Weekend Plans

I even managed to do a "parker-stack" as its now referred to - involved me tripping on the rug and flying backwards onto people on the sofa :D

Ahhh a girl after my own heart 8)

I don't even need a drink to trip up and be clumsy most of the time :lol:

Did you make the cocktails? I did, complete with black sugar rimmed glasses - I impressed myself!
Good to see you for those early drinks Rob, hope LowLife was good.

Wasn't expecting much from above & beyond at brixton, specially as my other clubbing experiences in that venue were not great but Saturday was a huge pleasant surprise.

They practically play all their big anjuna beats hits every time but the crowd was really friendly and all seemed as up for it as anything.

Did the other Rob make it to Trade then?
Ahhh a girl after my own heart 8)

I don't even need a drink to trip up and be clumsy most of the time :lol:

Did you make the cocktails? I did, complete with black sugar rimmed glasses - I impressed myself!

Same here - shoes a bit too big for me usually make me trip up around the office, why is it when you try shoes on with no socks/tights they fit then you whack them on with tights and you slip all over the place......
It was quite amusing flying backwards onto people though, back is hurting today :oops:

No I didnt, I ended up getting myself so stressed that I ran out of time, made cakes and food though 8)