Watch out peeps staying at Es Vive !!

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here is a better picture of her:
The 'vile plastic mother of the year contender' has vowed to return to Ibiza before the end of the season :lol: I dont think her lawyer will be so encouraging after her last visit :lol:
The 'vile plastic mother of the year contender' has vowed to return to Ibiza before the end of the season :lol: I dont think her lawyer will be so encouraging after her last visit :lol:

31 year old mums should not go to Ibiza and go out clubbing every night, wear tiny outfits, have a great time and get in a mess and behave in a way that might embarrass them in the morning

how dare they have fun in Ibiza, party capital of the world :x
31 year old mums should not go to Ibiza and go out clubbing every night, wear tiny outfits, have a great time and get in a mess and behave in a way that might embarrass them in the morning

how dare they have fun in Ibiza, party capital of the world :x

Yes they should.

But not in the way Jordan did it.

Her and her hangers on came over and acted like they owned the place and didn't respect anything or anybody.
Who do they think they are?
Just because she is a minor celeb over in the UK dosn't mean a thing in Ibiza.
My Belgian friend was on the next table to them in the Eden VIP and he said she was snogging some chick on her lap and this girl had two fingers up Jordan's pussy for all to see.
You can do outrageous things in Ibiza...but there are ways of doing them.
Jordan giving it all the big ''I am'' with a few pretty boys and a couple of perma tan slappers in tow being extemley nasty to other people around them is not the way to go.
Come to Ibiza, integrate and enjoy the scene with everybody else, is.
We have many celebs coming out her all the time...Jordan should take note of how Kate Moss, Jade Jagger, Simon Le Bonn, Brian Ferry, Caprice, Cuba Gooding, James Blunt, Noel Gallager etc act, they have fun here and blend in.
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31 year old mums should not go to Ibiza and go out clubbing every night, wear tiny outfits, have a great time and get in a mess and behave in a way that might embarrass them in the dare they have fun in Ibiza, party capital of the world :x

:lol: :rolleyes: I think youve read into that a little wrong my love :confused:

Can you honestly say the press coverage of her antics while here on holiday (all in this thread to see) will do her any favours in the custody courts ?

Yes they should......
But not in the way Jordan did it......
Just because she is a minor celeb over in the UK dosn't mean a thing in Ibiza.........

this girl had two fingers up Jordan's pussy for all to see.......
You can do outrageous things in Ibiza...but there are ways of doing them.
Jordan giving it all the big ''I am'' with a few pretty boys and a couple of perma tan slappers in tow being extemley nasty to other people around them is not the way to go.

Exactly, especially when you are a mother of three about to go through a custody battle. The things is, I think she showed her true colours on that holiday. I always had a 'little' respect for the way she has done so well, not anymore.

The sad thing is, she will probably end up with full custody :evil:
... My Belgian friend was on the next table to them in the Eden VIP
and he said she was snogging some chick on her lap and
this girl had two fingers up Jordan's pussy for all to see ...
your "Belgian friend" was either on forbidden substances or is a dirty liar -
everybody in "Eden VIP" saw that this girl had THREE fingers up "Jordan´s pussy" ! ! !

Lol go back to the dark ages you bunch of hypocrits... if it was Peter with his n*b dangling in 3 female dancers mouths you would be glorifying the slimy git!

I am in the same shoes as Jord a mum who has full custody and F U all who tell me not to party you can dream on if you think I'm gonna be spending my days nights on holiday sitting on a bar stool sipping lemonade with a knee length pleated skirt on...

And the VIP of Eden must have amazing eyesight WoW no wonder they gave him ViP he should get a job with News of The world 8)
your "Belgian friend" was either on forbidden substances or is a dirty liar -
everybody in "Eden VIP" saw that this girl had THREE fingers up "Jordan´s pussy" ! ! !


Maybe she is going to tell the story of Peter is not man enough so she turned to women :p:p:p
all these celebrities are just kunts and you are all gimps for talking about them and fantasising about them and gossiping about them like old ladies at the launderette and dressing like them and paying journalists who stalk and write about them.

now let's talk about some weighty subject matter like Bruno instead.
your "Belgian friend" was either on forbidden substances or is a dirty liar -
everybody in "Eden VIP" saw that this girl had THREE fingers up "Jordan´s pussy" ! ! !


:eek: :lol:


(did your belgian friend take any piccies? :lol:)

Even you cant get hold of these pics, can you :confused: ;) :lol:

Lol go back to the dark ages you bunch of hypocrits... if it was Peter with his n*b dangling in 3 female dancers mouths you would be glorifying the slimy git!

I am in the same shoes as Jord a mum who has full custody and F U all who tell me not to party you can dream on if you think I'm gonna be spending my days nights on holiday sitting on a bar stool sipping lemonade with a knee length pleated skirt on...

:rolleyes: Obviously a fan then :rolleyes:

You are totally missing the point. It wasnt that she had her knickers showing while on the podium, or that she was drapsed over 3/4 different fellas. But that she went round threatening people, also behaved like a lout and acted like a class 'A' Kunt in front of the Uk's media, all the while she is meant to be preparing to fight (publicly) for custody of her kids (that she loves so much that she also jetted of to the maldives without them:rolleyes:).
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I cant wait to see Bruno 8)

I dont care for Jordan or Chantelle just confused by people saying Chantelle is fat. Isnt there enough pressure on women due to the media let alone saying someone is fat when she is not......:eek::confused:
I didnt say she was fat I said she is a fat version of Jordan. Chantelles face is obese though look at the difference in the top pic (before she had the surgery) and she looks pretty there... then she gets all fillers in her face and giant implants and she looks like she's busting at the seams..
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