
Boardgrrrrl I have had a chemical peel, one where I had to use special moisturisers for weeks before and after, yes it does make you quite red but def not as bad as you would expect and when the peeling happens it is not that bad at all (i had really gross ideas of scabby skin). Mine was really good and if I had stuck to using the mineral foundation after my skin would prob have maintained well sadly I have a lust for MAC and the foundation is not great for spots. The one thing I would say is if you are gonna have it you may want to wait til the sun isn't out as you really really do need to stay out of it for a couple of week.

Oooh thanks Blondie. Good to hear your experience wasn't too bad on the facial disfigurement front!
Not really looking for a boyfriend but could def do with a flirt or spark with someone right now (but think I am having a bit of suicide Tuesday depression today, so I I will be happy single again tomo)

I used to get them days...esp on a Sunday - that is THE ****test day to be single on :lol:

The girls at work used to say, after id come in after yet another failed date, 'youl know when you have met the one' - my reaction ' :rolleyes: yeah yeah'

but they were right 8)

Said to the gf when we booked ibiza ' we need to be single for this shizz ' but i said if im not then it clearly means ' i have met the one ' then we both laughed our f**kin arses off and said...

' We'l both be single for Ibiza then ' :lol: famous last words i think
Sat in a business negotiation with a client and his lawyers that's going nowhere .. "taking notes" ... :rolleyes:
Oooh thanks Blondie. Good to hear your experience wasn't too bad on the facial disfigurement front!

definatley dont have it whilst its summer - you are meant to protect your sking for a good long while after... that's why I am waiting till the winter to get mine done (arranged a work from home for a week too so i dont have to face anyone lol :lol:)
my Thursday is meetings, meetings meetings...

I have say through 3 hrs of Emergency Planning Meeting - I now now what procedures to follow should a gun maniac be running amok through Jesmond, what to do if the Server Room in the building catches fire at 4am in the morning, how to handle potential infections diseases, or germ warfare.... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Popped out for lunch then had a 1-1 with one of my team to discuss his career direction plans for the forthcoming year - none apparently:lol::lol::lol: that was easy..

Now having 30 min skive before I hit my next meeting.......
Feeling very :evil: indeed now that this is such a waste of time. I had to bin this to attend today :

ITINERARY/RECEIPT - All times are local.
From East Midlands (EMA) to Ibiza (IBZ)
Thu, 30Jun11 Flight FR9407 Depart EMA at 06:40 and arrive IBZ at 10:15
From Ibiza (IBZ) to East Midlands (EMA)
Sat, 02Jul11 Flight FR9406 Depart IBZ at 14:35 and arrive EMA at 16:05

Note to self - just wait till he gets my f*****g bill ...:evil::evil::evil:
The 'liers' are still bickering like a bunch of children over things which are of no consequence to man nor beast - they sure know how to rack the hours up, eh ? :rolleyes:

Wouldn't mind so much but could be having an extended 'debrief' in the bar afterwards and still getting paid for it :spank:
Yippee !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meeting's packing in and heading to the bar for a 'debrief' Client's tab ! :p
My Thursday isn't too bad and it means only one working day left until the weekend.
'Dress down' day at work tomorrow so I can whack on my shorts and flip flops and have a lazy day doing little in the morning and watching the tennis in the aft :D