Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
Early post inspired by start of week from hell!

Thursday night: 5-a-side
Friday - Sunday: BIG CHILL!
Fri: Dinner out with mate then the start of 2 more weeks off work - been back since yesterday and quite frankly had enough already :lol::lol::lol:

Sat: got some freebies for some festival called Ignition up here - might pop along to that

Sun: Close House - free 3 course Sunday Lunch with wine and a sleep over - got a complimentary upgrade to a super posh room 8)

Mon: got to come in and do a work thingy for a few hours but that's it....

Going to see Empire of the Sun in concert tomorrow.

Might go see a friend DJ at an open air party on Friday night

Going to the Red Bull Flugtag on Sunday.

Otherwise not much planned this week or this coming weekend, and not much going on. There will probably be drinking on Friday and Saturday night, but to what degree is undetermined...
Buckley: What's up?

Friday: Late night drive up to Dumfries to see the GF.
Saturday: Late wake up as the GF has work, then off to a brewery, then dinner
Sunday: Late wake up with the GF, then down to Carlise for the afternoon to see Harry Potter, then drive back to Leeds
Mate's coming up from down south Thursday - Monday.

Mix of foraging, getting ****ed up and going out planned. :lol:
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Spending time with la familia seeing as I have been neglecting them in favour of wild weekends with my mates the last few weeks :lol:
Early post inspired by start of week from hell!

Fire someone:twisted:

Sat: Setoff to Ireland for family holiday with in-laws, bro in-law etc. One heck of a drive from Leeds to a place called Letterfrac over in the far south west corner.

Sun: -> onwards: holiday stuff....

Had an emergency op on my right eye last sat and look like something from a horror movie, great excuse for keeping out of the mandatory holiday snaps for a week:lol:
Buckley: What's up?

Just work stuff mate. Went to a meeting yesterday to find it had been decided that I was leading today's tender presentation for our joint venture, after the rest of our delegation had worked on it all last week.:twisted:

And then the client ignores the submission and start throwing curveballs in their questions this morning.

Aced it, but stressful!
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Going to see Empire of the Sun in concert tomorrow.

Might go see a friend DJ at an open air party on Friday night

Going to the Red Bull Flugtag on Sunday.

Otherwise not much planned this week or this coming weekend, and not much going on. There will probably be drinking on Friday and Saturday night, but to what degree is undetermined...

My god I LOVE THEM!! Pls report back!
My fellas away on a stag in Newquay Fri to Sun so my weekend consists of

Friday - day off shopping with girl pal, drinks out with g@y pal in evening

Saturday - tidy up, friends over in evening for wine, takeaway, DVDs

Sunday - not sure
Going to see Empire of the Sun in concert tomorrow.

Might go see a friend DJ at an open air party on Friday night

Going to the Red Bull Flugtag on Sunday.

Otherwise not much planned this week or this coming weekend, and not much going on. There will probably be drinking on Friday and Saturday night, but to what degree is undetermined...

Definitely the tamest weekend plans I have seen for you for ages, Morbyd. You will be climbing the walls:lol:
Today till Sun: Work

Mon till Fri: IBIZA

first time in 5 years so am keen to dip my toe back into the waters (Aguas Blancas for choice)