Week Plans!


Well-Known Member
See what've I've done there?

It seems we've been posting 'Weekend Plans' threads on Spotlight for eons, but why no weeknight plans. Are we wageslaves who never enjoy Monday-Thursday? Is it because tradionally, our weeks used to be recovery time from another big clubathon?

Here's mine:

Tonight - catch up on some work and some rest (as I only slept for three hours last night)

Tuesday - footy training

Wednesday - Mark Thomas @ The Tricycle theatre

Thursday - footy training

Friday - annual footy club dinner. Carnage guaranteed, we normally leave the clubhouse at 9am next for breakfast at the cafe

What will you be doing outside 9-5 (what a way to make a living...)?
Mon - Gym
Tues - Gym
Wed - Gym
Thurs - Gym

All before work though. Got football on Mon, Tues & Fri evening, will be watching Liverpool tonight and the Spurs game tomorrow and i think thats about it.
Tonight - Watch Victory Day fireworks
Tomorrow - Nothing special
Wednesday - Nothing special
Thursday - monthly drinks with the foreign journalist corps
Friday - Attend the opening of an art installation by Naomi Campbell & Aidan Salakhova
Is this a chance for us all to show how boring our lives are? :lol: Mine will go something like this:

Tonight - clean flat, cook, watch TV
Tomorrow - gym (cold/flu depending)
Wednesday - as above
Thursday - meeting a friend for post work drinks/food
Friday - as above
Is this a chance for us all to show how boring our lives are? :lol:


Tonight: Spin & Body Conditioning classes at t'gym
Tuesday: Cleaning the cellar out
Wednesday: throwing clumsy shapes at the gym to Zumba
Thursday: Cleaning the cellar out

Tres uninteresting :(
looking like im unemployed for this week so days will consist of running or going to the gym , spending waaay too much time on here and a few other sites , editing together a showreel , hopefully getting some sun and not going to the pub!
(oh and emailing people trying to get some work , cant forget that one!:))
Is this a chance for us all to show how boring our lives are? :lol:

Ha to be fair my wild hedonistic weeknds more than make up for my lame week nights:lol:

I've spent the whole footy season agreeing to the missus' insistence post-season weekends would be culture-filled. It always seemed so far away :(

(I don't mind a museum visit here or there, but I fear she's expecting the same frequency and commitment as shown to the beautiful game!)
My weeknights are generally quiet, TV, rest, being lazy etc etc.

Sometimes an odd cinema night or a meal out perhaps.....

Mine this week are:

Tonight - relax
Tues - work late then relax
Wed - relax
Thurs - drinks with work colleagues
Fri - relax
Pretty much same as me, bar some writing, arsing about online and the odd bout of exercise. I can rarely be bothered going out during the week.

No midweek foraging?

Friday - Attend the opening of an art installation by Naomi Campbell & Aidan Salakhova

Could you pass on my phone number and remind her to call me? Enjoy:D

mon - work /gym
tue - work
wed - work
thur - gym /work
fri - gym /work
Mine is preety much the same as everyone else's in a round about way....

Mon - Gym
Tue - Out running with the GF....so il hear alot of 'i cant do anymore' or 'my ankles are hurting' :spank:
Wed - Gym
Thurs - Gym
Fri - Gym

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

I havent even got a date in the week :eek:
normal mon-thurs

occasional food / bath / exercise in between - occasionally write when inspired (v.rare these days)
human contact is minimal
ooh its all rock n roll in the pups midweek fixture list.....

Mon: Hairdressers to get the barnet retamed
Tue: Hilton for dinner
Wed: over to see the olds....
Thu: depends on the weather but hopefully an evening out for a long walk and stop off for a meal somewhere cheap and cheerful.
Fri: DVD/Takeaway or might use up one of my Groupon dinner bargains...
flipping heck, we are a healthy bunch on here:eek: Note all the gym visits, it will be like a body builders convention on Stu's boat trip:D
Going to try get back into the gym again this week after a spell of being lazy. Apart from that probably watch some tv and play a game of fives or two. Seem to have managed to spend more than my months wage already this month and some of my ibiza fund so I am keeping quiet as possible! ****ing bank holiday weekends!