weekend plans

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
Tonight - vicars & tarts party with people from work. I'm going as a plain clothes vicar (i.e. I ain't dressing up). :lol:

Tomorrow - date :D

1st time out since NYE. :spank:
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Not actually seen one of these for awhile. :lol:

Long weekend for me.

First time I've had four solid days off since Ibiza last year.

Friday - Finish work early, drive down to London. Head out somewhere (no idea where yet, thoughts?). I'm staying in Uxbridge, so Matter, et al, are just too far.

Saturday - Catch up with three different sets of mates I've not seen for awhile. Quiter night, maybe head to Hoxton / Shorditch for a couple of drinks.

Sunday - Head to essex to see Family.

Monday - Uni friends wedding in Essex, somewhere.

Tuesday - Drive back up to Leeds, may go via Birmingham to see grand parents.
Tonight - vicars & tarts party with people from work. I'm going as a plain clothes vicar (i.e. I ain't dressing up). :lol:

Tomorrow - date :D

1st time out since NYE. :spank:

love it! you're like Mr PL -:D last party that was FD that we went to (Halloween) Phil went in his civvies and everyone was having a go at him for not making the effort so he told everyone he was a serial killer - based on the fact "they always look like a regular every day person - just like your next door neighbour" :lol::lol::lol:

We are off to Liverpool for a wedding tomorrow in Southport so looking forward to catching up with the Liverpool family 8)

No doubt hungover to hell for the drive back on Sunday :spank:
John Digweed at The Grand Hotel Jersey :p

Check in at 2pm, use the spa, open the grey goose and 1800 tequila and get massively involved!

John's first visit back since circa 1995 and a lot of people very excited at the thought of seeing him in a 500 capacity room on a Funktion 1 Rig. 8)
I'm going as a plain clothes vicar (i.e. I ain't dressing up). :lol:

Tomorrow - date :D

GL with the date, JV. Could this be the one??

love it! you're like Mr PL -:D last party that was FD that we went to (Halloween) Phil went in his civvies and everyone was having a go at him for not making the effort so he told everyone he was a serial killer - based on the fact "they always look like a regular every day person - just like your next door neighbour" :lol::lol::lol:

Honestly never understood the whole fancy dress party caper, humbug, what is the point?:confused: Will bear in mind Mr PL's neat little side-step :lol:

fri: run, then baby sitting, waiting for the stumbling noises @ anytime from midnight onwards, wifey doesn't know how to come in quietly after a few wines :rolleyes: :)

sat: run & meal deal & film

sun: run & mysterious invite from the neighbours to fulfill:confused:
No trance today in London, Ben ! It's dubstep central most places and as you don't like noddy tech house either the choices are a bit limited !

Why not give Hernan & Jimmy a go .. then let us know if they were rubbish :lol:. Setiously, Hernan plays decent sets more proggy but very good, and Jimmy van M is former production beast - could be making a comeback... only one way to find out for sure.
Actually, I enjoyed Hernan last time I saw him play at MoS :p . I also enjoy Tech House :p
Just somewhat limited usually by the people I tend to go with, so never get much of a chance to go to the nights. Went to one up in Leeds a couple of weeks back. The night was dead, but the music was good. :)

Everytime I go to London, I go to MoS. I wouldn't mind another venue for a change ;)
It's crispy duck Friday :p

I wondered what had happened to her. :lol:

GL with the date, JV. Could this be the one??

Honestly never understood the whole fancy dress party caper, humbug, what is the point?:confused: Will bear in mind Mr PL's neat little side-step :lol:

The date's with someone who messaged me on POF just last night. She's 24, 12 years younger than my good self:!: She looks okay, writes okay... good to meet before you start building up too much of an impression in your mind. Because I'm out tonight, I could have left off meeting till next weekend, but she's working then... and he who hesitates, masturbates, as the saying goes. :lol:

Last time, I went to a Halloween party without fancy dress, I agreed to be covered in fake blood. It was fun going clubbing afterwards; a few people assumed I'd been in a fight. :lol: :spank:
The date's with someone who messaged me on POF just last night. She's 24, 12 years younger than my good self:!: She looks okay, writes okay... good to meet before you start building up too much of an impression in your mind.

Remember JV, if she sounds good on the phone add 2 stone, looks good on the PC, add 3:lol:
John Digweed at The Grand Hotel Jersey :p

Check in at 2pm, use the spa, open the grey goose and 1800 tequila and get massively involved!

John's first visit back since circa 1995 and a lot of people very excited at the thought of seeing him in a 500 capacity room on a Funktion 1 Rig. 8)

Saw him on the 4th up here at a small gig and he took the roof off - one of my better clubbing nights it has to be said in a long while.....8)
Hernan is always brilliant at The Gallery, I might pop down today, unlikely though.

Shame you couldn't make it down. Anyhow having been scuppered in my last-minute decision to bomb up to Manchester for Max Cooper Live @ Antwerp Mansion (he was absolutely amazing apparently - finishing with Trentmoller - take me under your skin), by a 5-mile hour long tail-back 8 miles from home, I turned around & went to MOS myself.

Have to say the crowd was next to clueless and I severely chastised 3 separate people for bad manners AGAIN in there before moving over the other side of the Box from the door. I really am not a fan of the Ministry crowd. So many suits and ties also - ffs it's not a blooming West End Estate Agents' drinking den. Van M & Olly Lieb were playing some of the most deadly dull prog I've heard in ages (their new stuff apparently :!:). Best avoid. Was saved by the Baby Box 'till 3am when Hernan came on.

Was by far the druggiest set I've ever heard him play, anywhere. I had to imagine I'd dropped 3 old doves and enjoyed it immensely after that. Learning to enjoy dancing like a fiend to 120bpm seems to be a mandatory part of modern-day clubbing. It was all us over '30s who made the vibe and danced. A few young lads got in to it properly when we really started up. They looked like they were having a ball by the end and were great dancers too. Do kids not dance nowadays in each others' company ? We certainly had no shyness about it when we were that age :!:
Hernan is always brilliant at The Gallery, I might pop down today, unlikely though.

Shame you couldn't make it down. Anyhow having been scuppered in my last-minute decision to bomb up to Manchester for Max Cooper Live @ Antwerp Mansion (he was absolutely amazing apparently - finishing with Trentmoller - take me under your skin), by a 5-mile hour long tail-back 8 miles from home, I turned around & went to MOS myself.

Have to say the crowd was next to clueless and I severely chastised 3 separate people for bad manners AGAIN in there before moving over the other side of the Box from the door. I really am not a fan of the Ministry crowd. So many suits and ties also - ffs it's not a blooming West End Estate Agents' drinking den. Van M & Olly Lieb were playing some of the most deadly dull prog I've heard in ages (their new stuff apparently :!:). Best avoid. Was saved by the Baby Box 'till 3am when Hernan came on.

Was by far the druggiest set I've ever heard him play, anywhere. I had to imagine I'd dropped 3 old doves and enjoyed it immensely after that. Learning to enjoy dancing like a fiend to 120bpm seems to be a mandatory part of modern-day clubbing. It was all us over '30s who made the vibe and danced. A few young lads got in to it properly when we really started up. They looked like they were having a ball by the end and were great dancers too. Do kids not dance nowadays in each others' company ? We certainly had no shyness about it when we were that age :!: