Weekend maneuvers


Well-Known Member
What's everyone up to? Any Halloween parties going down?

Friday - 27th Birthday. Lots of retail therapy then out to Cocoon at the Warehouse.
Sat - Write Off
Sunday - Write Off
friday - moving out of our amazing house as our short let is up and unfortunately the flat we were gona move into had some hidden problems so am homeless (ie moving back to my parents while i find something).
saturday - another 30th birthday , clerkenwell
Fri - Working
Sat - Footy then a mates Acid House night in Club 69 in Paisley
Sun - recovery with footy on TV
I have to make it to the weekend first :lol:

Big fancy dinner event tonight, then a Halloween party (although I may sneak out before midnight to watch Chelsea v Man U). Then tomorrow, the New British Film Festival opening, art exhibit opening party and another Halloween party or maybe 2. :eek:

Friday - Another Halloween party, this time at Krysha Mira with Adamski headlining and a dress code of coming as something Chinese :confused: (aren't half of my clothes made in China anyway? :lol:)

Saturday - IAMX concert. Might go see my friend DJ at some out of the way club later.

Sunday - t.b.d. Really need to work on some demos for my band. Will probably try to line up some quiet date in the evening.

Monday - Rest up as it's a bank holiday. A friend's birthday party in the evening.
Friday - 6 am meet at Stansted

Sunday - land at Stansted 1pm

Inbetween - who knows where. 35 of us have given the stag's brother/best man £250 and our passport details and have no idea where we are off too.:D
Sunday - t.b.d. Really need to work on some demos for my band. Will probably try to line up some quiet date in the evening.

What kind of band?

Probably most boring, quiet weekend I've had in 6 months!

Friday - few introductory drinks with the new work colleagues, pop by a friends fireworks party, I'm gonna drive then I don't drink and get roped into going out, head to the fellas when he finishes the late shift. I'm hoping he has a bottle of wine in the fridge then I can put my feet up and chill.

Saturday - Was meant to be going to WHP but had to sell my ticket because seriously lacking on funds. Plus I'm not the biggest Chase & Status fan, plus I've seen them way too many times this summer to really merit spending a fortune at WHP again... Probably head out for a few drinks in Warrington with my fella and his friends...probably be most uneventful unless we bump into his ex and then I might be murdered :x When I say might I mean definitely, gonna have to keep my wits about me...

Sunday - Go to my mums and see my brother...massive family problems this last week, my brother admitted last friday he is a gambling addict and my parents have had to bail him out, he's not in a good way so probably try and distract him with stories about my messy hectic life...
Friday - Last ever Homoelectric at Legends in Manchester. Bit gutted that the last one is going to be my first as been meaning to go for years but never got round to it til now. Venue is supposed to be ace but as with eveything else getting knocked down and made into flats/tesco express or something ****. Massively looking forward to this night :)

Saturday - Mates annual bonfire party/smashup. Always good, usually rains but will be good fun

Sunday - probably carrying on from Saturday as per usual

Must try and have a kip at some point between Friday and Saturday :rolleyes:
massive family problems this last week, my brother admitted last friday he is a gambling addict and my parents have had to bail him out, he's not in a good way so probably try and distract him with stories about my messy hectic life...

Oh dear. In a strange way, most addictions can be kicked with the same sort of approaches - whether women (or men !), substances, behaviours etc. or Playstation II. There are usually some underlying triggers - sort those patterns out and the challenge gets a lot easier.

I hope your brother takes steps to control things - everyone has to face down their demons eventually, it's getting mentally prepared and willing to do it that (hate to say it but ... ) gets easier with practice !! Bail-outs are not always the best solution but if this is a recent thing it may be easier for him to sort himself out.

Always sad when these things have to be addressed but good for him for coming clean and telling his family - what he really needs is help to get things under control. Heck, we all have our vices (I sure do !) but have fought very hard to control some of them for my own sake and the sake of everyone else ;)
Ive got quite a busy one coming up

Fri - Day off doing home DIY maybe gym visit
Sat - Work
Sun - Work
Mon - Work
Sounds good mate. If you want me to do a remix let us know! ;)
Will do :)
I'm looking forward to our first gig... although I fear it'll be after the holidays at the rate we're going. So far only working on 4 songs - 3 of mine and one by the guitarist.
Will do :)
I'm looking forward to our first gig... although I fear it'll be after the holidays at the rate we're going. So far only working on 4 songs - 3 of mine and one by the guitarist.

Sweet! Whats your instrument btw? Anywhere I can hear it yet?
Oh dear. In a strange way, most addictions can be kicked with the same sort of approaches - whether women (or men !), substances, behaviours etc. or Playstation II. There are usually some underlying triggers - sort those patterns out and the challenge gets a lot easier.

I hope your brother takes steps to control things - everyone has to face down their demons eventually, it's getting mentally prepared and willing to do it that (hate to say it but ... ) gets easier with practice !! Bail-outs are not always the best solution but if this is a recent thing it may be easier for him to sort himself out.

Always sad when these things have to be addressed but good for him for coming clean and telling his family - what he really needs is help to get things under control. Heck, we all have our vices (I sure do !) but have fought very hard to control some of them for my own sake and the sake of everyone else ;)

Bails out where kind of necessary but they've taken complete control of his finances which he has strangely embraced and seems really happy with. having access to no money means he can't do it again.

I'm less worried about the gambling and more worried about why he's done it, he says he is really depressed and as he's my big brother whose always looked after me it makes me feel strange, I just don't know how to look after him?

I suppose not much I can do other than be around more for him, which I havent been at all in recent years with my lifestyle.
Friday - 6 am meet at Stansted

Sunday - land at Stansted 1pm

Inbetween - who knows where. 35 of us have given the stag's brother/best man £250 and our passport details and have no idea where we are off too.:D

That is a f*cking brilliant idea! Im sure it'll be a great weekend Buckley :D

Tonight Im winning the Euromillions and then getting ridiculously drunk all weekend to celebrate
That is a f*cking brilliant idea! Im sure it'll be a great weekend Buckley :D

Tonight Im winning the Euromillions and then getting ridiculously drunk all weekend to celebrate

I'm doing the same. Failing that, it's a quiet one tonight, tomorrow will be dismantling and moving furniture and other stuff ready to be out of our house by next Sunday, then working on Sunday.

It now looks like I'll be moving to Bromley for a few months at least, so putting off finding a new place in Southampton for the time being. I quite like the idea of house sharing in a new place, and being a 20 train journey from central London.
Sweet! Whats your instrument btw? Anywhere I can hear it yet?
I'm keyboards and vocals
(mainly because I can't properly play bass and sing at the same time)

Nothing I'd want to show the public yet. Give us a month or so and hopefully there'll be something not cringworthy to listen to :)