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So ok, it might a good place for party etc....but i saw the photos and don't like it from the beginning..prefer the old Ushuaia so i decided that if i came to the island i wouldn't go there because of what it became....and looking through the news of Diario de ibiza i see that one the barman's got put under coma because of a know the story....then he died..i was very pissed that Ushuaia hasn't said a word to the family or friend of Abel and also that i heard rumours that the owner invited the police investigating the crime for a dinner to just forget about what happened...and i read that other complaints where put to the police because of violence from the "bouncers". From that moment, I am one of the people who asks for the closing of this establishment for the safety of the tourists, party peeps and even the staff.
And last saturday it happened again at the closing! I don't understand how this place is still many illegal stuff in this place and probably one of the biggest is the Leds on the front....they can be seen from the hills in front and they are quite far this visual pollution is illegal too...i cant name all of the illegal stuff that they have but its ridiculous that a place like this is still open....i know some of you will tell me: "Matutes is the owner..." I know that, he is bigger than the mafia and even richer.

By this thread, I'd like to know who is in favour or against the closing of Ushuaia and if you could give me the reasons, it would be good too.

Thank you guys and girls!

ps: If anybody works at Ushuaia and reads this, I want there opinion (I know it wont be positive as its your jobs but look at it from a different point of view please)
Based on everything that happened this summer and all the griping on here, I was hesitant to give the new venue a try.

However, I had a great time there a couple of weeks ago :!:

I didn't see a single security guard once we passed the entrance. Stunning venue, good atmosphere.

It was Defected so I wasn't expecting much as it's not usually my taste but aside from Bob Sinclar throwing a cheeseball or two, even the music was decent.

In short, I hope they stick around for next season. Could do without the bright LED screens outside though.
Based on everything that happened this summer and all the griping on here, I was hesitant to give the new venue a try.

However, I had a great time there a couple of weeks ago :!:

I didn't see a single security guard once we passed the entrance. Stunning venue, good atmosphere.

It was Defected so I wasn't expecting much as it's not usually my taste but aside from Bob Sinclar throwing a cheeseball or two, even the music was decent.

In short, I hope they stick around for next season. Could do without the bright LED screens outside though.

so thats one opinion, good opinion, i haven't been to a single party but from my point of view....dont like the place..
What happened at the closing?

Another tourist got punched and got to be in was a bouncer...but he wasnt working there anymore but the other bouncers just let him do it....and after that, this idiot says he never done any martial art and he is champion of Mauy thai....ridiculous.....
I stayed there at the end of september and have to say i thoroughly enjoyed it!

we booked up before the tragic event took place and after reading about that and what other people had to say about the place we where a little bit worried.

But when we arrived we found the staff (security included) to be very polite and helpful. We put this down to trying to make amends and build up the rep after what had happened there!

based on my stay alone i dont have a bad word to say about it!
I was thinking it might actually be worth staying there next year if my usual haunt (Garbi) keeps raising their prices to Ushuaia levels.

Free party with top DJs in your courtyard 4 times a week? Not a bad deal, really.

I saw a lot of people hanging out on their balconies with their own store-bought drinks having a good time with their friends (and avoiding paying the entry fee).
I don't think you can condemn the hotel out of hand on account of what has been happening this season viz their security team, provided that they make the necessary changes before it opens again next year.

As to the hotel itself, I did get a very good look around at the Opening Party when (in stark contrast to the mid-season situation) the total lack of security enbled me to go roaming around pretty much at will. Concluded from my roamings that I would not want to stay at a hotel like that even if it was free. Could not be further away from my taste or what I want in Ibiza (or anywhere).

It's all in the eye of the individual, but in my personal perception the entire place is pretentious tacky gimmicky glitz without an ounce of class or appeal. And that was before I saw the prices.

But bad taste is not, so far as I'm aware, a good enough reason to shut somewhere down :lol:.
I was thinking it might actually be worth staying there next year if my usual haunt (Garbi) keeps raising their prices to Ushuaia levels.

