Tinnitus And Hearing Loss

Mine has got worse recently, usually find it worse when it's really quiet, it's hard not to concentrate on it, so usually try lightly clicking my fingers or a similar noise to distract me
Let us know how you get on.

I went for the MRI scan, it takes about twenty minutes in the machine , maybe a bit less. You wear ear defenders and it still makes a racket and I was thinking "hang on isnt this why Im here in the first place!!! "

Then two weeks later I got a letter from my GP that said "....pleased to say your results are normal."

That was it. No mention of anything to do with the ear problem or anything else! I can only guess the reason for sending me for the MRI was to see if anything in the way of tumour or similar was present causing the tinnitus, and its not, so its largely a case of getting on with it now!
Mine has come back over the last few weeks, but I just hear it in bed at night. I was on holiday the last two weeks and drinking more alcohol and not being as healthy and think that may be related. Will see what happens when I get back to normal.

Still feel like I have clogged ears, so defo going back to the Doctors.

Got Orbital in a couple of weeks, so my ear plugs will hopefully help.
Ugh - tinnitus has got massively worse over the past few months. :x

No idea what caused this.

Ear, nose and throat specialist here I come...



Considering some of those Elacin ER25s ...any opinions on these?

Stress and anxiety can be a huge contributory factor. I too have it on a scale I'd rate at a 6/10. I used to play in a band which were signed and gigged a lot due to this, I've DJ'd and I like my IPod. Then there are the 10 holidays to Ibiza in the last 5 years.
Gave my ER 25 a proper testing at Orbital on Saturday and can highly recommend them. They fit perfectly, are very discreet and made the music very clean sounding and clear. It might sound strange, but it gave me more focus on the music as I was in my own little bubble.

I even walked out with them on, forgetting I had them in.

Well worth the money for anyone who gigs or clubs a lot and wants to protect their hearing but not effect the music.
