Valentines Day - Whats your opinion ?!


Active Member
Ok so im kinda single, so Valentines day is clearly quite pants in my eyes...and tbh even if i were with someone it wouldnt be that greater day anyway...

All a bit overated and a way for people to make money...

Anyone got any mega romantic or funny past time valentines day storys ?!

Right....thats all ive got time to put on this story as ive got a sack full of cards to get through :lol:.....
it's obviously $hit with a capital $

(but you're not allowed to say so publicly, lest people start feeling sorry for you)
I buy my missus flowers regularly anyway, but have sent her some today as well, because while I know the whole thing is a scam, she will genuinely enjoy the jealousy of the office full of girls she works with. £60 to make her happy, when she does absolutely everything for me? I can even park my cynicism for the day*.

(*no, not really:lol:)
One of my most dreaded days on the calendar.

The missus was warned within weeks of our initial meeting - there will never be any celebration of Valentine's Day to speak of. (one exception occurred ~11 years ago, when a painting was purchased).

Stupid excuse for greeting card companies, flower vendors, and restaurant owners to make a mint.
It's a load of old codswallop.
(But I would be nailed to the wall if I didn't buy the misus at least a card.)

A few years back went out with a group of friends for a valentines meal, all loved up couples. By the end of the night, every single one had fallen out over who had been oggling who etc etc:lol::lol::lol::lol:
well i am just pleased to wake up every morning and find he's still there after 20 years :lol::lol:

still do the cards thing but we stay in - cant be doing with other people's valentine date nights:spank:
I buy my missus flowers regularly anyway, but have sent her some today as well, because while I know the whole thing is a scam, she will genuinely enjoy the jealousy of the office full of girls she works with. £60 to make her happy, when she does absolutely everything for me? I can even park my cynicism for the day*.

(*no, not really:lol:)

I think you're wrong there Buckers, most girls I know would cringe at the old office flowers malarky. It reeks of "look everyone, my bloke sent flowers to my work for people to notice" The thing is it's been done for so long now there's nothing original about a bouquet of flowers turning up and sitting on your desk. Sorry to burst your bubble! ;)
Oh yeah, and I also think V. Day is a load of poop. Who wants to be sitting in a restaurant watching couples play tonsil tennis? Bleurgh! I'd prefer to pick another day and go for a romantic dinner with my bf. Infact we went for a pie and mash on Saturday, Can't get more romantic than that! :D
I think you're wrong there Buckers, most girls I know would cringe at the old office flowers malarky. It reeks of "look everyone, my bloke sent flowers to my work for people to notice" The thing is it's been done for so long now there's nothing original about a bouquet of flowers turning up and sitting on your desk. Sorry to burst your bubble! ;)

I can only comment on her office, where I'm generally thought to be a saint :lol:.

My bubble remains unburst!:p
It's just a cheeky wee laugh I think. I like to get a card, but it's definitely not a day for spending a fortune or sitting in overpriced restaurants watching others trying to act romantic :lol:

As with everything, I think you can just do whatever feels right for you.

Cards and homemade dinner here :D
I can only comment on her office, where I'm generally thought to be a saint :lol:.

My bubble remains unburst!:p

Is it like one of those offices where the girls all try and out-Valentine eachother with the bouquets getting bigger and more fancy every year!
Is it like one of those offices where the girls all try and out-Valentine eachother with the bouquets getting bigger and more fancy every year!

No idea, but that sounds very amusing. The boss is a multi-millionaire so he'll probably just buy his wife Kew Gardens or something if it comes to a p1ssing contest