Weekend maneuvers

I dunno... seems like a silly argument to me.

If you bought a ticket and it has a time on it, then best to arrive by that time!

Sure, it's lame and all that. I hate those kinds of restrictions. But whatever unassailable logic you think you have as to why you should be let in despite violating the pre-stated terms and conditions doesn't mitigate the fact that the venue has the right (and sometimes obligation) to enforce those terms and conditions!
There seems to be absolutely no reason for a last entry time if the venue is not full? The licensing argument sounds a bit flimsy.

It's all a far cry from the old days of proper warehouse parties where the doors had to be barricaded from the inside to keep the muskers out! Stumbling out into the daylight to face a wall of riot shields.. Those were the days (etc etc:lol:)

I agree 8) ... but then I vote with my feet on those licence/promoter-driven time-restricted entry parties - and don't bother going at all. A boat party is the only exception - because you have to set sail - and I have to be 100% confident in the music, promoter & crowd before stepping into one of those !

On land I'll pass - thanks anyway ! Would rather pay more for a ticket and arrive when I want to than be blackmailed into hanging around for hours of "warm up" (and get fed up / leave early most likely) just so someone can increase their chances of getting at the coins in my wallet at their bar :evil:
Would rather pay more for a ticket and arrive when I want to than be blackmailed into hanging around for hours of "warm up" (and get fed up / leave early most likely) just so someone can increase their chances of getting at the coins in my wallet at their bar :evil:

^^ This.

... If that option is available.

Learned the hard way at Space Opening Fiesta this year. Silly to have to get in for 8pm. Far too busy at that time. The crowd was at peak naivity at this point - Jonathan Ulysses' choice of set summed it up. And of course, with the exception of Orbital, everybody I wanted to see was on in the early, early hours.

Was flaking by 4am, and in the absence of being able to get hold of any quality stimulants to prolong my staying power, sulked-off by 5am with tail between legs disillusioned and frustrated. Shant happen again. Lesson learned.
Was flaking by 4am, and ... sulked-off by 5am with tail between legs disillusioned and frustrated. Shant happen again. Lesson learned.

I fell back in love with 4-5am starts to take you through to 8-9am in Ibiza this year with the later opening hours we saw come August time. Four hours full-on with the late bregade is good enough for me as part of balanced break.

Am on a very long overdue clubbing break (even finally cancelled my FabricFirst membership :eek: and no plans to go back !). However, if I did go out in London now would probably opt for Jaded - especially on a dreary day. 5am onwards Sunday morning so get to arrive early at that hour as a bonus ! Nice savvy chatty, dancey crowd and some proper interesting sets... once the DJs are done with their main party sardine-fests ! Oh dear .. that does sound a bit Jaded... but the people in there are far from that.

Only London night-timers I'd bother to 'stray' for are small parties - Art of Dark, Bodyhammer, World Unknown (but had a major let-down there last time I went and haven't been back since). None of them would dream of setting a "must be in by X" rule.. It's basically a mainstream Warehouse / Club gig phenomenon.

in the absence of being able to get hold of any quality stimulants to prolong my staying power

*cough* couple of pints of Vodka Redbull *cough* .. nearest bar to the left or right :lol:
Pain in and around my spine and kidney. Doctors don't know from what. Scans and tests showed nothing. Still suffering it now, but it's much easier to handle than last week (which is why I went to hospital).

Could be from stress. haha... :lol:
Friday - First sensible dosh earned in 2 months confirmed for cert. Contingency work is a nightmare for your cashflow ! Resisted the urge to get pissed. Still alcohol free and no "last cig before bed".

Saturday - Woke up and decided I could handle life without a cigarette. First time in 20 years. Went for a 20 mile power cycle and remained tobacco-free all day

Sunday - 5-miler endurance training up a VERY punishing hill .. lycra-clad racer speeding down looked at my tormented face trying to get up the worst of it and shouted "don't worry mate I have to get off and walk". It was one of those moments where a few words meant a great deal ! I didn't get off and walk - it was a beautiful reward when I got to the top .. and the freewheel down even more so. Smoke-free again and a big slap-up roast beef dinner.

Monday - Usual stress but still smoke-free as I'm typing. Three full days and a night and my lung "revolt" during cardio exercise is easing. Think there's a chance I may have kicked it this time. Certainly the furthest I've ever got. Been building up to this for over 6 weeks. High strength eCigs have prevailed where everything else has failed (including Zyban)... anyone who's spent any time with me knows how heavily I smoked... and they're not even approved as stop smoking aids in this country (try buying them in a chemist :rolleyes:). Mail order or dug out from behind the "naughty screen" in the Supermarket. Ridiculous - just proves it's best to know yourself, do your own research, make your own choices and work out your own solutions whatever the doctors or chemists might say.

I'm a bit bewildered .. but in a good way. Not taking chances on triggering a relapse any time soon. It's been too hard to get this far.

Could be from stress. haha... :lol:

That would be understandable. Sorry to hear you were "inside" so long. Few places grimmer to spend the night than a cell at the nick or a hospital ! ;)
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Good going on the running, Kimajy. I managed to break the 5 mile barrier at the weekend (and at my best avg pace), though not all uphill!
Good going on the running, Kimajy. I managed to break the 5 mile barrier at the weekend (and at my best avg pace), though not all uphill!

Ah ... it was on the bike so no such congratulations warranted :lol: ... however, when you have to zig-zag to keep a bike from rolling backwards whilst it feels like trying to push a leg press at the same time as holding a squat position forever I think it's pretty steep, and far worse than anything I've ever tackled before. So that's something I guess. Must have torn a few million micro-fibres in the process !

Good on the running though, JV. A good 'milestone' :)
Have you seen this years ticket prices?

yes, but have you seen the cost of those line ups??!?

i am not a fan of the 'be in by this time' rules in clubs, but bottom line is that they were/are clear on the rules.

of course - having those rules in place gives the doorstaff/door picker more ammunition if they dont like the look of people when they arrive (not that i am saying that was the case with your group!)