Weekend frolics 5th oct

Friday - agonizing over specifications trying in vain to find compatible accessories for my new bike

Saturday - waiting in for postman and couriers (again !), trip to Gloucester to buy bits from Go Outdoors and an afternoon ride up the thigh-destroying Leckhampton Hill a few miles away for one of the most beautiful views I can remember seeing in this part of the country. Missing Bedrock Anniversary in London - can't face going over there tonight.

Sunday - standing down my paid-for trip to closing parties :)evil:) work deadline to meet for Monday evening will occupy whole of next 2 days.

I'm still struggling a tad with the total clubbing cull, but when I'm out on the bike I feel so good now it's helping through the transition and I know it's the right thing for me right now. Major fitness ramp-up ahead for the rest of the Autumn / Winter ;).

For me, starting to teach aerial yoga - very exciting!!

That sounds interesting ... can you put up some vid clips to show us what it's all about ?

Friday - heading home to my parents as its my 30th Birthday!

Hope you had a goodun ... I gave up drinking the day after the boat party and made it through my Birthday without a drop which was very shocking even for me. The birthday itself was a complete non-event which I spent doing work stuff and driving home late (virtually pensioner level stuff :eek:). Still haven't touched any booze or red bull ... my body is through the worst of the shock now :lol:

Will get my ass out for a run Saturday morning as I missed one during the week.

Didn't know you'd started running, JV :eek: :p

Sunday - hynpnobirthing class:eek::lol:.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

... I am officially old:lol:

That party of yours seems to have made me old too ... now I know who to blame :lol:
Didn't know you'd started running, JV :eek: :p

Yup, it's true! Only been out maybe just over 10 times and have surprised myself with the progress after a 1st attempt that had me wanting to give up. Jogged/ran for 37 mins today without walking breaks. :D Want to get up to 1 hour and do that 2 or 3 times a week. Just concentrating on pacing and increasing time/distance for the moment.

Tonight, I'm trying to not do last weekend's leftovers while sat in the house :)roll:)! I think I will manage to resist & be up for a Sunday morning forage. ;)
Yup, it's true! Only been out maybe just over 10 times and have surprised myself with the progress after a 1st attempt that had me wanting to give up. Jogged/ran for 37 mins today without walking breaks. :D Want to get up to 1 hour and do that 2 or 3 times a week. Just concentrating on pacing and increasing time/distance for the moment.

Tonight, I'm trying to not do last weekend's leftovers while sat in the house :)roll:)! I think I will manage to resist & be up for a Sunday morning forage. ;)

8) 8) 8) 8) 8) - keep it up ;)

That looks amazing. Could happily get into that :p
Well, I managed not to touch last weekend's 'leftovers'. Gonna save it for watching LCD's final gig on blu-ray next weekend. 8) :lol:

Went out in the fields looking for shrooms today but all I got was two very muddy boots.
After the biggest disaster ever and getting stranded in Ibiza for an extra 10 days I spent this weekend coming home!

Thurs - One of the funnest nights of the year Ive had. Went to Delilahs welsh bar and got in an incredibley bad state. I thought killer bats were attacking us all and kept hitting everyone! Apparently all I would say are the words black and blue over and over again. Then I got carried home :D

Fri - Decided to spend my last night in Ibiza sober so had a little walk round the bay and a sit on the beach looking at stars then on my way hoe bumped into a friend who got me slaughtered till 6am. Then we went home watched a film, I fell asleep on him within about 3 minutes and drooled on his leg.

Sat - Said my goodbyes, few puints in the pub with friends then off I trotted to the airport.

13 and a half hours of travelling later I made it home! Hip Hip Hooray!

Now Im lay in bed dying of flu :(
Thurs - One of the funnest nights of the year Ive had. Went to Delilahs welsh bar and got in an incredibley bad state.

I've been in and out of that bar for God knows how many years, good location too, top of the West End. Direct access from side streets so you don't have to run the gauntlet :), only went once this year though, I'm definitely too old for the place :D
So, looking back, are you glad you did it? Did you enjoy your summer?

Definitely, some incredible lows this year (I think bad luck just follows me round!) but it had some of the most incredible highs too....people are already asking about whether I will do next summer if I manage to sort my health out first...Im stuck on maybe

Expect a review anyway, kind of want to document it from a workers point of view and may be of interest to anyone ever considering doing a season!
Definitely, some incredible lows this year (I think bad luck just follows me round!) but it had some of the most incredible highs too....people are already asking about whether I will do next summer if I manage to sort my health out first...Im stuck on maybe

Expect a review anyway, kind of want to document it from a workers point of view and may be of interest to anyone ever considering doing a season!

That would be cool to read!!!
That would be cool to read!!!

Only issue is do I include everything warts and all and upset any people who may not realise who I am just yet, or keep certain bits out of it so as not to cause trouble....then again that would mean cutting out the best bits!

Thinking about it though, I'll try and start daily installments tomorrow, will prob end up a 30 Chapter review of healing and getting over Ibiza for me
Weekend didn't go quite as planned, sadly

Friday: Struggled to get going on Friday night. Went to a freebass party in Brighton. The DJs were awful. Drum and Bass is fine, but physically stopping the music for up to two minutes at a time really breaking the rhythm of dancing. And MCs are god awful. Ended up leaving as a mate wasn't feeling very well so went back to mine and watched Human Traffic.

Saturday: Bummed around for most of the day. Headed out to Sainsburys to do food shopping, then just caught up with the start of all the American TV shows now that it's 'fall' again.

Sunday: Went walking across the South Downs, and it was a beautiful day. One of the walkers I was with told me the result of the F1... wasn't impressed. Got home, and watched the F1. It's not quite so exciting when you know who wins...
Well, if you're ever in Glasgow....:D

Got family there I hardly ever see so who knows ;) Are you part of a network or teaching freelance ? Sounds a great alternative 'extra-curricular' might be of interest to someone I know who's involved in schools !
Got family there I hardly ever see so who knows ;) Are you part of a network or teaching freelance ? Sounds a great alternative 'extra-curricular' might be of interest to someone I know who's involved in schools !

Sent you a message :)