Villa Security, Private Parties & Police?


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Just did a search and was quite surprised by the number of people that seem to have their villas broken into. Obviously there is crime in Ibiza like anywhere else but having heard about the dubious investigative methods of the Guardia Civil and knowing how vulnerable tourists are I'm a little bit worried. How bad is it really, if we're careful (keep valuables hidden + lock all doors + windows) are we likely to be ok? We're gonna be "overlooking" San An Bay (wish I had a more precise idea of the locagtion), any ideas about that area?

This also ties into the fact that we're about to put a deposit on a really nice set of cd decks, mixer & speakers to rent, firstly we'd rather not have them robbed and secondly I was wondering what the law is on small private parties. So many accounts of parties getting shut down, does this also happen to small (circa 11 people) private parties or does it depend on the time of day (eg we'd be fine from 4.30pm to 6am)? Is a villa near San An Bay likely to have neighbours who'd be disturbed by the noise (basically is it very residential)? If so getting decks seems a bit pointless.
why don't you ask the owner of the villa for his or her take on you having a party. he or she is, after all, as responsible as yourselves if or when the guys in green turn up to give you a taste of clubbin' guardia style.

and ask him/her where it is - as overlooking san an bay could be anywhere in an area of about 30 square miles.
be renting villas for over 10 years in ibiza never had any trouble
and we whack it out on the decks but from 1201am -7am we do turn the music down ........
I know the owner of a villa who this summer already has had their villa broken into twice, once they believe while they were asleep. This is the first time since buying the villa 4 years ago that it has happened. Its so important to not leave any windows open at night or while you are out.
With regards to parties, I believe that the maximum fine now has increased from a few hundred euros to 300.000 euros, payable by those responsible ie. the party organiser and the villa owner even if the villa owner is not aware, so I would be very careful. Not only could you get fined you'll also have one very pissed off villa owner!
I know the owner of a villa who this summer already has had their villa broken into twice, once they believe while they were asleep. This is the first time since buying the villa 4 years ago that it has happened. Its so important to not leave any windows open at night or while you are out.
With regards to parties, I believe that the maximum fine now has increased from a few hundred euros to 300.000 euros, payable by those responsible ie. the party organiser and the villa owner even if the villa owner is not aware, so I would be very careful. Not only could you get fined you'll also have one very pissed off villa owner!

Jesus! Even if it's just a few mates chilling around the pool in the afternoon or in the morning after a night out!?

I'm taking my laptop + possibly a video camera so just gonna have to keep it locked in the suitcase (doubt there's a safe) and hope for the best.
no of course not. i've never once been reported by my neighbours when i chill by the pool in an afternoon. but then, my chillin' equipment is a lounger and towel not 'cd decks, mixer & speakers'

does common sense not dictate that if you are making a racket then you are going to annoy your neighbours? (and if you want to make a racket you should hire a villa with all the advantages of being completely in the middle of nowhere)
no of course not. i've never once been reported by my neighbours when i chill by the pool in an afternoon. but then, my chillin' equipment is a lounger and towel not 'cd decks, mixer & speakers'

Haha fair enough. I'll just have to ensure my mates are aware of the law and that Ibiza = global capital of clubbing but also a home to many. Hopefully we won't have any neighbours in the immediate area or they will be tourists as well, if not we'll just have to keep it to a reasonable amount of noise and be generally more discreet incase the Guardia Civil come-a-knocking..
shocking, eh ! !

Lol well I'd wager that a massive proportion of those visiting the Island have neither an awareness or a regard for those that reside there, and it's a good bet some of my friends would fall into that category as well.

Although from what I've gleaned many of the most miserable of you opt to live as far away from San An as possible, so hopefully we'll be alright :P
Lol well I'd wager that a massive proportion of those visiting the Island have neither an awareness or a regard for those that reside there, and it's a good bet some of my friends would fall into that category as well.

Although from what I've gleaned many of the most miserable of you opt to live as far away from San An as possible, so hopefully we'll be alright :P
I would say not a massive but a small proportion of visitors taken overall,try and think outside of your immediate circle.

Your 2nd statement I find mystifying, where have you been doing your gleaning?
Who is the most miserable? How do you know where they live?
Well being one of the miserable old gits here, I live about 20 mins drive from San Antonio so you probably don't need to worry about disturbing me :)
There was a party in the house in front of our place last night. The music carried on after midnight so being the miserable git I am I grassed them up to the Guardia Civil who came over and gave those pesky youngesters a damn good hiding!
Not really. There was a party though and it did go on until this morning sometime (I fell asleep) and no I didn't grass them up. I try not to let other peoples fun upset me. I was very dissapointed I didn't get an invite though :spank:
:arrow: arrested for not turning the music down
"it all started after the neighbours phoned the police to complain for the noise and the volume of the music"

amazing - at pino sagliocco´s party the police said they couldn´stop it
because it was on private ground and they are not allowed to enter private ground:
El alcalde de Sant Antoni, José Sala, explicó que en este caso la policía
no podía interrumpir ni desalojar la fiesta como querían los vecinos
porque se trataba de «una celebración privada, en una casa privada
y en la que no se cobraba entrada»,
como sí ocurrió en otros casos de fiestas ilegales del municipio.

wasn´t there a new 2009-law which allows the police
to enter "private ground" ?!?
that law does not apply when the people having the party are rich and powerful
not exactly true..... that law does not apply when the people having the party are rich and powerful AND they invite the major and other politicians :!:

thats what pino sagliocco does every year and he always gets away with it.....
This appeared on our door on the first afternoon after moving in. We were told by the Villa owner we were ok to play it quite loud from 12pm to 12am, clearly the neigbours are of a different opinion though, so now we only play it quietly with the door open during the day whilst we chill in the pool and only inside with the door shut at night (which means it gets tres chaude :()..

Edit: We're in Carrer Del Pujol by the way if anyone knows it.

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yes, near the ostriches just past es cuco, turn before the road to cala bassa, lot of fascists live there.