Weekend PlanS? Yes its early I know...


Active Member
but my weekend starts when I finish work tomorrow, am off to V Friday to Monday and am so god dam excited. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Weather is not looking promising but there you go what can you do when you live in this nightmare of a country :confused:

But never mind the rain never ruined it last year so wont this year (thats my thinking anyway until my tent starts swimming :lol:)

What is everybody else up to?
Workin Fri night!
Wedding on Saturday
Watch Footy Sunday

Fly to ibiza Wednesday 8)

enjoy V ;)
Nothing big planned. Probably the same as last weekend - eating, drinking, clubbing, dancing, sleeping.

Might check out some new place called Zhivago on Friday.
Well Clubbed out by the last few weekends, the idea of late nights, loud Music, loads of Punters with assoc stimulants that goes with sounds appalling right now!
Saturday BBQ (brave i know) & Sunday a lunch of all my Spurs mates sounds more than enough!!
Friday - chilling maybe gym

Saturday - may take kids swimming in morning then possibly over West London to see some family but tubes etc no doubt full of beer swigging footie fans so may not bother. May just go for a nice lunch somewhere and get bits and bobs ready for Sunday. May even go cricket final if my mate manages to wangle me a ticket.

Sunday - pack the kids off early doors and get over Chelmsford for V. Weather iffy but nothing I can do about that. Pretty good line up this year too, mind you I end up in Strongbow rooms all day and don't usually see much else! After V think a little afters session going on at my mate's bar or back to mine but rather my mate's bar as he has more booze and he has a cleaner who can sweep up all the mud and sh1t!

Monday - recovering from above. Probably bit of grub somewhere. Daytime TV.
Friday: Dinner for a friends birthday then probably trailer trash and maybe redlight after.

Saturday: Possibly fabric for Mark Farina if I can get guestlist otherwise wake early for Jaded at the end, the soho pride in the afternoon and maybe onto tea bar then sosho if I've got nothing to do on the monday... :confused:
Why? Hate is such a strong word?

Quite right, much too strong a word:spank:

I actually do enjoy reading the threads, so, despair would have been much more appropriate:idea:

Reading about everyones action packed clubbing / party weekends, I despair at reaching mid life and rarely have the opportunity for clubbing these days :cry:
I actually do enjoy reading the threads, so, despair would have been much more appropriate:idea:

Reading about everyones action packed clubbing / party weekends, I despair at reaching mid life and rarely have the opportunity for clubbing these days :cry:
Learn to live vicariously ;)

Seriously though, the key is to enjoy whatever it is you do. There's a bit of joy in everything.
Going to a proper outdoor rave in a apple orchard in the middle of Kent :D:D:D:D:D

Been once before 2 years ago (had to miss last year as some fussy madam decided to get married on the day of it :spank:;)) and it wa honestly one of the best nights out ever

Can't wait8)8)8):D
Nothing big planned. Probably the same as last weekend - eating, drinking, clubbing, dancing, sleeping.

Might check out some new place called Zhivago on Friday.
Jeez... I almost forgot!

FOOTBALL on Sunday :D
Must remember to reserve my good table at SportLand!
Dublin Fri - Mon...

On the menu? A carnage all weekend burger with a Tipp v Waterford hurling match sauce.

Mate, what has you going to the Tipp v Waterford hurling game may i ask (be in for a shock if you've never been to a hurling game before, loads of red faced scruffily dressed country bumkins (culchies we call them) invading Dublin for the day:eek::lol:

This is the worst "summer" in living memory in this country:evil: torrential rain and flash floods, as if things aren't bad enough with the recession kicking in as well:cry:

Anyway for what it's worth...

Friday - Weather permitting ill either go see the local team or watch it on TV over a few pints

Saturday - Again weather permitting il either go and see Dublin hopefully beat Tyrone in Croke Park or go to http://www.eurocultured.com/ which is on my doorstep, was very good last year but if it's torrential rain i cant see many turning out for it.

Sunday - Watch Celtic away to Dundee United on Setanta, then meet my mates in the pub and watch Man United v Newcastle.
Quite right, much too strong a word:spank:

I actually do enjoy reading the threads, so, despair would have been much more appropriate:idea:

Reading about everyones action packed clubbing / party weekends, I despair at reaching mid life and rarely have the opportunity for clubbing these days :cry:

We dont all go clubbing on here you know....or lead such glamorous lifestyles.

Just something to do to while away the hours of work.....