This would've been it.

what is there to be excited about?

a ghoulish cash-in on somebody's death, someone who had in any case contributed nothing interesting or new to popular culture since like 1984

one to be swerved at all costs - or go armed with a sickbag
It's a film.

It's got Michael Jackson in it singing some nice ditties.

...hadn't really thought much further than that tbh. 8O
I don't doubt it will be of interest to hardcore fans - but it all just seems a bit cynical to me :? - esp as there remain unanswered questions about the role of the very same producers in pushing through a punishing tour schedule which he clearly was too fragile to complete. For them to cash in now, seems to me to be nauseous in the extreme. Speaking as a Jacko fan of the old school, I feel his memory should be left in peace and for us to remember the good times.
I don't have a moral position, clearly I'm not as noble as yourself.

I just fancy going to see a film. :lol:
'Up' is meant to be great, go see that ;)

Seriously though, I agree with olly re his memory and unanswered questions regarding his death. It seems extremely quick doesnt it, I mean he only died a few months ago :?

What Michael Jackson??? is he dead then??? wouldnt friggin think it - he's in the sodding papers as much as Jordan and Peter bloody andre...... :roll:
me neither

I just enjoy being outraged on the internet

a massive silent hahahaha (headphones in listening to spanish notes podcasts!).

bits of sausage roll flying all over the desk much to colleagues' bemusement.
'Up' is meant to be great, go see that ;)

Seriously though, I agree with olly re his memory and unanswered questions regarding his death. It seems extremely quick doesnt it, I mean he only died a few months ago :?

I've seen Up - and despite the reviews I didn't think it was that brilliant.

It's entertaining but lacks a plot with loads of twists and turns (like Toy Story & Finding Nemo)...the story was a bit linear and too obvious. I was left thinking, "Oh, is that it?" at the end.

...but it's a compliment in disguise - I was only disappointed because of the high expectations normally set by Pixar films.

Oh and MJ is not tabloid fodder. I don't read tabloids.
With all due respect, I'd much rather read about MJ than some one-hit wonder and his famous-for-having-breast-implants ex-wife!

I know what your saying but seriously, all the papers bang on about is "hey we're milking this guys death for millions and millions"

I think even Elvis might have had a few years of being able to RIP before they started milking his memory....:?

- I just think its a bit morbid, Morbyd.....;)
I know what your saying but seriously, all the papers bang on about is "hey we're milking this guys death for millions and millions"

I think even Elvis might have had a few years of being able to RIP before they started milking his memory....:?

- I just think its a bit morbid, Morbyd.....;)

Probably but its the age we live it where the tabloid and celebrity culture is front page news!
Im with Robder on this id quite happily pay money to see the film. Think it will be fascinating to watch.

As for cashing it too soon after his death well this film was obviously going to be released to coincide with the tour as a behind the scenes look at MJ.
With all due respect, I'd much rather read about MJ than some one-hit wonder and his famous-for-having-breast-implants ex-wife!

Well this is, erm, it for me.

Maybe it's because of it the timing of my youth (and I'm sure Elvis was the same if Buckley wants to add?) but MJ was just such a reolutionary uber-mega-superstar with a genuine talent and timeless (for a while!) aura about him that you just will never ever get again.

The near universal impact he had globally can only be compared to Elvis and/or Beatles, but this time he was a more accomplished entertainer.

I would happily sit through hours of footage of him with 'that' standard yank voiceover voice whilst the goosebumps pile up watching him debut the moonwalk in '76 or whenever it was.

And I like other artiste, and there are peopel that have made much better songs, but no one will ever have the impact a Jacko show will.

The entire pop industry is a cash in. I'd rather they got it out of the way now (if anyting) rather than stinging it along for the next 10 years :D
Well this is, erm, it for me.

Maybe it's because of it the timing of my youth (and I'm sure Elvis was the same if Buckley wants to add?) but MJ was just such a reolutionary uber-mega-superstar with a genuine talent and timeless (for a while!) aura about him that you just will never ever get again.

The near universal impact he had globally can only be compared to Elvis and/or Beatles, but this time he was a more accomplished entertainer.

I would happily sit through hours of footage of him with 'that' standard yank voiceover voice whilst the goosebumps pile up watching him debut the moonwalk in '76 or whenever it was.

And I like other artiste, and there are peopel that have made much better songs, but no one will ever have the impact a Jacko show will.

The entire pop industry is a cash in. I'd rather they got it out of the way now (if anyting) rather than stinging it along for the next 10 years :D

Exactly. Im gonna get the Dvd and will save it for a carry on at my place mate ;)