Top 3 hates about Ibiza

in 2008 I was hyper critical - it probably didn't do me any favours on the forum but it was at least an honest reflection of how I felt at the time. I also freely acknowledged there was plenty I hadn't seen.

so when I went back last year, I planned the trip a lot better and was able to avoid pretty much all the things I hated - I consequently had an amazing time.
1: Italians ( seem to have some sort of bother with them every year I go, whether its them touchin my girlfriend, stroking my girlfriends face or girl mates, to them barging through you like your not there in dc10 )

2: Gangs of lads with their own individual nicknames on the back on their t-shirts, with " Geordie lads on tour " on the front. ( p.s. i have nothing against geordies, was just an example)

3: Workers ( seems to be that people seem to think because they work in ibiza they know it all and try and patronise you, obviously doesnt go for every worker as ive met some nice people, but the ones im talking about get on my nerves)

that is all
1: Italians ( seem to have some sort of bother with them every year I go, whether its them touchin my girlfriend, stroking my girlfriends face or girl mates, to them barging through you like your not there in dc10 )

I'm sure the racism police will jump on this con fuerza, but i've not been to Space in the last 3 years without someone in our party being groped by an Italian.


West End

Car Hire firms

Loudmouth English Gobsh**es
I'm sure the racism police will jump on this con fuerza, but i've not been to Space in the last 3 years without someone in our party being groped by an Italian.


West End

Car Hire firms

Loudmouth English Gobsh**es

snap mate. last year had 2 grabbing my girlfriend in space when i went the toilet. Had the same sort of thing happen in cocoon, dc10, bora bora.
  1. Drunks / Idiots who dont go there for music / Roid heads
  2. Drink Prices in Clubs
  3. Nigerian(or similar) "hookers"/thieves/muggers/lookie-lookie teams
No hates, it's an amazing place, but things that aren't perfect...

1) PR people, especially for Eden/Es Paradis
2) Drinks prices in clubs
3) Beer louts/David Ghetto fans.
1 packing to leave the Ibiza

2 getting on the airplane

3 looking at the calendar of parties I could gone to but was distracted by friends/ being smashed
1) The first time during the holiday you think, "Oh no, we go back to the UK in n days".

2) Packing to go back to the UK.

3) Leaving the island behind:cry::cry:
1. David Guetta
2. David Guetta fans
3. Drink prices in clubs & David Guetta again!
ps. Wasn't going to post as I couldn't think of anything to dislike let alone hate! My post was inspired by djjaycool:D
i did notice a lot of girls getting grabbed my Italian men. The amount of times i heard the words "bloody Italians" as a girl would push their hands away was silly, especially in the likes of Pacha & Space! Obviously it's just a lack of respect, I'd hate to go to Ibiza with a girlfriend, that being one of the major reasons.
i did notice a lot of girls getting grabbed my Italian men. The amount of times i heard the words "bloody Italians" as a girl would push their hands away was silly, especially in the likes of Pacha & Space! Obviously it's just a lack of respect, I'd hate to go to Ibiza with a girlfriend, that being one of the major reasons.

I pulled an Italian girl in Pacha back in 2009, I think she must have been astounded a guy could be polite and courteous and not resort to minor sexual assault :)

Having said that... ;)