Warning for people booking this year


Active Member
Hey guys,

Wanted to set a reminder for any newbies or vetrans that havent booked there apartments for this summer.

Please do not use a hotel or apartment associated with the GPS group (Grupo Play Sol). we were robbed last year, see this post: http://www.spotlight-forums.com/showthread.php?p=1338560#post1338560

I know Spotlight ( being a reputable provided of hotels) does not endorse them but just dont want the same thing to happen to anyone else that happened to me.


Edited by Spotlight to be less libelous
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While they are not reputable to make a statement that you WILL get robbed is abit strong, having stayed at 2 of there hotels/apartments and never had anything taken.
Point taken tho I was worried about security myself given the reputation
Surely this post borders or trangresses the libelous line?

I have stayed in a gps apartment (Playa Sol II) seven or eight times and never had a single problem, the staff are as friendly and courteous as any I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with.

The reputation of the brand is clearly in tatters and the kingpin has received his just deserts but the op is a generalisation of the broadest kind.
thanks for the up on spotlight fronters BUT

i reckon that your rather sweeping statement could be regarded as libellous. do you want to be a bit more specific and factual?
While they are not reputable to make a statement that you WILL get robbed is abit strong, having stayed at 2 of there hotels/apartments and never had anything taken.
Point taken tho I was worried about security myself given the reputation

We where broken into and our safe opened with the contents taken out whilst we were sleeping in the room. They even had the cheek to go through our trouser pockets and take the odd bit of change that would have been in there.

Pretty much everyroom in opur apartment block had been done and people had 1000's of € stolen.

Im not being funny i work hard for my cash, i have complaind to Travel Republic ( im actualy taking them to court) .

Also be aware that although Thomas cook are abta registered, Medhotels ( which clearly says they are part of the Thomas cook group) arent so they will not uphold and abta complaint either. Not sure if they are bigger crooks than GPS hotels.

Just dont wnat the same thing to happen to other people, use a reputible provider and not just what is the cheapest as well in my experience it will end up costing you more.

** I would also like to state that they had no cleaners in out hotel, no change of sheets, no hot water, used condom on the stairs it really was a S*** Hole.
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well then as your knowledge is restricted to only one hotel then you should name that one and not the whole of the gps empire.

having said that, this group are currently selling accommodation (or were a week ago) in hotels which do not have the right permissions to open. the association of hoteliers in ibiza have made official complaints about this to the authorities
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Surely this post borders or trangresses the libelous line?

I have stayed in a gps apartment (Playa Sol II) seven or eight times and never had a single problem, the staff are as friendly and courteous as any I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with.

The reputation of the brand is clearly in tatters and the kingpin has received his just deserts but the op is a generalisation of the broadest kind.

Id stayed in this hotel several times too and never seen anything like it, the maintainance of the hotel was run down, dirty and tatty. There where signs in the apartments syaing take extra care as there where robberys, this was not from the hotel itself but by someone who had been robbed and was trying to help people staying there.

The staff where very very unhelpful and would not call the police or the hotel manager and were not intrested in the fact we had everything taken,

Our room was locked when they entered and so was the safe so not only did they not have a key to the safe but also the door. Guy in local internet cafe says its because the staff hadnt been paid so they where turning a blind eye to a gang that was pretty much screwing over the most of the hotel rooms and a bi daily basis.

The trip advisor and holiday wtachdog reports also back up my claims........



If anyone is worried about the legalities of this post i can provide with my full complaint to Trading Standards / Abta / Virgin Insurance / Financial Obudsmen.

And yes its been a bloody mess and months after the robbery i am still fighting my case.

I genuinly sont wnat anyone else to be in this situation, I love Ibiza and have been going at least one a year since 2001 but if this was my first experience of the place i probably would never go back.
well then as your knowledge is restricted to only one hotel then you should name that one and not the whole of the gps empire.

having said that, this group are currently selling accommodation (or were a week ago) in hotels which do not have the right permissions to open. the association of hoteliers in ibiza have made official complaints about this to the authorities

It was the Catalina Apartments above Savannah, however the Don Pepe just up the street was also targeted and so was the Pices (sp) Park.

It was a very regular occurance - one person even told us the reason they do it whilst you are in the room is because they use sleeping gas, ( similar to the robberys on the overnight trains in france).
Fair play, you obviously feel very strongly about the gps brand. Personally I think suggesting you WILL be robbed by staying in one of their accomodations is a tad strong!

It's a shame the police don't put a tiny fraction of the effort into catching such gangs (as alluded to above) as they do into policing the bizare noise laws. Maybe the police are not actually that bothered that tourists staying in the less extravagant accomodation are being systematically targetted by the gangs? It certainly reads that way from the number of posts suggesting the police show little or no interest in burgalries?
One thing I have noticed over the last couple of years, is the large number of complains about break ins from the GPS hotels (Trip advisor, for example, lists alot of negative reviews).

