Weekend!!!! (Fri 12th)

Johnny Vodka

Well-Known Member
So what y'all up to?

Tomorrow night off to see Hot Chip and (if we get there early enough) Django Django in Glasgow.

Monday's a holiday. Looking forward to a bit of a chill out; the exercise regime at the moment is quite hectic...
Friday - long day at work, organising moving out of the house.

Saturday - maybe long day at work, organising moving out, rent a self storage container, start packing my stuff up.

Sunday - definite long day at work, continue house related chores.

Amongst all that boring but necessary sh*t, organising a little Ibiza reunion in London for a few week's time, so it's not all bad.
Last weekend went to Shindig to see Sneak and Heidi it was mint but probably a bit close to my ibiza trip. No more clubbing for me until next Shindig in November.

Quiet weekend this one and the next few for me. Drink a few beers ,watch some footy,consume too much food and consider getting back to the gym next week.
Friday - staying in, need to be fresh as a daisy for

Saturday - Cream 20th Birthday. I've been looking forward to this night for absolutely ages. Gonna get myself a spot in the Courtyard nice and early for Oakie.

Sunday - Coach back from Liverpool to Manc at 6.45am then back to mine :)
Friday - No plans as of yet, hoping a certain someone takes me for dinner....
Saturday - Ibiza reunion WHP style. Massive line up, most of which have been our regular Tuesday Together @ Amnesia line up for the whole season so will be a special night out.
Sunday - Party will most likely still be going, then see friends off back to London, Sheffield, Reading & Birmingham. Most likely cry and hide under the duvet and go back to my Ibiza blues.
Friday - Work/No plans
Saturday - Shopping, get stuck into learning Spanish.
Sunday - Go for a walk
Got a pretty good one lined up

Friday - Drinks in the pub after work, a bit of bar hopping, then club Solyanka for the Kompact label's John Tejada (live) and various DJs.

Saturday - Possibly going to the Enter Shikari concert (although not my style of music at all) or else the opening of a new bar, then the birthday party for live music venue Krizis Zhanra, then to club Arma17 for the Resident Advisor party with Cassy, Lee Burridge, et.al.

Sunday - Cooking dinner for friends. Making Moroccan 8)
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Heck ... is it the weekend already ? !!!

Whatever else I do, must get to Bristol to go shopping for some shoes ... ones with a metal plate and 2 holes in the bottom :confused: :lol: ... and some electronic cigarette cartridges. Other than that, whatever the weather permits !

Will have gone 4 weeks without Red Bull or alcohol by Sunday and haven't missed either. Blimey. No wonder life's turned so simple !

Am definitely still prone to be "somewhat edgy" ( :!: ) with the massive smoking reduction, which is by far the worst thing and has felt like hell on earth for weeks despite the replacement solution. The Marlboros are still in my pocket most of the time (just in case I blow my top in public on account of not having them ... :lol:).

MUST do some proper meditation and calming stuff soon as well as the exercise - so any lurking frustration / nicotine withdrawal does not erupt in (yet) a(nother) vulgar scene :eek: Really want to be free of this once and for all !
Friday - staying in, need to be fresh as a daisy for

Saturday - Cream 20th Birthday. I've been looking forward to this night for absolutely ages. Gonna get myself a spot in the Courtyard nice and early for Oakie.

Sunday - Coach back from Liverpool to Manc at 6.45am then back to mine :)

pretty much exactly this, though minus the coach to manc at 6.45am!
So what y'all up to?

Tomorrow night off to see Hot Chip and (if we get there early enough) Django Django in Glasgow.

Monday's a holiday. Looking forward to a bit of a chill out; the exercise regime at the moment is quite hectic...

8) Enjoy! I tried for some tix on ebay this week, but lost out, maybe next time. Have fun!

Heck ... is it the weekend already ? !!!

Whatever else I do, must get to Bristol to go shopping for some shoes ... ones with a metal plate and 2 holes in the bottom :confused: :lol: ... and some electronic cigarette cartridges. Other than that, whatever the weather permits !

Will have gone 4 weeks without Red Bull or alcohol by Sunday and haven't missed either. Blimey. No wonder life's turned so simple !

Am definitely still prone to be "somewhat edgy" ( :!: ) with the massive smoking reduction, which is by far the worst thing and has felt like hell on earth for weeks despite the replacement solution. The Marlboros are still in my pocket most of the time (just in case I blow my top in public on account of not having them ... :lol:).

MUST do some proper meditation and calming stuff soon as well as the exercise - so any lurking frustration / nicotine withdrawal does not erupt in (yet) a(nother) vulgar scene :eek: Really want to be free of this once and for all !

Horse shoes!? :lol:

Well done with the no smoking - keep the meditation up 8)
8) Enjoy! I tried for some tix on ebay this week, but lost out, maybe next time. Have fun!

Aww, we could have had a meet! :eek:

I've seen them before (at the Academy), but I remember the sound mix being not so great, or maybe it was down to where we were positioned... I probably prefer the ABC, especially for dance stuff, so hopefully this will be better. TBH, it's more an excuse to catch up with my sis, who I haven't seen in a year. :)
Tonight - Chariots of Fire at the theatre

Sat - working first thing, conference call at 10am, footy in the afternoon, footy mate's birthday at the local pub at night

Sunday - conference call, hynobirthing class:spank:, roast dinner
Tonight - Chariots of Fire at the theatre

Theatre? You are cultured:)

Suppose there is only so much you can do when the other half is expecting?

I found that I always had a "driver" so took advantage:lol:
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Aww, we could have had a meet! :eek:

I've seen them before (at the Academy), but I remember the sound mix being not so great, or maybe it was down to where we were positioned... I probably prefer the ABC, especially for dance stuff, so hopefully this will be better. TBH, it's more an excuse to catch up with my sis, who I haven't seen in a year. :)

Ha ha, we could have!

I've only been in the ABC once, for Gomez, so only know what it's like for guitary stuff and I liked it :)

A year!? Sister away travelling?
Nah, she just lives away up in the ****hole of the world - Dundee! ;)

I generally manage to convince myself that I've got too much on every weekend to catch up with family as regularly as I should.