Weekend Plans!


Woohoo, the week is halfway over already. Taking that sick day on Monday really help speed things up a bit :lol:

Big plans for this weekend...

Friday - Renaissance party headlined by Nic Fanciulli. Head home, pick up the bags and the missus, and head straight to the airport to...

Saturday - Fly to London, check into hotel, walk to the stadium and watch Chelsea close the gap with Man U :!: (damn that goal difference :lol:). Post-match drinks with the usual suspects.

Hopefully have a late afternoon nap to readjust the sleep schedule, then it's got to be Ministry of Sound for Danny Howells! :D

Sunday - Jaded at the End is looking like an intriguing afterparty option, energy levels permitting. Otherwise expect a lazy afternoon and dinner out somewhere in the evening.
Very early but I'm in the weekend spirit already!!!

Fri - R&R due to impending visit from a couple of mad friends on the Sat, so gym and food.

Sat - Early doors for golf, domestic bliss and then friends arrive, drinks, food, drinks madness, bed!!

Sun - Depending on when we hit the sack from the night before but it will probably involve walking and talking about how we are going to decorate/fill our new extension!!
Thursday pick up my boy and take the kids swimming.

Friday up early doors and head to Stansted for flight to Glasgow to visit the missus family for 1st time! Only been with her 3 years so ain't done badly. Should be fun/interesting. Taking my little boy who is a handleful plus my little girl who is only 1 has a new hobby of headbutting anyone and everyone! So could be back Friday afternoon/evening!

Should be ok and be nice to get away for a weekend.

Back Monday lunchtime so drop boy back to his mum and take the rest of my troops out for lunch or something!
lemme see...

choice of staking out a place for Kingfishers...
or setting up down a local reserve for more than just Robins and Tits... :?:

Friday - Go and watch my local team play, hopefully follow up on our superb win last Sunday evening.

Saturday - Go out with the lads and watch as Chelsea's title hopes go up in smoke as United beat them on their home turf:twisted::twisted:the lads may have the Champers on ice.

Sunday - 50/50 if im going to Glasgow for the old firm match, awaiting news on a ticket, i would love it, love it :lol: to see us beat them again,not been at an old firm game since last season either so miss the amazing atmosphere (or sheer nastiness:lol:) from the most famous derby in the world, the pressure is on the forces of darkness and they have a tough one on Thursday in the UEFA Cup, they lose to us and another draw and the Celts will be singing "can you feel it slip away" :lol::lol::lol:
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My weekend, finish up final Uni stuff for ever. Get massively overexcited, drink too much cherryade, lick too many frogs and go mental. And go to Thorpe Park on Monday. Ooo, and watch Bournemouth march on with the best relegation survival ever.
Fri - going to Gordon Ramsay's newish pub/restaurant The Devonshire in Chiswick for dinner

Sat - getting our new bathroom delivered (you know you have crossed that line into grown-up-ness when you're excited about getting a new bathroom :oops::lol:), Chelsea v Man U antics, hairdressers, drinks with the Ealing crew, then Ministry for Danny Howell's new residency there

Sun - usual aftershow antics west-side :twisted:
Children please!!
Its only Wednesday, you guys are too organised!
Not sure what exactly will happen come the weekend! Only finite plan is Ministry Saturday, hoping to meet Morbs, and chances are i'll recognise Barbie wearing Pink on a Podium!!
Fri - Out for a vegetarian (if I'm brave enough!) dinner with the future Mr & Mrs MilfHunter

Sat - Bluewater by day, then Amersham Arms and Howeller at Ministry by night ;). Jaded carry on a certainty:D
Now there is no need for that is there. I do object to the little too, as I'm fairly sure I'm quite alot bigger than you after seeing your picture, skelator.

I don't think it matters how big you are mate, the socks your wearing in your pic would scare and poor fcuker off :lol::lol::lol:!