Uk strikes

So protest as much as you want, it's your right and perogative. But don't be under any illusion of superiority over those in the private sector who don't have the luxury of an alternative and who have to accept cut backs after cutbacks over the past three years.

Not all do, do they? Those in bigger organisations can unionise, no?
But don't be under any illusion of superiority over those in the private sector who don't have the luxury of an alternative and who have to accept cut backs after cutbacks over the past three years.

I don't think anyone is under any illusion.

You could stand with them as you're still both $hit on the bottom of the shoes of those in high places (who continue to masturbate over you daily).
another view on the strikes stolen from facebook:

When the government decides we can have a day off for the royal wedding it doesn't damage the economy, but when the workers decide to strike for a day it costs the UK economy half a billion....I'm not an economist, but something doesn't add up. Even more odd is the attitude of the Tory press, who have been campaigning for the country to have a day off for the Queen's jubilee next year, but are convinced that the unions are being irresponsible for taking a day to protest over the government's broken promises.... Feel free to copy and paste.
WHY does anyone need any more than four times the national average wage?

why dont you put yr money where your mouth is, set an example, and give away every penny over the 'national average wage' to someone who really needs it.

stop preaching and start practising.

why dont you put yr money where your mouth is, set an example, and give away every penny over the 'national average wage' to someone who really needs it.

stop preaching and start practising.



Because. My. Point. Was. Directed. At. People. That. Earn. Four. Times. The. National. Average. Wage.

It's not about you. :lol:

Gosh this is tedious.

Because. My. Point. Was. Directed. At. People. That. Earn. Four. Times. The. National. Average. Wage.

It's not about you. :lol:

Gosh this is tedious.
What's the difference between 1.5 times and 4 times? All above average... shouldn't we all be equal?
Why should everybody be equal and earn the same?
I for one have taken huge risks and worked in very demanding and uncomfortable situations to get where I am.
22 hour shifts in a fish factory being just one of them.
I imagine a lot of self employed people have done similar.....some have made it whilst others didn't.
If I happen to earn more now than somebody who has done the barest minimum with their life and not put themselves out to make the best of situations then i think that is right......It could have quite easily gone the other way.
Why should everybody be equal and earn the same?
I for one have taken huge risks and worked in very demanding and uncomfortable situations to get where I am.
22 hour shifts in a fish factory being just one of them.
I imagine a lot of self employed people have done similar.....some have made it whilst others didn't.
If I happen to earn more now than somebody who has done the barest minimum with their life and not put themselves out to make the best of situations then i think that is right......It could have quite easily gone the other way.

I've gone from having an easy £36k a year job, to paying myself the equivalent of someone on £20k a year, and still manage to have a decent standard of living, while reducing contributions into my own pension, by to a measly £30 a month.

I've been told i can claim this and that for the periods when i've got no work on, but you know what i cant be arsed to jump through the hoops and formfilling, plus, theres someone else out there who might just need the help more.

if the last 6months have taught me anything, is that im not buying as much useless crap as i used to, and am a lot happier as a result. :p

gawd knows what'll happen when i get a full billable month in.
about 20% and 30% extra into the treasury coffers + resentment from those who see anyone earning over £40k a year as stinking rich... :rolleyes:

Was thinking more £250,000 actually - we cap the minimum wage so in my view this should work both ways.

We've been here before anyway.

Tired old debate and everyone has an opinion.
I've gone from having an easy £36k a year job, to paying myself the equivalent of someone on £20k a year, and still manage to have a decent standard of living, while reducing contributions into my own pension, by to a measly £30 a month.

I've been told i can claim this and that for the periods when i've got no work on, but you know what i cant be arsed to jump through the hoops and formfilling, plus, theres someone else out there who might just need the help more.

if the last 6months have taught me anything, is that im not buying as much useless crap as i used to, and am a lot happier as a result. :p

gawd knows what'll happen when i get a full billable month in.

When you are self employed you deal with the fluctuations in earnings.....mine has gone up and down and some years well below zero.
A lot of people in long term jobs always assume that they are going to be earning that amount plus annual increments at an expected pecentage, so they max out their spending to use up every penny.
But surely we must not expect to earn the same amount is there is a downturn in the ecomony and the company that one works for is not making so much money.
It always makes me angry when I watch Dragons Den and the woman on there asks ''So, what will your profit be on year six?'' Absolute idiotic statement. One can pedict whatever one feels like, however reality has it's own agenda.
I was also watching a piece of the news a few months ago where there was a family being interviewed in their front room saying that they did not have enough money to cover the basic bills and would have to turn the heating off. Meanwhile in the background the kid is on the X-Box on the biggest plasma TV invented.
The predictions about how much a pension fund would be worth in the future were way off. I had an endowment mortgage which is coming up 50% short.
Everybody has to adjust and make a path with fewer mistakes like this for the future. This crisis wasn't made overnight it will be not solved in a similar timeframe.
As much as I'm pro the strikers, getting worked up about Clarkson is daft.

Let's face it: he's an idiotic twat whose penchant for fast cars is more important than the enviroment...
Not feeling particularly stirred.

It's pretty much a given that anything that Clarkson says -or will ever say- is something I'll disagree with.