride after work depending on weather.

saturday: 930am flight to ibiza! 8) Drive round see the island , hopefully some sunbathing ,Kumharas and pacha sat night maybe.

sunday: perhaps Cala d'hort and es boldado, poss blue marlin
monday: more beaches, Ibiza town and maybe a meal at Es caliu. Catch City v Utd

Tuesday : :(
Yep it was just old age and things starting to fail on the old boy :cry: They were both rescue dogs and fortunately (touch wood) Lottie, despite being 11 last week, acts like she is going on about 3 :lol:

Aww. Hope she (and you guys) has fun.
Friday - Work do - hoping to schlep off early.

Saturday - Have a client coming over :)lol:) then possible birthday drinks and Beauty & the Beat in the eve.

Sunday - General louche behaviour.
friday , afternoon pints catching up with a mate who's moving to japan then its someones leaving do who's going back to oz as her visa is expired.

saturday - no plans but have a ticket to Speedy J , Marcel Dettman etc at Electric in Brixton but to be honest i fancy a night off

sunday - nada
Friday: Gym and quiet evening

Saturday: Going out for a few drinks for a mates 21st

I've got Godskitchen the may day weekend, and OTR two weeks after.
Would of done Passion, but I'm saving up at the moment, so can't do more than two 'big' nights a month.

I know the feeling. May is gonna be an incredibly tight month for me financially, especially with the Openings at the end of month, but so many good parties going on in the UK before I fly out. Gonna be tough to stop myself from venturing out and going over budget!