Weekend Plans?


Active Member
So what is everyone up to this weekend coming?

My weekend kind of starts tonight, am out for drinks in the City with current work mates and some old work mates - be good to see some old faces!! Lots to catch up on.

Saturday have my bridesmaid dress fitting really excited about it even though the wedding is not until October :p:lol::lol:

Rest of weekend being Sat night and Sunday no plans yet, need a nice relaxing one with not much money being spent
I'm psyched it's Thursday already :)

Tonight - 2 art gallery openings

Friday - Drinks gathering for a friend visiting from London, followed by goodbye drinks for a Russian friend permanently moving to the US, followed by likely random club-hopping shenanigans (including a possible rare foray to a place called Shanti for DJ Rolando)

Saturday - Visit the sports bar for football in the afternoon. A friend's birthday in the evening, starting with a visit to an insanely overpriced restaurant that, to its credit, is on the 21st floor of its buildings with gorgeous views of the city. Follow that with a table at Soho Rooms where, in between resident DJ sets, Darren Hayes of Savage Garden fame is due to sing a few tunes.

Sunday - Recovery. Household stuff. Maybe grocery shopping. Watch some movies.
If I could combine one day of your schedule with one day of mine, I would have a perfect weekend lined up, morbyd :)

Fri: First session at my new gym, wife wants me to have a Nadal type body by summer time8O Nought much else.

Sat: work, followed by meal at home - wine & snuggle night.

Sun: Weather permitting a day of visiting various sledging sites around the area:):) Unfortunately Harvey (nearly 4) does not seem to enjoy it quite so much as his daddy:oops::)
fri: running with the night
sat: dancing on the ceiling
sun: easy (like sunday morning)
Tonight - Taking the future Mr and Mrs Gray out for a meal for their wedding present

Friday - Last day at work for EVER AND EVER AND EVER (ok well for 6+ months :D:lol:).
At night we've got a meal with Tom's family

Saturday - Getting my hair done for the last time :? At night our leaving do at the Defectors Weld, then who knows......

Sunday - Extension of Saturday night :spank:

Monday - Wake up relishing my new role in life :lol:
Tonight: Strictly Come Dancing at the O2 :D:D:D:D:D:D

Tomorrow: Fly to Berlin AM :D:D, then evening we're off to Spindler & Klatt for dinner then either Watergate or Tape (for an easy one ;) ).

Saturday: Mooch round shops, then in the evening off to Berghain/Panoramabar, though maybe fit in somewhere to go before then as...

Sunday - Don't expect to leave PB til at least 3pm. Dying in the evening.

Monday - Still dying.

Tuesday - Sightseeing 8)
Tonight - Taking the future Mr and Mrs Gray out for a meal for their wedding present

Friday - Last day at work for EVER AND EVER AND EVER (ok well for 6+ months :D:lol:).
At night we've got a meal with Tom's family

Saturday - Getting my hair done for the last time :? At night our leaving do at the Defectors Weld, then who knows......

Sunday - Extension of Saturday night :spank:

Monday - Wake up relishing my new role in life :lol:

Will we have chance to see any pics from the leaving do b4 you setoff?

Have a smashing time, will follow progress with much interest :lol::lol::lol: Will you be sporting dreads by the time you return to blighty?
fri - work annual new year party - "party dress, no jeans or trainers" 8O possible detour to plastics if I can escape in time
sat - nurse hangover, hopefully in someone else's bed - then possible evening excursion to Disco Bloodbath where one of my friends is playing
sunday - beef, sunday times, horse & groom
Up until now, despite your occasionally excessive sarcasm and negativity, I truly had thought better of you ;)

I read the guardian mon-sat and then the sunday times - it might be owned by the anti-christ but there is a lot of interesting opinion in there too and the Magazine is worldclass. The Observer is just too boring these days and the Observer Music Monthly is beyond a joke.
I read the guardian mon-sat and then the sunday times - it might be owned by the anti-christ but there is a lot of interesting opinion in there too and the Magazine is worldclass. The Observer is just too boring these days and the Observer Music Monthly is beyond a joke.
What bothers me most about the ST is that it's just a tabloid parading as broadsheet these days. I'm not a fan of the Guardian/Observer either - just too left wing sometimes and too many journalists who have built up a rep for themselves as serious but are just hacks in reality. Believe it or not, I like the Telegraph...
my Grandfather used to read the Telegraph religiously for about 60 years but these days it's in terminal decline and I wonder if it has a longterm future in paper format - see also The Independent - struggling to keep above 100,000 sales and the Express titles too. Whilst I've got your attention, Morbyd, what can you tell us about this guy Lebedev who just bought the Evening Standard - I don't understand the business sense in buying a dying newspaper, which is hardly a big player in London anymore :?
News of the World for me and maybe the odd fancy paper depending on what supplement takes my fancy!

Hopefully this weekend won't involve a hospital. Little girl has bronchitis now and my boy is ill and waiting for results on him. Poor little soldiers. Still manage to nick my glasses and run off with the remote controls though! Funkers!

Tonight - greatest show on earth returns - Premier League of Darts!

Tomorrow - quite night in, maybe a film or maybe Sky + is building up so need to watch some programmes on that.

Saturday - hopefully nothing just nursing and spoiling the kids indoors. Give my sky bet account a tanning no doubt. Probably film Saturday night again.

Sunday - take the kids to park for some fresh air in the morning. Super Sunday four by twos versus the other dodgy backhand mob from north London followed by the mighty goal scoring rip roaring hammers against Man Ure. If results go my way I may treat my beautiful assistant to a thorough massage and foot rub, if not I will just moan about how awful the lovely dinner she has cooked me is and that we would have won if I had been allowed to go!

PS - Note to all champs league/relegation chasing clubs - If Shavinarse scores against you to stop you qualifying or staying in the premiership please feel free to sue for loss of earnings etc. 50mill is the going rate ask Sheffield United. Thick kuntz.

PPS - Did anyone else get funked off by ITV last night deciding to have an advert during extra time while the game was being played thus missing the winning goal?? Two bob coverage.
Today I may go to Barça and see Barça-Maccabi (basket) and then jump to camp nou and see Barça-Mallorca (football)... or if it rains as it looks it will, just go straight home and curl up in the sofa

Tomorrow friday lunch with friends followed by beers and laughing cigarretes at a friends. Probably staying there until too late just being silly

Saturday family do and out with friends for tapas, drinks and some raval action.

Sunday spending the day in bed