Week Plans!

Monday: out for drinkies with new work buddies
Tuesday: charleston and lindyhop lessons
Wednesday: Vintage Dance Club at Canary Wharf (im actually working at this)
Thur: well deserved night in
Fri: chums round for supper
Monday: Work, Gym, Awkward phone call to my ex.
Tuesday: Work, Gym, Interview at Sainsbury's for a part time role
Wednesday: Cycling to Work, Work, Cinema, maybe?
Thursday: Work, Gym
Friday: Cycling to Work, Work

What an exciting week...
Monday: Work, Gym, Awkward phone call to my ex.
Tuesday: Work, Gym, Interview at Sainsbury's for a part time role
Wednesday: Cycling to Work, Work, Cinema, maybe?
Thursday: Work, Gym
Friday: Cycling to Work, Work

What an exciting week...

"I've got a rash.....":?:
Have we found a spare bit of internet space that needs filling with nuclear waste?

Monday. Work / Footy
Tuesday. Work / Watch Footy


no, i'm going to kill myself if i go on...
ooh its all rock n roll in the pups midweek fixture list.....

Mon: Hairdressers to get the barnet retamed then come home to find some little cnut has been and kicked in our shed doors and nicked gardening equipement so spent the evening with the rozzers filling in paper - a pointless experience
Tue: Hilton for dinner
Wed: over to see the olds.... cancelled - going new shed shopping
Thu: depends on the weather but hopefully an evening out for a long walk and stop off for a meal somewhere cheap and cheerful. cancelled - erecting new shed
Fri: DVD/Takeaway or might use up one of my Groupon dinner bargains...

my week plans updated...:spank:
bon of a sitch! :evil:

What kind of lowlife steels GARDENING TOOLS?! :!:

They'll take anything these days if it's not bolted down, won't they? Really sorry to hear about that, Pups.

Well they best of it is the ineptitude of today's thieving little scrotes meant that he didnt take the bag or the lead to go with the leaf blower - so as Chewie put it - "he's nicked a very elaborate drainpipe then? " that did make me laugh tho....
When I go home tonight my bathroom tiling should be finished (at last). Unfortunately, no word from the plumber yet to reconnect the loo so may be ****ing and ****ing in a bucket tonight. :confused:
They'll probably be back for those as soon as you've put the new shed up.....

:lol::lol::lol: likely...

the worst of it is Phil is so hacked off with himself :spank: its the first time he didnt put the lock on the back gate as he was only popping out for 15 mins to pick me up and it was broad daylight and next door was sitting in his conservatory reading - so he thought - ah it will be fine....

Lesson learnt :oops:
:lol::lol::lol: likely...

the worst of it is Phil is so hacked off with himself :spank: its the first time he didnt put the lock on the back gate as he was only popping out for 15 mins to pick me up and it was broad daylight and next door was sitting in his conservatory reading - so he thought - ah it will be fine....

Lesson learnt :oops:

Feeling your pain - these things always seem to happen this way. The only consolation is that it's just 'things' and not either of you getting hurt. Would be nice to hurt the scrotes though ;):lol: