Weekend plans

Im working tomorrow, but booked sunday off to go see Kevin Griffiths at a wharehouse in Nottingham. Was quite excited to until I saw the line up at the arches :( :D
Ah well, been a while since I got trollied, it might not be pounding techno but it should be a decent house set and also looking forward to seeing Nick Lawson to hoping he plays some deep house to get us in the groove 8)
Jaded @ Cable, London Bridge.
Aquarium Shoreditch.
An I hear Vauxhall is open pretty much the whole weekend.
flight to Liverpool in 4hrs and straight off the plane and into Nation for the Cream night...
Anfield tomorrow to hopefully get a ticket outside the ground then Southport to visit a mate...
flight home on Tuesday...

one of the guys going to Cream is already on the boat over... he left at 10:30 this morning and hasn't been to sleep yet since yesterday... hopefully he's still alive by the time we land... :lol::lol::lol:
Yip Pressure tonight at arches for me as well, probably hit the afters @ substanz if we get into the arches in time to buy the tickets for it.

supposed to be going to fantazia @ arches on the saturday night as well, will see how i feel after pressure:)...football on sunday.

probably animal farm/radio slave, vitalic, then split time between sebo k and surgeon..depending on what the others fancy doing...think a big crowd of us going tonight.

mr vodka, if you spot a guy in a Tresor cosmo t-shirt, most likely be me, just stop me and say hello.

Was a good night. Only let down is the magic dust is really starting to lose it's magic for me. A small amount and I get a stupid rave face (people standing at reception in the hotel I was staying at had a good laugh at me on my return :oops:) and not much euphoria. :rolleyes:
Too much tolerance, or different magic dust? Could be MCat. That stuff gives me rave face but not much euphoria.
Too much tolerance, or different magic dust? Could be MCat. That stuff gives me rave face but not much euphoria.

No, was proper stuff. Wish I'd had mmcat instead! Actually, I did last week. :rolleyes: I think a lot of these things are cross tolerant.
Had a nice relaxing sober weekend. 'Twas a lovely sunny day today. The wind had dropped so made it down to the beach without the usual winter wardrobe on. Dog was looking forward to a nice walk .. and ended up on a run :)... good as gold all evening !

Sorry to hear about the 2 young guys who died after a bad MDMA batch at Prydz's Ally Pally gig. As JD said .. take care out there and party responsibly. Heard mixed reports back on the event, especially Digweed's set being only one hour :spank:. Any more thoughts from those who went ?

An I hear Vauxhall is open pretty much the whole weekend.

... for "business" ! :lol:
Sorry to hear about the 2 young guys who died after a bad MDMA batch at Prydz's Ally Pally gig. As JD said .. take care out there and party responsibly. Heard mixed reports back on the event, especially Digweed's set being only one hour :spank:. Any more thoughts from those who went ?

Where did you hear that about the 2 people dieing? Thats sad

I actually thought the night on a whole was average, from the start I never thought the line up was that great, john digweeds set was disappointing, and eric prydz was less that epic! I dont even remember seeing simion moble disco, which is a shame as I was looking forward to them, I think im going off large scale events like this.. at least I didnt spend much money, as it was such a mission to keep going backwards and forwards to the bar!!
Back to Basics 20th birthday bash was a fantastic night, happy happy people having a good time all night long.

Never seen so many people in the club before, great atmosphere all night, some of the bars ran out of everything but alcopops:eek:

Went to the loft leading up to midnight to see what Howard Marks would be playing, I think the first record was an elvis number:lol: Was good fun for a short while listening to random 60's and 70's music...

Not sure the night overall was as old skool as our group expected but was a great night all the same. Was a bit too rammed for wifey, eventually leading to her calling time around 4:30, was hoping to see it out until 9am close :(

Met the lovely Crispy Duck early in the night at which point we were both compos mentis! Great seeing you, hope you had a great night.

