Top 3 Songs of 06 (non dance)

All my life d dud de da America
All my life d dud de da America
All my life d dud de da America
Woah ah oooah ah woah.

I know Trance songs with better written lyrics (AND it was written by the drummer, causing a punch up as Borrel and the record co wanted JB's name on it)

Ok admittedly, lyrically it's no "up the junction" but it's a great arrangement & rift....which I suppose concurs with your comments about them being a good guitar band!!
Ok admittedly, lyrically it's no "up the junction" but it's a great arrangement & rift....which I suppose concurs with your comments about them being a good guitar band!!
I dunno... seems pretty average to me as guitar band music goes, and that's coming from someone with a decent-sized collection of guitar music...
I dunno... seems pretty average to me as guitar band music goes, and that's coming from someone with a decent-sized collection of guitar music...

at this point Johnny feels a warmth in his spandex pants as he daydreams about his extensive library of AOR on vinyl !!!! :lol:
at this point Johnny feels a warmth in his spandex pants as he daydreams about his extensive library of AOR on vinyl !!!! :lol: