Top 3 hates about Ibiza


Active Member
What are your top 3 "hates" about the island....

1) Soul City in West End

2) Reps trying to sell me tickets to "Clubland" and go on and on how it's the best night on the island whilst "wooping"

3) Drink prices in clubs
1) The spirtulistic looking tourist muggers in San Antonio who give you beads, and then spit on your hand for money.

2) Drinks prices in the clubs

3) Lack of Trance bars in the West End.
Another 3...

1) The Mambo hype. There are much better bars with a better view round the walk way from the main sun set strip. E.g. Sun Sea Bar

2) Linekers

3) The netting that comes round Bora Bora in the evening.
I want to change 3) to the netting as above ^, that is seriously annoying and seems to get earlier every time I am there.
Plastic Furniture,

Cigarette buts in the sand on the beaches,

Pretentious service in certain bars, restaurants and clubs.
1) Nigerian(or similar) "hookers"/thieves/muggers/lookie-lookie teams
2) Chavs that bring the place down & people who think they are "too cool"
3) San An haters.
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1)The stricter laws on noise meaning covering of old Space terrace, Bar M etc

2)The demise of Pin-Up - remember that!

3)The massive queue for Burger King in the airport on the way hime

oh and 4) No more R1 at Punta Es Moli
this is getting silly, so to bring some seriousness back

1 toilet paper
2 siesta
3 syp
I deleted mine - way too serious/dull

sometimes I go into auto-pilot writing a post and then forget, actually this is probably pretty boring to read
1) The way some men & women walk around in their fake shades outside Bora Bora or inside space thinking they are the actual tits!

2) DJ's in West End bars playing tunes from 2006 imagining they are Tiesto at the worlds biggest dance festival with their hands in the air whilst using "autodj"

3) Asking for a double vodka REDBULL and getting some cheap Spanish green energy drink instead which tastes like cats urine.
Grego: Haters gonna hate ;)

NilSatis: Who on earth wants to eat in that Burger King. Eaten there once. Never again.
@ shane_saintsfc - You not only felt the need to start this thread, but you've also posted NINE "hates" you have for Ibiza? Anything you actually like about what is, for the vast majority of members of this forum, our favorite place to visit/live?
@ shane_saintsfc - You not only felt the need to start this thread, but you've also posted NINE "hates" you have for Ibiza? Anything you actually like about what is, for the vast majority of members of this forum, our favorite place to visit/live?

Ibiza is the best place on earth. I have been every year for the past 8 years and booked up for this July for 10 days.

Take this thread as light-hearted humor. Everyone has their pet hates. Just because Ibiza is my favorite place in the world doesn't mean It's perfect. There are always going to be things people do not like. It's called personal taste.

Some of my likes seeing as you asked....

1) Great up front music.
2) One of the worlds best sunsets and the cheer as the sun goes down. That's when the night starts!
3) The worlds best DJ's all on 1 island. There is no-where else in the world like this.
4) Partying all day at Bora Bora in the sunshine to decent music.
5) The worlds best clubs and clubbing atmosphere
6) The people. Everyone is friendly and all on the island for one thing... To enjoy yourselves. There are no Magaluf style punch ups (Apart from West End)
7) Space!!
8 ) Mojitos in Bay Bar, San An
9) Ibiza Town's atmosphere and views in the Evening/Night
10) Cap Des Falco and the worlds worst pot hole road getting to there.
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