Johnny Vodka
Well-Known Member
Been around for a little while. Can't be arsed to check if it's been posted already.
All that anjuna stuff is zzz prog by numbers. I don't mind it in ibz as background filler in the car but none of it really stands out
? alert
To say "all" is harsh!
I'll run my opinions past the operator next time, yeah?
sorry was unnecessarily abrasive yesterday. and yes I agree I'm sure if I heard that Baumel remix out I'd still get really involved but I'm just generally into completely different music these days. obv 2020 changed more than a few things and I barely bothered with banging music. There was no point with nowhere to hear it out.
I've posted tunes of the year for the last 3 consecutive years on my blog and even pre-lockdown there was already a shift towards more downtempo.
Discos destacados de 2020
Tal vez un poco temprano, pero decidí compartir con vosotros algunos favoritos destacados de 2020 (ojo, *muy* subjetivo, no sigo el ‘hype’). Un año lógicamente raro – pero gracias a dios la calidad…
2019 Music
So much majestic music in 2019 – and of course, far too much to mention. A cross-section of personal faves here, as heard at assorted Catalan bars, Ibizan fincas, French castles and beyond… …
Music: 2018
It’s fair to say I wasn’t exactly on the clubbing frontline in 2018 so I will have missed out loads. Tucked away in the hills on the periphery of all the action, I instead immersed myself in …
it's very interesting how much our personal mood expresses itself in what we like to listen to. same with me - one day i'm very much into forward proggo trance rave'ish mood and next day i enjoy some downtempo chill stuff or soulful house much more.
but in general i noticed, that this year in the opposite to you i turned even a bit more to progressive/trance-like stuff compared to the years before ... seems like it feeds my need for escapism a bit better in these times ...
Listen to Heimat (TSHA Remix) (Snippet) by Connaisseur Recordings on #SoundCloud
Heimat (TSHA Remix) (Snippet)
[cns113] Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Rebellion der Träumer X - The 10th Anniversary Remixes, Pt. 3 Pre-order, pre-save & stream: @kollektivturmstrasse @tshamusic