This would've been it.

the whole thing is like mechanically recovered chicken.

says its chicken, but isnt really, but sod it, we'll try and get as much cash out of the remains as possible.
Well this is, erm, it for me.

Maybe it's because of it the timing of my youth (and I'm sure Elvis was the same if Buckley wants to add?) but MJ was just such a reolutionary uber-mega-superstar with a genuine talent and timeless (for a while!) aura about him that you just will never ever get again.

The near universal impact he had globally can only be compared to Elvis and/or Beatles, but this time he was a more accomplished entertainer.

I would happily sit through hours of footage of him with 'that' standard yank voiceover voice whilst the goosebumps pile up watching him debut the moonwalk in '76 or whenever it was.

And I like other artiste, and there are peopel that have made much better songs, but no one will ever have the impact a Jacko show will.

The entire pop industry is a cash in. I'd rather they got it out of the way now (if anyting) rather than stinging it along for the next 10 years :D

and then at 20 years, then 30, then 40...etc...etc.

but you make a good point, he is up there with Elvis and the Beatles IMO!
Well this is, erm, it for me.

Maybe it's because of it the timing of my youth (and I'm sure Elvis was the same if Buckley wants to add?) but MJ was just such a reolutionary uber-mega-superstar with a genuine talent and timeless (for a while!) aura about him that you just will never ever get again........



I saw the trailer at the cinema last week, about 10 mins I wrong for saying he didnt look that bad? 8O
Well to be fair, his face is fukced but he reportedly only deteriorated during the final two weeks if reports of homicide are to be believed. ;)
Bloody brilliant film! Had goose bumps throughout.

Very tasteful and a really interesting view of him as a performer and genius.

It could've been done so differently, I didn't find it cringeworthy, they didn't labour on his death (it was hardly mentioned) and there was no grief porn at all...

If you're a fan or concert geek like myself (live shows fascinate me) then you really will love it.

Made me quite sad really would've been a great show.
I though they hired some stand ins to film parts of it?

So it was not actually him but just actors pretending.

Bit like stars in their eyes with that Kelly fella but on the big screen.

I saw Up and enjoyed it in 3d but you are right was a bit overhyped though.

Bit sad about his old missus at the start. Especially for a kids film.
Bloody brilliant film! Had goose bumps throughout.

Very tasteful and a really interesting view of him as a performer and genius.

It could've been done so differently, I didn't find it cringeworthy, they didn't labour on his death (it was hardly mentioned) and there was no grief porn at all...

If you're a fan or concert geek like myself (live shows fascinate me) then you really will love it.

Made me quite sad really would've been a great show.

I saw it for the same reason, a fan of concerts, especially the ones where the fans can be more interesting than the show itself. Nice to see what many of them were paying thousands to see live; seeing Michael onstage and so up close brought him down to earth and made the affair seem small, though, compared to all the hype. Music was nice, he appeared in good health (though you could hear how those awful rhinoplasties had affected his singing) - agree that it wasn't cringeworthy. Very tastefully done.