Weekend Plans

I see the runner's up were my former secondary school!

I suspect you are mistaken Becki. I reckon you when to Parmiter's School, as I know you're from Watford, but the above two schools which feed this club are in Essex.

That reminds me...on an average day, how many times do you get told that your voice sounds EXACTLY the same as the Mark guy on Only Way is Essex?

Seriously, I can close my eyes and it's like I'm watching a fly-on-the-wall documentary on you telling your fiance she can't come to the club with you as you're 'working' :lol:
That reminds me...on an average day, how many times do you get told that your voice sounds EXACTLY the same as the Mark guy on Only Way is Essex?

Seriously, I can close my eyes and it's like I'm watching a fly-on-the-wall documentary on you telling your fiance she can't come to the club with you as you're 'working' :lol:

is Mark not based on Buckley??:)
That reminds me...on an average day, how many times do you get told that your voice sounds EXACTLY the same as the Mark guy on Only Way is Essex?

Never been said!

Seriously, I can close my eyes and it's like I'm watching a fly-on-the-wall documentary on you telling your fiance she can't come to the club with you as you're 'working' :lol:

I may have used that a few times back with gfs in the day:lol:
It's a bit off that they namecheck two schools, but not the original, on their homepage:


But yes, I can claim to have defeated your lot!:p

I think they recruit school-leavers from those two Essex schools (would be a bit hard to try and recruit people from Watford now). I wonder why the footy team moved to Essex rather than Hertfordshire? My school does loads of those OP events... leavers dinner, reunions yadayadayada. I don't go to any of them (too many posh people). :lol:
Never?! Next time it's on, do your serious/angry voice and say something misogynistic and see if anyone can tell the difference ;)

Apparently Mel said that "old me" was like him last night, but having had a few beers I'd completely forgotten it.

I tell you this purely to ruin her plan to bring it up on Wednesday!:spank:
Circo Loco @ the Arches was a lot quieter than I expected. Still good fun, though, perhaps due to the fact that I was far more wrecked than I'd predicted. :oops:

Thought that as well, and a severe lack of midgets or any decorations as it was touted to be having. Was still a good night musically though. After party was pretty good too. Don't see there being another one any time soon anyway after that turnout.