Love Basics, just wish I was ten years younger so I could enjoy it's dark pleasures for a few more years :)
Ooh. I want to play. Back to old form for me this weekend.

Friday - Managed to swing an invite to a closed warehouse party with Northern Lite, Justice and Booka Shade :D Amazingly fun time. Great music, atmosphere and crowd. Probably the best party I've been to here in ages. Headed over to Krysha Mira for a couple of hours in the morning to catch a decent DJ named Paul Ritch.

Saturday - Went to the opening party for my friend's new cafe, followed by a late Mexican dinner with friends, then to a bar for a drink or two, then to Solyanka for a very good live performance by Joakim and his band (ie. his drummer :lol:). Ran into a mate I hadn't seen in ages and ended up back at his place having tacos for breakfast :lol:

Sunday - Relaxed afternoon, dinner at a friend's place
Friday - Finished work at 4pm. Haven't finished that early for quite some time. Had a couple of beers, then headed down to Sheffield. Went with my flat mate, and another guy I met at Digital Society at the start of October. Turned up to Off The Rails at 11.15. Jordan Suckley was on the decks when we got in, playing a whole host of tunes from the last 5 or so years.
Met a couple more mates at the club, who were mashed already.

Ronski Speed came, and dropped some great tunes. Then Andy Moor carried things on. Things get a little hazey around this point. Next thing I really recall, is it being 6am and the club closing. Train back to Leeds, then taxi home. Got home for 8.30 am. Too wired to sleep. So spent the entire day in bed watching Scrubs, and other comedies which required very little thinking power. :lol: Got Pizza at about 9pm as I'd finally found the ability to eat. Was in bed by 11pm Saturday, having been up since 7am on Friday.

Sunday - Slept until 10am, then headed down to Birmingham to see family. Was a lovely drive down, and great to see the grandparents. Roast dinner was a nice bonus.
Shot over to Coventry and picked up some vinyl. Some great classics amongst the lot. 25 new records is nothing to be upset about. :). Drove back to Leeds, then spent a couple of hours mixing tracks on my turntables. This was the first mix I'd had...probably ever, where I stuck solely to Turntables. Didn't use the CDJs once.
I had a quality night on sat Kevin Griffiths was a lot better then I expected. Had a chat with him at the toilet to :D We agreed not to shake hands considering the circumstances, dont think he was off his head in the same manner I was though :spank: He was a nice bloke though, very surprised with the ego of some DJ's. Or at least their perception. Got in at 6 and went to bed and woke up at 1030 :( more beer and vodka and collected kids and been rough as a badgers backside all day. The bike ride back from college is uphill I could feel the crap sweating out of me like my body was crying out for help :lol:
I went to WMF and had mixed feeling about it too.
Atmosphere wasn't the best in my opinion.
Really enjoyed Maya and Digweeds sets. Most people only had a hour which wasnt really long enough to get into it properly though.

One of the lads that died went the night before to the Dub step night.

Spoke to a few people who had their phones and wallets stolen as well which is never nice to see / hear.
Friday - Managed to swing an invite to a closed warehouse party with Northern Lite, Justice and Booka Shade :D Amazingly fun time. Great music, atmosphere and crowd. Probably the best party I've been to here in ages.

8) - DJ set or live ? Glad you managed to get to it - sounds like a good party !

Where did you hear that about the 2 people dieing? Thats sad

I actually thought the night on a whole was average, from the start I never thought the line up was that great, john digweeds set was disappointing, and eric prydz was less that epic! I dont even remember seeing simion moble disco, which is a shame as I was looking forward to them, I think im going off large scale events like this.. at least I didnt spend much money, as it was such a mission to keep going backwards and forwards to the bar!!

You know the way forward .. smaller venues, quality crowds and fewer DJs playing longer sets. Bit like Morbyd's Friday night :D.

http://news.sky.com/home/video/16118819 - listening to it was actually one death on each of Friday & Saturday nights at the Together WMF. Very sad indeed .. both were sold out events so guess the odds were up a bit.