UK Voting Poll

What is the party affiliation of the MP you will support in the UK election?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 11 30.6%
  • Liberal Democract

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Labour

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • Regional Party (Scottish, Wales, N. Ireland)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Greens, Respect, BNP, UKIP, etc.)

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters

Clicked Lib Dems on this poll but may actually vote labour as Lib dems have no chance in the marginal where i live
I voted Other.

if you're in a safe, rocksolid seat like mine (Lewisham Deptford, Lab) then you might as well have a laugh at the ballot box. I shall therefore be voting adding my name at the bottom and voting for myself (and encouraging others in the queue to do the same)

I cannot endorse Cameron for moral reasons
I am sick of NuLabour
I like Clegg and some of his ideas but he would be hopelessly out of his depth
The Greens (curiously enough, big players where I live) might appeal a lot more had I not recently procured a petrol-guzzling motor car.

just as well really then that my vote counts for $hit, in any case.

I'm with you (as long as the vote is registered as well as spoiled)...tho have gone Lib Dem because it feels like the less angry option. :lol:
I deleted that post, because it might've looked a bit self-indulgent but now you've quoted it, I suppose it's a fair representation how I feel.

oh I dunno

Lib Dems maybe? if only to push their national vote up?
not being picky but any chance the columns for the parties can change to correct colours? red-labour, orange-liberal etc.....
Sorry about that. :lol:

It was the only common sense post on here.

I can't bear people who align themselves with a single political party and start evangelising. Ugh.
an interesting slant on tactical voting, by Jackie Ashley in yesterdays Guarniad

suggesting people pair up with people in other constituencies, who can vote on your behalf for your party if they're stronger there, whilst you return the favour at your end - obv, there is an element of trust and intense calculating involved, but it is one novel way of making people feel their votes actually count for something
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hang on, are there other tories lurking in the undergrowth? :eek:

I seem to recall james the monkeh coming out as a tory on a few years back
one novel way of making people feel their votes actually count for something
It is, of course, vital to democracy that everyone vote their conscience no matter if their vote will have a measurable impact on the outcome.

Nevertheless, I must admit that I was especially excited to be registered to vote in the swing state of Florida (despite having never lived there!) for the 2008 US general election. Florida gave George W his electoral win in 2000 but swung to Obama in '08. I felt like my vote mattered.