Weekend Plans...

jesus if you get that as take out imagine the dump you'll be taking later.

If anyone cares. My weekend plans involved a meeting last night at a late night coffee place in the heart of Melbourne and, I NEVER GOT MY ****ING COFFEE!!! (Gutted)

Today (valentines day) I'm giving my lady companion friend a toy monkey that sings "EVERY BODY DANCE NOW" and we're meeting up for love and cuddles ****, with the smell of bush fires setting the mood, but we're gonna have a larrrrrrrrvely day together. Probably catch a movie or some STDS's :spank: :)

Then tomorow, Relaxxxxxxxxxxx ... Chiiiiiiiiiiilaaaaaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Maybe make a mix or do my next writing assignment. Catch up on some easy work. Veg out on junk food and watch Alien 1 2 and 3 over and over again.... Then watch a UFO documentary and be scared and tremble beneath my blankets and text my lady lover saying "COMFORT ME WOMEN I'M BROWNING THY UNDIES" :)