Undercover police!

Not sure that's true - the new rich in ibiza - whether British, Russian whatever they don't go to clubs to 'ave it large' they go because of aggressive marketing in the high end media (did you see the feature in the Financial Times supplement last summer? 10 pages of glossy pictures and not one single reference to music) You always had that rich element but the difference is the wealthy bohemians who went in the 80s were just a bit more interesting and less money-obsessed. These new people are GOLD for the Spanish govt who will crawl up their backside at every turn. You may think everyone can co-exist in the same club. No they can't! There will be more and more tables and less dancefloor space. This is what happened to new york under Giuliani and it will happen in Ibz too
As long as people want raves, there will be raves. As long as people want pills, there will be pills
There will be more and more tables and less dancefloor space. This is what happened to new york under Giuliani and it will happen in Ibz too

I understand what you're saying (and not being too argumentative for the sake of it), BUT there is not more and more, in fact slightly less than other years. e.g. Pacha dancefloor is bigger than its been for almost 10 years now. Ushuaia have moved a lot of VIP to the back this season. Amnesia always hide it on the balconies. So, yes, while table service is a big part of Ibiza, everyone knows that if you lose the DANCEFLOOR then there is no party... so nobody comes!
I found this year to be more "balanced" in terms of rich VIP vs proper people wanting to pound the dance floor hard than it was at the start of the VIP craze. When I went to Pacha once for a VIP experience about 8 years ago for hubby's b-day treat, it was awesome! Everyone danced and we drank she'd loads. Service was friendly and Roger Sanchez played one of the most epic 7 hour tribal sets. Now I look at VIP and think - been there, did it once, it's not like it was. People sit & pout. Not my kind of fun.

There are places for these uber rich or even wanna be rich folks (wherever they are from Essex to Russia); there are places for edm commercial err.....sh*te which attracts young folks and VIPs mostly due to media); there are parties for underground sounds - a lot of them as mr_why has said; there are a few proper house party sounds around - like clockwork reunion or defected. There are cheap tasty restaurants like David's & there are expensive not so great restaurants only about the image. There are also exceptional expensive places to eat. I think Ibiza has done well to try & keep it balanced this year, though still too much edm for me & not enough Balearic house, yet I still keep going! As will nearly every other bugger who gets hooked by Ibiza's spell. Dammit.....

going off track a little, at the end of the day, the GC still need to be seen to be doing something....and maybe they stop one guy from dealing some awful crap to unsuspecting young folks or maybe they get someone who is only sorting himself, but I guess with all the media that's how it is. Maybe their presence makes people take less stupid risks. I for one was not keen on driving after half a bottle of wine even with a big meal after seeing them on that corner!
I have a strong hunch the spanish authorities want to eliminate E altogether. They consider it a nuisance narcotic. The kinds of tourists they want now are the loaded st tropez, poseur variety who spend big at tables, not gurning young people who generally spend peanuts on drinks (& contribute virtually zilch to the hacienda treasury) As underground dance music is gradually strangled on the island, the clientele it attracts will naturally change too. Those kinds of punters haven't grown up in the drug culture and won't even know what an after-party is. It won't happen overnight but the writing's on the wall...

You're assuming that the clubs don't see any of the drug money. That's where the real money is, even better than alcohol.
The Monks Drugs in My Pocket:

Oh come on!

Bien sabes que este no soy yo.
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Just watched the posted video DRUGLAND.. thanks for posting ive not seen that documentary in ages.... I was out on Ibiza the year they put the cameras up in the West End so that'll of been around 1999 ish. Was funny watching Cafe/Bar Amsterdam, brings back good memories :)

As for the club scene, it's been hedonistic since the first ever, hippy colony was founded in the 60s. However wish I'd been going in the 80s..
1988-89 is classed as the summer of love with Jose Padilla playing quite random tunes in the then, open air Privilege.


I went to the white isle every year from 97 - 04 and it evolved in that short time and will keep evolving.. I'm going back this year and I'm sure a lot has changed, but something remains...
Largo Ibiza vivo :)
i've already added this to the relevant post, but it's something which needs saying again:

The guardia civil have a very tough job to do and do it very well. there has been no terrorism, no gangland violence and very little armed crime on Ibiza since i've been here. considering the money and masses here in summer, ibiza is one of the safest places i know.
Los efectos de la 'droga caníbal':

...this is what started it all.

Groovy!! ... New dancers for bora bora
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