Free party with top DJs in your courtyard 4 times a week? Not a bad deal, really.

I saw a lot of people hanging out on their balconies with their own store-bought drinks having a good time with their friends (and avoiding paying the entry fee).

That makes sense i was checkig out the prices for the garbi next summer and it seemed they had gone up quite a bit. Have you seen the new superior rooms?
It's all in the eye of the individual, but in my personal perception the entire place is pretentious tacky gimmicky glitz without an ounce of class or appeal. And that was before I saw the prices.
If you'd seen some of the glitzier clubs in Moscow, Ushuaia is not nearly as over-the-top :lol:

I think that's one reason why I look at it a little bit differently. I'm used to mixing it up between more grubby underground-ish places and ones like this.

That makes sense i was checkig out the prices for the garbi next summer and it seemed they had gone up quite a bit. Have you seen the new superior rooms?
No, didn't see them. But I heard they just put slightly different (mostly white) furniture in some of the sea-view rooms that have larger balconies.
If you'd seen some of the glitzier clubs in Moscow, Ushuaia is not nearly as over-the-top :lol:

I think that's one reason why I look at it a little bit differently. I'm used to mixing it up between more grubby underground-ish places and ones like this.

Quite likely - guess Russia bound to have all the trappings of what 'new money' brings in spades after all those years ! I've no problem with grand traditional elegance, or pure unbridled class (like the Hotel de Crillon in Paris which is my favourite place to stay there) in an appropriate setting.. it's the seaside "plastic gin palace" thing which turns me right off :lol:
Id happily stay there, the biggest plus being party on your doorstep and no need to pay 15 euro a drink.

By contrast I wouldnt pay 30 euro to go there for a party and drop 15 euro a drink.... sort of only works for me if you are staying at the hotel......

Security much better on my 2nd visit in Sept than the Defected opening in June where there was a real bad attitude

so from me its a 8) and a :confused:
I have been a critic of the place in the past, but just think for a minute about the logistical nightmare that this place takes on.

You have a 5 Star Hotel, and then 4 out of 7 nights a week, you open up the gates and let 3,000 people into it!

Ushuaia just took on too much too soon. The place just couldn't cope, and had no idea how to cope at the start. I can't believe that more didn't happen at this place. The awful incident of a security guard killing another member of staff is horrendous, but that could have happened in a supermarket, or an investment bank!

I agree that security are heavy handed, but at the same time, you are entering a 5* hotel and have to be slightly more constrained than on the DC10 Terrace.

(My following comment is referring to no individual establishment). The thing I DO NOT like about many establishments is the filthy dirty vile people that own and make money out of it. Make no mistake this is dirty money, and we (me included) are making them more! Drugs, crime, money laundering, paying off politicians, paying off police are all part of many establishments. Having come across 2 British Journalists in Ibiza this year, I believe that there is a quality broadcaster that will soon expose a lot of the things that are discussed above...
The awful incident of a security guard killing another member of staff is horrendous, but that could have happened in a supermarket, or an investment bank!

very few supermarket usually employ roid rage bouncers 8)
the rating it has at the moment is a hangover from its previous days. it takes time to change these things
i never bother with star ratings - the criteria are different whichever province in spain you're in - and some places don't have any - pikes and pacha for example (off the top of my head, i think)
Visited the place this October. I would say its something new for Ibzia, it has introduced a proper day time beach party with a ticket price acceptable to most people.

Would echo Mr Why's sentiments that the hotel was a rushed job and not properly prepared for the crowds that descended on it.

The Disco Mafia issue should be kept separate from the venue. It was totally wrong and corrupt to allow a person to flee the Island after been detained by police at the time of the incident. A tourist would be locked up for spitting at local police, another cracks a mans head open and is allowed to go home. It reeks of a damage limitation exercise to have let him go.

The venue easily deserves another season or two to prove itself, so I would wait and see.
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