Weekend!!!! (Fri 12th)

Sunday I bit the bullet and used YouTube videos and an alarming 1-inch thick user manual to discover how to take the wheels off my bike and replace the tyres with kevlar-lined flatless ones and self-healing inner tubes. A new experience for me, never having done anything mechanical on a bike before short of screwing in a pedal. I even managed not to break anything and to complete the exercise with determination in place of tyre levers :twisted:. This self-help learning experience came with the added bonus of a gym-worthy workout pumping up the new tubes. Never knew it could all be so much fun :p

punctures and pinch flats were destroying my cycling life when I first started! Poorly aligned wheel tape (Halfords :evil:) being the main problem! It seems like you've sussed it already but I can recommend Continental gatorskins if you've got a road bike, not had a sniff of a flat since changing to them.