Weekend Plans

Friday - fly to Munich, Bayern Munich v Freiburg at night
Sunday - fly to Vienna
Tuesday - train to Budapest
Thursday - train to Bratislava
Friday - fly home, Headway with Paul Daley of Leftfield / A Man Called Adam (if i've any money left)

most importantly, no work until 8 November :)

I'm sure you'll have fun in Munich, Phil

Friday - fly to Munich, Bayern Munich v Freiburg at night
Sunday - fly to Vienna
Tuesday - train to Budapest
Thursday - train to Bratislava
Friday - fly home, Headway with Paul Daley of Leftfield / A Man Called Adam (if i've any money left)

most importantly, no work until 8 November :)

Have a good one. Let us know what you think of Budapest. I was in Prague recently and I think Budapest beats it hands down as an eastern Europe destination.
Tonight seeing a preview of Due Date

Tomorrow not a lot

Saturday Drinks in Town then heading to Low Life

Sunday carry on then might go to watch Psycho & Halloween in one of my Local pubs

Monday off work to Treat my wife like a princess for her birthday
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Friday - fly to Munich, Bayern Munich v Freiburg at night
Sunday - fly to Vienna
Tuesday - train to Budapest
Thursday - train to Bratislava
Friday - fly home, Headway with Paul Daley of Leftfield / A Man Called Adam (if i've any money left)

most importantly, no work until 8 November :)

Do a review for us phil when you get back, with costs & how easy it is, this sounds ace.
Tonight seeing a preview of Due Date

Tomorrow not a lot

Saturday Drinks in Town then heading to Low Life

Sunday carry on then might go to watch Psycho & Halloween in one of my Local pubs

Monday off work to Treat my wife like a princess for her birthday

have fun at lowlife - really love those parties but cdn't make it this time - am however giving serious thought to the mark seven party they're doing on dec 3rd.
have fun at lowlife - really love those parties but cdn't make it this time - am however giving serious thought to the mark seven party they're doing on dec 3rd.

Cheers mate, the Easter one was one of the best nights i have had out in a long time! I saw that too but ill be on a plane heading to India that night!
Halloween. the one time of the year when goths and freaks don't feel so weird.
I never felt weird the rest of the year when I was growing up a Goth
I don't feel so weird the rest of the year now that I'm just your average freak :lol:
Do a review for us phil when you get back, with costs & how easy it is, this sounds ace.

Don't anticipate any problems. Booked hotels nearby train stations where possible to cut down on hassle.

Friday - fly to Munich West with Ryanair, £10 Bayern Munich v Freiburg at night €65 each (a bit steep, could've probably got cheaper had we been a bit smarter, but its not like your gonna do that kinda thing too often eh? Theres a shuttle bus from Munich West to Munich for about €20. Takes about an hour and a half to get into Munich, but I'm quite happy to do the transfer as it'll all be fresh scenery out the window.

Staying with a College pal who has lived in Munich since 2001, so no accomodation costs, although we are paying for his match ticket and plan to take him an the missus out for dinner on Saturday. I think a 3 day 2 person pass for the entire transport system costs something like €23, which will also get us to the airport to fly to Vienna.

Sunday - fly to Vienna £45 Had a room booked near the train station that leaves for Budapest for £42 a night between the two of us, but we've since changed to one about twice the price pretty much across the road from the train station to make life even easier as we want to get up and get to the new places by midday when we travel.

Tuesday - train to Budapest €30 (i believe) Decent looking hotel right beside train station again, £35 a night between the two of us. Money goes a bit further in Budapest, if your not scrimping you could get a really nice gaff for about £100 a night. Gonna spend the first afternoon at the Terror House museum, then the following day doing the tourist bus thing.

Thursday - train to Bratislava €30 Hotel we booked here is £42 for the night. Looks total dodge, but gets a decent write up. Some massive communist era hotel, which hasn't changed much since the 70s. Popular with stag dos. Pretty much the cheapest we could find. Bratislava hotels are dearer than I thought they would be. Quite happy to have a cheap hotel as I'm sure money will be a bit thin by the end of the week.

Friday - fly home £25

Since time is limited, probably going to do open top bus tours round Vienna, Budapest and Bratislava, hop on hop off efforts. Have a bit more time in Munich as the flight to Vienna on the Sunday isn't till around 8pm. Munich looks more fun on foot anyway. Sausage fest.

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be skint at the end of the week, but all in its not bad considering I get to take in a Bundesliga game and experience 4 countries i've never been to before.
Have a good one. Let us know what you think of Budapest. I was in Prague recently and I think Budapest beats it hands down as an eastern Europe destination.

Mr BG went there for his stag do last September. I'm not sure the pictures of him dressed as a gay biker, passed out with half an apple in his hand, or just in his pants getting a lapdance did the place justice....
Mr BG went there for his stag do last September. I'm not sure the pictures of him dressed as a gay biker, passed out with half an apple in his hand, or just in his pants getting a lapdance did the place justice....

Think you're meant to avoid the lapdance clubs. Thankfully, they're not all over the place like in Prague. But Budapest is awesome - plan to go back sometime in the not too distant future.
So... did everyone's weekend go as planned?
Friday - A friend's birthday party, followed by random clubbing to celebrate a different friend's birthday

Saturday - pick up the missus from the airport, put together some kind of costume, watch football in the afternoon. Early evening - might drop by one party a promoter friend is organizing, but later on it's Arma17 for their "Flying Circus" Halloween party with Dan Ghenacia and Audiofly headlining. 8)

Sunday - Rest, relax
Friday - Steak dinner with my mate whose birthday it was, then as noted above, followed by breakfast at Starlite Diner. Very very messy.

Saturday - the missus let me sleep in and took a taxi :) Started the evening at a Halloween house party before doing as planned above... only I'm not sure Ghenacia ever made it on as Audiofly just kept going for hours :lol:

Sunday - Watched the Social Network and Wall St Money Never Sleeps. First one was very good, second one not so much. Also made homemade dim sum.
So... did everyone's weekend go as planned?

Everything except the day off today which was vetoed by my boss. Damn him.

Very very messy Saturday night. Have vague recollections of having a dance off with some bloke, whilst dressed as the Corpse Bride then falling on my arse for my finale :lol:

Spent yesterday on the sofa craving Sunday lunch but not having anything remotely roastable in the fridge, I settled for bacon and eggs and was in bed by 8:45pm :oops:
Dim sum!! MMM yummy.

Mine was very messy, we had our first party at the flat, Halloween style. I was touched by how much effort all our friends went to, some of the costumes were great! Me and the other half were Malice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatter (scary style!). Had a great time though, I even managed to do a "parker-stack" as its now referred to - involved me tripping on the rug and flying backwards onto people on the sofa :D

I did think yesterday though why do I drink so much sometimes, the whole day was a complete write off for me, even walking out for a roast dinner didnt help - could hardly eat it :(