Weekend Plans

Friday - As expected, did very, very little.

Saturday - Second date. Went well :) (I think so, anyway, I've got a third date out of it)

Sunday - Went over to Wakefield to catch up with a mate I've not seen for a few weeks.
Say Hi to Richard. Should be a fun one - so should the CLR afters @ Jaded. Full report wd be great 8).

Superfreq was legit. My 1st time @ Paramount & I have to say I"m a big fan of the place!

Magda absolutely killed it!! Bass driven vibes with some real weird sub-genre sounds going down mid-way through her set! the joint was going off! :D

Jaded was daaaaark deep rolling basslines. sweat off the walls sh!t - how it should be! Monoloc I was particularly feeling!

That's my music fix for another month ... looking forward to easter's get down now! 8)
Thursday - got way too drunk till way too late friday morning
Friday - could barely stomach my pancakes, cider helped a little
Saturday - Early night turned into not going to bed, staying up and heading the pub
Sunday - finally dropped dead at 8ish
Monday -- woke up with a horrific hangover for the first day in my new job. shook my head at myself lots and was generally pissed off wit life
Tuesday - finally feel a little better. Dreading Sankeys Friday because I know it will all happen again :(
Oh and to add insult to injury - ventured into the garden to do something random, bent down and managed to stab myself under the lip with a shrub branch and give myself what looks like the best, most huge scabby coldsore in the history of scabby lips/chins, that coupled with my scaley red nose and red watery eyes puts me up there as a contender for Britains next top Model !

You're painting a delightful picture ! :lol:

Superfreq was legit. My 1st time @ Paramount & I have to say I"m a big fan of the place!


Jaded was daaaaark deep rolling basslines. sweat off the walls sh!t - how it should be! Monoloc I was particularly feeling!

Glad you enjoyed Paramount - only ever been up there for Superfreq and vibe was good. Last Saturday was 10th anniversary and a big crowd of the long-time regulars were there from all over.

Did Chris Liebing, Brian Sanhaji or Tommy Four Seven turn up at Jaded in the end ? .. or was it just Monoloc and Chris Stanford from CLR ?
Did Chris Liebing, Brian Sanhaji or Tommy Four Seven turn up at Jaded in the end ? .. or was it just Monoloc and Chris Stanford from CLR ?

Yeah, it was a great crowd. I heard even a Mr Danny Rampling was up there getting his Freq on! 8)

Tommy Four Seven was @ Jaded but I don't think ( ;) ) i saw Liebing or Sanhaji ... We departed around 11ish somewhat jaded :p