Weekend Plans


Well-Known Member
So, what are you guys up to this weekend?

Friday: Nowt, seems to be a quiet one.

Saturday: Quiet day, catch up with two weeks worth of washing (yes, I'm lazy), and then go to a Psy Trance night in Leeds called Cabbage. No idea what it's going to be like.

Sunday: Recover.
Friday - Attending a big fancy birthday party thrown by a friend in some rented mansion. Lots of art world people. Should be entertaining. Then Imperia Lounge to meet up with a mate and help entertain his delegation of 40 MBA students from California :confused:

Saturday - Might just take it easy... it's been a busy week
(edit: just remembered... have to attend opening party of a friend's new cafe :confused: glad it's an early-evening event)

Sunday - see above.
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Friday - work then chill

Saturday - decorating unless this sun keeps up, then drinks with friends in evening - first night out locally in ages, quite excited!

Sunday - chill
Working from home today8)

Tonight: Limitless or Submarine at the cinema

Tomorrow: AFA Cup Final. Big, big, game at local level. Gutted to be subbing but I've been taking painkillers to get through games all season so probably performing at 70%.

Tomorrow night: Celebrate, hopefully - surburban pub carnage with the whole football club. 7 teams plus subs and mates, more than likely in the Irish pub that still serves as a common room to our old school's 5th and 6th Form. And Ireland game will be on. Could be a tad messy.

Sunday - gf to nurse me through mysterious illness:lol:
Friday - work, gym, possibly a few drinks if one can be bothered...

Saturday - Not alot in the day, when single saturday days are a bit pony, quiet night in with the baby sister seeing she has to stay in and save money for her boobie op in April so it gives me an excuse to stay in and off the booze :lol:

Sunday - Off to a beautiful pub for sunday lunch and a chill out and gossip with the girls :D

*fingers crossed that the weather stays nice*
Saturday: Quiet day, catch up with two weeks worth of washing (yes, I'm lazy), and then go to a Psy Trance night in Leeds called Cabbage. No idea what it's going to be like..

A Psy Trance night named after veg?

Robder - break out the knitted tofu cardies! We have a situation!:lol:
Working from home today8)

Tonight: Limitless or Submarine at the cinema

Tomorrow: AFA Cup Final. Big, big, game at local level. Gutted to be subbing but I've been taking painkillers to get through games all season so probably performing at 70%.

Tomorrow night: Celebrate, hopefully - surburban pub carnage with the whole football club. 7 teams plus subs and mates, more than likely in the Irish pub that still serves as a common room to our old school's 5th and 6th Form. And Ireland game will be on. Could be a tad messy.

Sunday - gf to nurse me through mysterious illness:lol:

Heard some guys on the train saying how good this was, sounds worth seeing.
no never really bothered with London only ever been to matter. mad is good I like mad , I'm hoping to see lots of skattiness :)