That didn't take longRAMOS OUT!![]()
we lost.
and im in a grump cos of it. RAMOS OUT!![]()
That didn't take long
Look ma! Bottom of the league!![]()
'Bottomham Hotspur' seems to be the popular email gag this morning
Ramos to be on the PL managers scrapheap by Crimbo, wonder what the odds are
How was your rounds this fine day Buckers![]()
That didn't take long
Look ma! Bottom of the league!
Feeling much better today, Buckers.
Wonderful, although the bins were particularly full of paper, mainly AIG insurance policies and Lehman Brothers contracts of employment.
(I can see Canary Wharf from here though, and it doesn't seem to be burning yet!)
You see all their employees on the news with their boxes where they had emptied their desks ??
Worrying times.
Yup, there's a lot of uber-lefties on other websites celebrating it as some sort of victory, without understanding that the top earners are rich already and will jump into other jobs, and it's the back office staff who will struggle with their mortgages.
what actually are you doing buckers??
Right now I'm wondering if the crane in front of my window has been purposely coloured the same yellow as the spokes coming out of dome, which I can also see.8)