Weekend Plans - June Bank Holiday Edition


Well-Known Member
So then folks, what are we up to for the four days of our weekend?
(For those of us in the UK)
young nieces in town for jubilee weekend...

sat: some gash sainsburys festival in hyde park... my fault... poster on tube left a good impression... bought tickets... looked it up on net... looks lame .

sat eve: take them out for dinner .

sun: river festival avec above . lunch somewhere decent to ease the pain .

sun night: mate's b'day in kilburn pub... can't go mad as have to work mon/tues .
Saturday: Espom Derby and then somewhere after.
Sunday: Recover and maybe some golf
Monday and Tuesday are unscheduled atm....
I think if you start it you have to say what your doing first??? :)

I suppose I could of done :lol:

Friday: quiet one, probably do some overtime for a couple of hours in the evening.

Saturday: Not alot during the day, do some overtime and continue packing. Am out with work friends the Saturday evening, not sure how that'll go.

Sunday: Recover, some more overtime if I feel like it. Digital Soceity for John Askew, Paul Oakenfold and Ferry Corsten. Can't wait for it. :)

Monday: Probably a write off :lol:

Tuesday: Finish packing up and start the deep clean of my flat.
Friday - Prometheus in 3D! Very excited. Bizarrely as someone who never uses coupons, special offers etc, I spotted a LivingSocial deal in my inbox and it's cost £9 total for the missus and I. Cheap as!

Saturday - Field Day Festival at Viccy Park. No idea what to expect, tickets were free so plan on a nice day having beers with mates and if the entertainment's up to much it's a bonus!

Sunday - swimming, reading and hopefully relaxing in or newly spruced garden, weather permitting. See 'Surburban Dullard Thread':lol:

Monday & Tuesday as Sunday, perhaps with some cinema and restaurants thrown in.

Sunday-Tuesday is all about relaxing, which is something I've only learnt to do in the last couple of years.
Hopefully a hot date.

Then it's KERRI CHANDLER AT LOFT STUDIOS on Sunday from 5-2am!!! (plus Psychemagik who I also love).

Gonna be MAJE. 8)
Saturday- Leftfield&Booka shade, Sunday - death in Vegas & The Rapture, Monday - Wilco & Beirut8) Forbidden Fruit festival.
Fri - Prometheus
Sat - Own Sanctuary and p'ss up on a canal
Sun - Chill
Mon - Hacienda night @Sankeys...Kevin Saunderson, Graeme Park, 808 State and a load of others
work sat, spend time with my girl sun work mon tue. Wed will be one week till Ibiza and the excitement is still here and going strong so god knows what I will be like come one week to go :)
Hoping for sun as will be in a field for a festival near Glastonbury :) lots of singing, dancing, yummy food, music, yoga, body paint, wellies, wild hair and campfires ~ can't wait!

Hope you all have a great time xx
Flying out for my first visit to Ibiza...

Exactly the same:

Fly out Monday morning. I'm thinking Bora Bora then DC10 :)

8) Enjoy folks.

Sat: run in the am ahead of friends visiting, hopefully bbq weather, could be l8 night or we might be in bed by 10pm, parenthood seems to have calmed our friends somewhat:D

Sun/ Mon: prob garden stuff, would love to do a seaside but this would be pure stupidity with the likely traffic. A few options in local villages for Jubilee. Our own village decided "No children after 19:00" so they can pi** right off, so glad we haven't donated any dosh.
I have........no plans at all!
except pints somewhere east london on monday to toast the old m'aaam (any excuse tbh)
big weekend for me.....

tomorrow - 2nd one of my new night Luna in Liverpool..first one went very very well so looking forward to it. Spotlights own mr Robbie G is even making an appearance. However, taking it reasonably easy in preparation for....

Sat - My UK stag do. Races in the day followed my booze round Liverpool in the evening.....continuing into...

Sunday - Stag Do part 2...mUmU with Deetron in the evening followed by Circus with Beyer later on....

Monday - concentrate on staying alive and attend some jubilee type party thing my mum has organised...
Flying out for my first visit to Ibiza...

Exactly the same:

Fly out Monday morning. I'm thinking Bora Bora then DC10 :)

:p8) !

Retreating to Devon to escape the inevitable traffic chaos, hopefully resume some gardening and hit the sea. Hope the British weather doesn't put too much of a damper on everything, especially since we've just had our quota of Summer conditions for the year !