Weekend Plans

Sat: afternoon session with mate at hers - consisting of nibbly foods and drink - Phil to collect me later hopefully when I am a bumbling wreck - supposed to be doing Laurent Garnier that night - but going to see how Phil is after this 3 week viral disease which is knocked him for six - personally I think we should NOT participate until he's healthy again - but that's me being old and sensible I think :oops:

I wouldn't advise him to go out until he's TOTALLY 100% better, My mum had that in March, totally knocked her for six too, she was in bed for ages. She's didn't feel right for ages afterwards. Plus clubbing knocks your immune system a bit anyway, even when you're healthy!

(my old and sensible head is always on :lol:)
Thursday - Work Holiday Party

Friday - Dojo Holiday Party

Saturday - Get together to look at lights with old friends, then a fellow musician friend of mine is playing and it's his band's CD release party so I'm going to that.

Sunday - Formal Celebration of the Winter Solstice (actually at the same place as the get-together the night before.
Friday - I have a 12 day pass for the best gym in Ireland www.westwood.ie got it for €20 on the pretence that im gonna become a member but seen as im unemployed i highly doubt that's gonna happen unless i get a job which is highly unlikely as the recession is getting worse every day, i think ill go but give the weights a miss as my left shoulder is really sore and ive no idea how that is, will just use steam room, sauna and jacuzzi.

Saturday - Meet my bird in town where we are staying in a hotel for the evening, go for an early bird meal (always cheaper) then meet loads of mates both male and female for a serious xmas drinking session, probably go to Tripod then retire to Hotel.

Sunday Bite to eat, chill out, maybe cinema?
Cinema tonight.
Tomorrow off to O2 Arena for Boosh Live.
Friday, Christmas do and then I have an engagement afterwards.
Saturday, all of my Christmas shopping in one day and still watch the football come in.
Sunday, play football, watch football, visit me nan and then go cinema.

Lovely job.
I wouldn't advise him to go out until he's TOTALLY 100% better, My mum had that in March, totally knocked her for six too, she was in bed for ages. She's didn't feel right for ages afterwards. Plus clubbing knocks your immune system a bit anyway, even when you're healthy!

(my old and sensible head is always on :lol:)

8O I didnt quite no where you were going with this when I first read it - like your Mum was a weekend caner and that clubbing had knocked her recovery back a week or so....8O

He is on the mend now and would say he's at 80% bfull power but I really fancy a quiet weekend myself to be honest now -I have sort of talked myself out of clubbing - jeez I really am getting sensible these days .......:(:(:(