Valentines Day - Whats your opinion ?!

Ok so im kinda single

well i don't know what 'kinda single' means ;) but i do think it's all a bit overblown.

It does prove that romance isn't dead though, it's just being held at ransom by Hallmark 8)
Sounds so Anne Summers.

The sex equivalent of low alcohol beer and weight watchers crisps.

I am flattered that you dissect the content of my lighthearted comments and put a bitchy spin on them, usually inferring a element of superiority on your part. it's nice.
Been crying with laughter at some of the posts on here, including Robder and Pups :lol::lol::lol:

I think its all a bit silly myself, we do cards but thats it, also found myself thinking yesterday its something 15 year olds do with big cards, big teddies etc etc but maybe thats just me being cynical :twisted:
To be honest i do feel for all you sure im right in saying alot of you feel the day is aload of crap but feel 'pressured' to do the whole card and flower business

keep up the good work guys :lol:
Some lucky girl had all her Valentines flowers and teddy bears delivered to a lamp post on the A12 near Brentwood.

Judging by the amount still there she must be very popular with the boys.
Not even that lol

I think its a case of neither of us want to admit anything coz were soooo used to living the single life....

and i love being single, its definately the way forward :lol:

but do you love being 'kinda single' too? ;)

when i see friends have gone from 'in a relationship' to 'it's complicated' i just think "isn't that the same thing".....what's more complicated than a relationship :lol:
Some lucky girl had all her Valentines flowers and teddy bears delivered to a lamp post on the A12 near Brentwood.

Judging by the amount still there she must be very popular with the boys.
