Weekend maneuvers

Weekend changed plans as usual, ended up out with a friend who was visiting from London on Friday and cancelling on my bf, oops haha, brilliant, bt got way too drunk. Saturday stayed in and watched films and drank lots of beer..Sunday my brother failed to show up to dinner so I had a quick roast at my mums then back to Manchester for more beer :)
Turned up at the Warehouse around mid-night on Friday night only to be turned away as they said doors shut at 10.30pm. Complete waste of ticket money! Won't be spending my money there again. I could understand if the event was sold out but it wasn't and we had tickets.
I'm keyboards and vocals
(mainly because I can't properly play bass and sing at the same time)

Nothing I'd want to show the public yet. Give us a month or so and hopefully there'll be something not cringworthy to listen to :)

Well I can barely play the keys and I cant sing at all so you are 2 up on me mate ;)

Cool I shall look forward to hearing it!
Friday - Last ever Homoelectric at Legends in Manchester. Bit gutted that the last one is going to be my first as been meaning to go for years but never got round to it til now. Venue is supposed to be ace but as with eveything else getting knocked down and made into flats/tesco express or something ****. Massively looking forward to this night :)

Saturday - Mates annual bonfire party/smashup. Always good, usually rains but will be good fun

Sunday - probably carrying on from Saturday as per usual

Must try and have a kip at some point between Friday and Saturday :rolleyes:

Who was the special guest?
Turned up at the Warehouse around mid-night on Friday night only to be turned away as they said doors shut at 10.30pm. Complete waste of ticket money! Won't be spending my money there again. I could understand if the event was sold out but it wasn't and we had tickets.

What time did it state on the ticket...:lol:
Who was the special guest?

Erol Alkan so we were well chuffed :) My mate who couldn't come was absolutey gutted when I told him.

Had such a good night. Music was ace and I can't believe I'd never been before. Absolutely loved the venue with all the random rooms and corridors. Such a waste that it's closing :(
It's been mentioned loads what the last entry time is, you'll no doubt get a bit of leeway but rolling up at midnight and expecting to be let in is a bit much.
We turned up at gone 11 for Nero & Sub Focus and didnt have issues, guess it depends on the day, probably better to turn up early...
It's been mentioned loads what the last entry time is, you'll no doubt get a bit of leeway but rolling up at midnight and expecting to be let in is a bit much.

A bit much? Paying all that money, and there was a group of us, and not being let in when it wasn't full is taking the p'ss. End of. It's a rave not a bloody private party.
It's been mentioned loads what the last entry time is, you'll no doubt get a bit of leeway but rolling up at midnight and expecting to be let in is a bit much.

Can't be doing with "be in by whatever time" restrictions. If you buy tickets you should be able to rock up whenever you want to - you've paid for entry so if you miss some of it then that's your loss and your choice. Who wants to spend their night out fretting about whether they're going to manage to turn up to a party by a deadline ? Might as well be reporting for morning Assembly at school FFS !
Can't be doing with "be in by whatever time" restrictions. If you buy tickets you should be able to rock up whenever you want to - you've paid for entry so if you miss some of it then that's your loss and your choice. Who wants to spend their night out fretting about whether they're going to manage to turn up to a party by a deadline ? Might as well be reporting for morning Assembly at school FFS !

Whilst I agree, it's clearly something the venue think they have to do to make a decent profit from revenue at the bars. Last time we went was the last one at Store St. on NYD. The tickets said we had to be in by 6pm, which was a ridiculous time considering we knew we wanted to be in till the bitter end. I think we eventually got there about 9pm after some assurances by a friend who was 'in the know', but it was still one hell of a job to get through to 6am. (and then 8,9,10,11am at an after party, and all that on 2 hours sleep and a 5 hour train from Southampton to Manchester on NYD morning 8))
I don't much care for time restrictions for club nights either. I think they suck!

But I think the point that Evolution is trying to make, regardless of his opinion, is that the deadline was stated.

Its just another case of reading the small print, or not.

I agree, it's a piss take. But the T&C are there for a reason. And this case, rightly or wrongly, they cover the promoters' backs.

Don't forget the dynamics of how these events work: promoters with a reputation approach a venue saying they're going to put on artists x, y & z. The catch? They need 100% of the door to put the event on. What's in it for the venue? To take £££ bucks over the bar. The venue knows full well that certain events, while massively popular and likely to sell-out their venue, will not neccessarily drink that much. The solution? Force them to be in by a certain time to maximise their spend at the bar. Even if a punter is only buying bottled water, if they're inside for a good 6+ hours, then they're probably still going to spend at least £10 and therefore justify their attendance. Otherwise, it just really isn't worth it for the venue from a business point of view.
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I don't much care for time restrictions for club nights either. I think they suck!

But I think the point that Evolution is trying to make, regardless of his opinion, is that the deadline was stated.

Its just another case of reading the small print, or not.

I agree, it's a piss take. But the T&C are there for a reason. And this case, rightly or wrongly, they cover the promoters' backs.

Don't forget the dynamics of how these events work: promoters with a reputation approach a venue saying they're going to put on artists x, y & z. The catch? They need 100% of the door to put the event on. What's in it for the venue? To take £££ bucks over the bar. The venue knows full well that certain events, while massively popular and likely to sell-out their venue, will not neccessarily drink that much. The solution? Force them to be in by a certain time to maximise their spend at the bar. Even if a punter is only buying bottled water, if they're inside for a good 6+ hours, then they're probably still going to spend at least £10 and therefore justify their attendance. Otherwise, it just really isn't worth it for the venue from a business point of view.

Have you seen this years ticket prices?
Have you seen this years ticket prices?

No, I haven't. Although I can hazard a guess. And I don't doubt they are elevated and eye-watering.

But I feel the same about flight prices to Ibiza, even with the "budget" airlines.

But in the same respect if don't read their T&Cs, you do so at your own peril. It's the way the worlds going.
I've been turned away from events before for not being in at the time that was outlined on the tickets, was it my own fault for not getting there by that time, yes!
I'm not going to whinge and complain about the place for my own mistakes.

I'm not a huge fan of events having set times you have to be in for but I've known of a fair few where they have only obtained their licenses etc by being able to guarantee people will be in by a certain time.
Evo - I was hoping to have a sensible debate regarding entrance times with you and others on this board but comments like this ''I'm not going to whinge and complain about the place for my own mistakes'' do give the impression you're a bit of a tw@, but then what's new (see my comment earlier).

For the record it wasn't a mistake regarding the entrance time, we knew well in advance hence my discussion regarding this on other threads. I just felt it was a bit daft that they choose to enforce it given the event wasn't full, they didn't enforce it in the previous location and there was an opportunity to make extra money from us when we were in there.

I'll leave my other comments on this until you come down from your ivory towers and take off the 'do-gooder' hat ;-)
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There seems to be absolutely no reason for a last entry time if the venue is not full? The licensing argument sounds a bit flimsy.

It's all a far cry from the old days of proper warehouse parties where the doors had to be barricaded from the inside to keep the muskers out! Stumbling out into the daylight to face a wall of riot shields.. Those were the days (etc etc:lol:)