Top 3 hates about Ibiza

Eughhhhh i had no idea the place was full of Italians :confused:

Sleezes better not bother me or i will not be a happy bunny :evil:
I pulled an Italian girl in Pacha back in 2009, I think she must have been astounded a guy could be polite and courteous and not resort to minor sexual assault :)

Having said that... ;)

Ha ha good work ;)

We were sitting in Pacha upstairs on the terrace part when these girls sat amongst us who were getting the Italian treatment, they were sick of getting grabbed saying it was a daily thing, we just told them to sit with us til they left, being a 6'4" Geordie with a shaved head and not skinny, i look like i can stick up for myself, plus the lads i was with look quite intimidating, they're not to know I'm a soft sh1te really ha ha ;)
1) music snobs/snobbery, im aware clubland is not my taste, nor the west end but if people are having fun not disutrbing us whats the problem

they attract the wrong English, lower the tone and they clog up the planes in peak season - how can that be anything other than disturbing?

viva snobbery
they attract the wrong English, lower the tone and they clog up the planes in peak season - how can that be anything other than disturbing?

viva snobbery

i concur....again ha ha
I'd rather have a pervy Italian than a lager lout pot bellied British oaf anyday. At least the Italians have style 8)

My hates about Ibiza:

The people who live there (well Jel)
I'd rather have a pervy Italian than a lager lout pot bellied British oaf anyday. At least the Italians have style 8)

My hates about Ibiza:

The people who live there (well Jel)

The old ball and chain better stay in shape, or take you to Blackpool instead, eh Miss Boo?:lol:
I'd rather have a pervy Italian than a lager lout pot bellied British oaf anyday. At least the Italians have style 8)

My hates about Ibiza:

The people who live there (well Jel)

Also love Italian pervs. 8)

1) Also not a fan of being molested and botherd by guys while i'm trying to dance and enjoy the music be it Italians or English blokes (me and my mates nearly had to leave Pacha after only a couple of hours it was so bad once)

2) Again agree with the prices of drinks in the clubs

3) The fact i have still got 10 weeks to wait till i fly out there :):):):)
It could be me, I look at the person not where they are from if they are being a kn0b. I have met both good and bad in Ibiza.
I f***ing hate people who stand/walk around places like Cocoon Amnesia just dance you fools! Any other things I don't like very much such as Guetta, SHM, the West end are not bothering me as I simply don't go near them and they serve a purpose for the tourists that like **** music and keep them out of the places I want to go, giving me more room to dance. But this is what I don't like about Cocoon, I love the music and Amnesia but these people are also going to cocoon and making it too packed full of people who don't really like techno and proper house (lol)

oh.... and i definitely prefer a pot bellied English to an Italian trying it on.. the potty bellied will bog off and take the hint the Italian twonk will not as he doesn't actually comprehend the fact that you don't fancy him. I had a terrible time a few years back when I was alone with my children blinking slimey gits. I wouldn't go as far as saying I hate them though some are nice