But when we stayed in Piscis Park in 2009, we had no trouble
I think you may have to join a very long Q of creditors waiting for payment from the GPS group.

Rotten thing to happen on your holidays. I know its not what you want to hear, but I wouldnt waste any more of your time or resources chasing it up. Did you even get a police report of the incident.....A must have document if you want to claim back on your insurance.

Its not easy, but try to mark it down as a bad experience and put it behind you.
Didn't experience theft when staying at a GPS property, thank goodness. However, I would also urge anybody planning on visiting Ibiza to avoid this chain.

Granted, I have only stayed at one hotel under their banner (San Remo, San Antonio Bay). But the all round service was appalling.

We paid over the odds for all inclusive, and ended-up spending more money because the food was so awful. The restrictions on the drink policy was also unbelievably stingey. Not sure whether this is the norm across Ibiza, Spain or indeed the Med. But the 'All Inclusive' boardered on false advertisement. Certainly the service pales in comparison to All Inclusives you get elsewhere in the World. Anyway, we could take blame for that - not researching enough, being slightly naive etc. ...

However, unfortunately this was just the tip of the iceberg.

All round service was terrible. Air con in the room was next to useless. Complained to reception staff umpteen times but were literally fobbed off!

Eventually they sent who I can only assume to be the site maintenance man. Didn't speak a word of English. Not that that is an issue in itself, but very frustrating having somebody sent to you to try & fix and then explain a problem when neither of you can understand each other.

After yet more complaining they finally agreed to switch us rooms. But guess what, the air con in this room didn't work AT ALL!

So back to our original room and ended up having to pay for a portable fan which was 10 x better than the friggin' air con!

Unbelievable customer service!

Just glad this was at the start of season. Had it been any later in the year then the heat would've been unbarable.

Avoid, avoid, avoid.
I think you may have to join a very long Q of creditors waiting for payment from the GPS group.

Rotten thing to happen on your holidays. I know its not what you want to hear, but I wouldnt waste any more of your time or resources chasing it up. Did you even get a police report of the incident.....A must have document if you want to claim back on your insurance.

Its not easy, but try to mark it down as a bad experience and put it behind you.

Hello Bez,

I wont give up the fight, the insurance not paying out i am too fighting as i feel i done everything i could in my power to oblige to there terms and conditions and the time of the incident so i am waiting for my final response (after an appeal) from the Financial obudsmen.

I am taking Travel Republic (Med Hotels / Thomas Cook) to court via HMRC moneyclaim online, apart from the break in the room was disugsting + we had a room that slept 4 and had booked for 4 people and there where only 3 beds. On of our party had to share with someone else in another hotel ( which wasnt a GPS hotel and they did not get robbed in fact it was a very nice hotel called the Abrat).

So the fact we did not get what we paid for breaks the sales of goods act as it was not fit for purpose ( I have been advised of this by trading standards) I complained to Abta and because Med hotels are not Abta registered ( even though they are part of Thomas Cook who are abta registered) I cannot take the claim to travel republic direct as because they are the agent my contract is with Medhotels and not them.

It cost me £35 and a bit of my time to take this to court but i will not lose this fight. Theres no way i am giving in :)
You may find, that in the small print of the terms and conditions with your Booking agent, that they may have exonerated themselves of any third party liability outside of their control.

They would not be a corporate entity if they didnt have such a clause protecting their commercial intrests.

They may not either, so best of luck with your campaign.... we salute you for your bravery :)
For what it's worth - and I hear your pain mate - we stayed at a GPS place in Sept.

Comedy elements like 3 different sized glasses, but it was clean, no one got stolen from and staff were friendly.
For what it's worth - and I hear your pain mate - we stayed at a GPS place in Sept.

Comedy elements like 3 different sized glasses, but it was clean, no one got stolen from and staff were friendly.
But, to be honest, the place still felt quite dodgy when I stopped by!
Although that might have been more because of the wasted people down near the pool :lol:
good work fronty, probably another load of people who might have come to ibiza now won't because they think hotels stealing from the customers is the norm here.
good work fronty, probably another load of people who might have come to ibiza now won't because they think hotels stealing from the customers is the norm here.
I think he's been pretty clear that the issue refers specifically to GPS hotels. It's not like they have a sterling reputation, going by Trip Advisor reviews of their properties.

But in any case, we can remedy your concerns now.

To people thinking about going to the island: Don't Panic!

I love Ibiza and its great and it is only the GPS hotels chain, i am always cautious when travelling abroad and Ibiza is not diffrent to any tourist destination.

However what i am saying is dont give these crooks your money. Use someone reputable like Ibiza spotlight to book your apartment and you will have the best holiday ever.

Not trying to tarnish the reputation of the island at all but just wanted to warn others before they part with the hard earned cash ( i work bloody hard for my money and dont want people taking it. The UK government do enough of that).

Moral of the story always check trip advisor before you make your buying decision.