Undercover police!

Soon as the undercover police saw anything they took people to one side and then a Gaurdia Civil would appear and do the search
Soon as the undercover police saw anything they took people to one side and then a Gaurdia Civil would appear and do the search
Im sure they were only checking to see how many Dicks are in pdb. They can't all be in San an.;)
I was searched last year by the guardia civil on the way into space but they never looked down my pants

Don't think police are allowed to either so i don't get why undercover police would?

I thought it was pretty well established that cops/bouncers in Spain can do more intimate searches than those in the UK. Unless they're not playing by the rules?
I was searched last year by the guardia civil on the way into space but they never looked down my pants

Maybe they didn't fancy the look of your package :idea:

Don't think police are allowed to either so i don't get why undercover police would?

The Guardia Civil regularly take people aside and tell them to take their pants down at the side of the road etc. You probably don't have to agree there and then but if you don't you'll probably get a bit of a thumping and dragged to the station (or somewhere quiet where you can have stuff planted on you) to do it there so may as well get it over with. The GC are a bit of a bunch of thugs, best not challenged or provoked. The Policia Local are a different story entirely - and I doubt they would do any searches like this.

Edit by James: that's very alarmist Kimajy; Spain/Ibiza is not a corrupt 3rd world country, the guardia civil have a very tough job to do and do it very well. there has been no terrorism, no gangland violence and very little armed crime on Ibiza since i've been here. considering the money and masses here in summer, ibiza is one of the safest places i know.
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i've never been stopped myself but some friends were stopped at a checkpoint in a taxi and had to get out for a search. completely random as far as I know. this was like 7 years ago though.
Is this a one off or can it be expected more over the summer? Its not like drugs are in short supply or hard to find on the island. Whats the punishment for being caught with 1 or 2 pills? Are they only looking for dealers?
Is this a one off or can it be expected more over the summer? Its not like drugs are in short supply or hard to find on the island. Whats the punishment for being caught with 1 or 2 pills? Are they only looking for dealers?

I believe possession usually just attracts a fine.
Is this a one off or can it be expected more over the summer? Its not like drugs are in short supply or hard to find on the island. Whats the punishment for being caught with 1 or 2 pills? Are they only looking for dealers?

Was only watching this programme last night - This might explain things, unless the law has changed?

I guess its a fine line the police have to tread. They know there is a massive tourist industry that thrives on the supply of drugs to the island. But they cant be too soft on it otherwise it could get out of hand.
Maybe it's about being seen to being doing something? Got to remember countries are bound by international treatise, hence the occasional display of muscle to show WE DON'T TOLERATE DRUGS. Hopefully we'll see a breakdown in this soon, mainly due to the way some countries (or states in the U.S.) are going with marijuana. I reckon a few countries would plump for more local solutions, maybe legalisation.

There are a lot of places (not necessarily in Ibiza) where drug consumption is very obvious and you'd think busting users and dealers would be like shooting fish in a barrel. The question is why doesn't this happen?
Because there's too many fish and not enough bullets?

Oh and 20 mins in to that BBC Documentary, I'd just like to clarify, thats not me!!
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I was once stopped in the west end. Plain clothes guy stopped my and flashed a badge. It was at a cross roads at bar Amsterdam (if it's still there) looking round there were another 4 plain clothes. One at each exit if I'd done or had anything to run for. As it happens I didn't but, be careful in the west end...
Just got back. Most activity I have seen this year in my 13 years of Ibiza visits. Ate at a gorgeous restaurant in a "suburb area" of pdb. guardia civil pull up outside stopped cars & thoroughly searching cars & passengers with torches. This was on a quiet residential road which we noticed seemed like a rat run. They were there the full 2 hours while we ate. Female guardia to do the chicks & yep looking in bra, panties, undies, shoes the works. Loads of guardia on the roads pulling cars & taxis over searching back packs & people at random. They're not the friendliest looking! Also saw loads of policia local doing bush searches around salinas & benirras. Not sure what that was about but I think they were looking for drinks/fruit sold by people selling on the beach or something. They have to be seen to be doing something I guess, but it was also the craziest year for nutter drivers, no one pulling them over for dangerous driving.....
I have a strong hunch the spanish authorities want to eliminate E altogether. They consider it a nuisance narcotic. The kinds of tourists they want now are the loaded st tropez, poseur variety who spend big at tables, not gurning young people who generally spend peanuts on drinks (& contribute virtually zilch to the hacienda treasury) As underground dance music is gradually strangled on the island, the clientele it attracts will naturally change too. Those kinds of punters haven't grown up in the drug culture and won't even know what an after-party is. It won't happen overnight but the writing's on the wall...
I have a strong hunch the spanish authorities want to eliminate E altogether. They consider it a nuisance narcotic. The kinds of tourists they want now are the loaded st tropez, poseur variety who spend big at tables, not gurning young people who generally spend peanuts on drinks (& contribute virtually zilch to the hacienda treasury)

That may be true, but the big spenders at tables pay big money because there is a party on the dance-floor that they can't partake in but pay for the privilege to watch! As we say time and time again, you take away St An and cheap holidays as an entry point then there is NO dancefloor and thus no people on the dancefloor!

As underground dance music is gradually strangled on the island, the clientele it attracts will naturally change too. Those kinds of punters haven't grown up in the drug culture and won't even know what an after-party is. It won't happen overnight but the writing's on the wall...

"Underground Strangled". Well five years ago we had DC10, Cocoon, We Love and Coxy! Now (and even more last year) we have DC10, Cocoon, Music ON, ENTER (pulling in 5,000+ a night), Coxy (pulling in 5,000+ a night), We Love (getting stronger this year), tons of beach-parties, even Pacha throwing Insane and Solomun.... the list goes on!

We have a booming commercial over-ground and a booming underground. What amazing times we live in....