Weekend Plans

still recovering from last weekend, you'd think going out on a friday would mean longer to recover but i was wrong it just meant more time to get wrecked!! So this weekend I think i may have a quiet one, flying out to ibiza on Wednesday so have lots of last minute shopping and beauty appointments and gym plus housework packing etc so I may manage to be well behaved this weekend.

It would be lush to be feeling frsh and ready to go when i get to the airport wednesday 8)
Friday: Round of golf followed by seeing Status Quo in the evening.

Saturday: SOCCER SATURDAY :D:D How i have missed 3pm football on a saturday afternoon. Can't wait to be re-acquainted with Jeff and the gang.

Sunday: Relax
seriously considering popping into Field Day on Sun.

Just read this and :lol: .. emphasis on absolutely classic excerpts :

Village Mentality 2011
Helping the spirit of the village fair live on in one leafy corner of Hackney, head to the Village Mentality area on The Village Green for a fantastic mix of traditional side stalls inspired by country pastimes and wholesome fete games. 2011 sees some new additions and old favourites taking place – making Village Mentality a bit like a Royal Wedding

except a) it's salt of the earth b) it doesn't cost very much c) it's not televised. There will be teatowels though.

On the Village Green – hosted by the infamous Bearded Kitten fresh from their Glastonbury extravaganza The Bull Ring is :

Blindfold Sweetcorn Husking Championship
Scone Throwing
Vegetable Discus
Broom Sweeping Slalem
Pull the Short Straw
Apron String Shuffle Race
Human Wheelbarrow
Tug of War hosted by the official Tug of War Association


Dalston Darling's official Women's Institute are taking over the Village Green tent.- expect lots of cake plus something a bit different as Field Day are pleased to announce fashion icon Fee Doran AKA Mrs Jones will be on site to help Sort Yourself Out Love – created by event organiser Kelly Love , Hair Mistress Victoria Saunders and Fashion Designer to the stars Mrs Jones, Field Dayers will be able to pop in to SYOL for a quick dynamic festival restyle by this crack creative team : then join in the themed Dalston Darling's W.I tea party – Alice in W.I. Land. :lol:

For liquid refreshment check out the Real Ale Tent and the Pimms Bus

Plus Ping Pong from East London based Young Offenders Institute :eek:


All this accompanied by strains of modern classics from The Farnborough Concert Band of the Royal British Legion on the Village Green Bandstand.
Kimajy i love your passion for posting :D lol

Friday - Get to see the BF at last, aint seen him since Thursday morning :spank:

Saturday - Family BBQ (BF's family - time for me to meet some more of them) down in Southampton.

Sunday - No doubt il be hanging in the morning :evil: so it depends what human state i am in :lol:
4 day week for me woohoo!

Thursday - girly dinner and drinks

Friday - ANOTHER wedding! 6th one this year! Going for the full day and heard it's a free bar so looking forward to making the most of that ;)

Saturday - Field Day 8)

Sunday - recovery
So, my Big Chill experience looks like being a wet one after a week of scorching heat:lol:

A 'Like the Murphys' weekend ?

Yeah, I'm not bitter!:lol:

Nah, should be ok - we're in the guest camping so there might even be half decent showers. And the missus isn't a pain in the arse about a bit of mud, unlike past other halves, so we're still looking forward to it!
Yeah, I'm not bitter!:lol:

Nah, should be ok - we're in the guest camping so there might even be half decent showers. And the missus isn't a pain in the arse about a bit of mud, unlike past other halves, so we're still looking forward to it!

Never been to this one but setting looks great. Like Chemical Brothers .. bit clueless on most of the rest :oops: .. Is Herefordshire big enough to accommodate Kanye's ego, tho' :eek:

:idea: Sure you will enjoy regardless of the weather. Especially with warnings like this on a festival website :

"Even if a wristband appears secure it may still be lost or stolen especially if you get involved in lively crowd activity, “moshing” etc.".

No sh1t !! :lol:
Tonight a sunset boat party on a huge catamaran with ATFC playing. Then onto drinks in a beach bar and then onto our local club with Aydin playing some more, should be fun if the waves stay calm :confused:

Friday- curl up and die before working the night shift ggrrrrr :spank:

Saturday- Family day at beach then work again gggrrrr :spank:

Sunday- Lie in then beach if not too hot, then work again ggggrrr :spank:

:lol: (I dont really get weekends at the mo :( :lol: )
Hmm, I turned down Field Day for Big Chill and at the moment the weather is better for the latter. Perhaps there is a Flying Spaghetti Monster!:lol:
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Hmm, I turned down Field Day for Big Chill and at the moment the weather is better for the latter. Perhaps their is a Flying Spaghetti Monster!:lol:

An artist's impression.

My weekend starts in a few minutes, though can't get on it till I pick my mate up at 9. :evil: