Weekend Plans

I had half a bottle of wine, mojito, pizza and chips thanks to a friend who can put our lunch down as "expenses"

Feeling good!
Friday: Travelling back to see me Familia for the evening/night.

Saturday: Field Day with Leftroom Warehouse party for afters

Sunday: This day worries me. Haa!
Going to pop down to Shoreditch for Coconut Ritz at the Horse & Groom. Fancy a quiet one tonight ;):p
Today till Sun: Work

Mon till Fri: IBIZA

first time in 5 years so am keen to dip my toe back into the waters (Aguas Blancas for choice)

After 5 years away mate this wiill be your best yet. I hope you have a great time Russ
I was tempted to see mr c play there, let me know what it was like.

Had a blast actually, even though it was rammed to the gunnels downstairs and getting drinks was a marathon. Eventually got in there around 1 in the end.

Everyone happy with the ‘kids' being late 20s and a good old pissed-up up Friday night glam & grunge melay to make new friends from and talk b***ocks to… dolled-up sequined groupies on their way to Berlin, loads of chatty luvvies having a ball, old soaks, forty-somethings gagging for a s**g, some serious ‘party people' with a few Latinos and Germans (and me) thrown in. Just wish it didn't have to stop at 4.

Musically, it was great – deep, throbbing, dirty heaven mixed up with a few Mr C touches and a couple of regular songs thrown in towards the end. Seems Jamie Jones remixes do it for the Horse & Groom as much as they do it for Fabric.. he'd been out buying new vinyl too and was spinning the Technics.

Richard was obviously really enjoying being in his home town, even though he was ‘behaving' more than I thought he would. Gf there keeping an eye on him, and enjoying the venue rather less so, I reckon ..

He inevitably took to the mike towards the end, taunting merrily ‘f**k you, Shoreditch, f**k you all – is that the best you can do ?' at which point half the room gave him the (jocular) finger, yelling ‘f**k you too' and danced away. Some confused-looking ‘tourists' ! Bouncer tried to stop the music at 3.56 and the usual pantomime ensued - Richard with his arms in the air and gappy-toothed smile, singing, as arms waved and watches got tapped all around. Resisted the temptation to go to afters – too much to do.. well worth going down for all in all.