Things you don't like/hate about Ibiza.

6/ How **** Pacha has become.

Sorry - I missed the part when it was anything other than **** ...when did that happen?

I heard it had got better since the money set had forced the kiddywinks out. (fmif aside)

...but then, not been for years so noone listen to me! :lol:
Sorry - I missed the part when it was anything other than **** ...when did that happen?

I heard it had got better since the money set had forced the kiddywinks out. (fmif aside)

...but then, not been for years so noone listen to me! :lol:

Subliminal early days and Release Yourself were cracking. Also Renaissance was decent.
Pick Pockets
Club Drink Prices
Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Tissue
People who dont dance
Also dickhead bouncers.

People who dont dance also a personal hatred. They stand on the dancefloor and kill the atmosphere, mostly Italians as well.
Exactly as soon as I see people next to me or near me not dancing I have to move away I feel like im annoying them by having a good time lol, dont know how you can stand still in a club though its not a concert...

prime example check the guy in the hat..

looks like hes about to murder someone, top night though :)

:lol: - there's another approach .. just found this old post from when I went to Ministry in late July :

Told off 3 separate Italians for invading my personal space too much and made them move on.

For the bit in bold read moving into my dancing space and then standing there like one of Lewis's gawping at the DJ whilst I am meant to tone it down to squeeze them in for that. Definitely a no no - do not put up with it - if they don't move they get "accidentally" elbowed and their feet stamped on till they go away !!!
drinks prices
how mostly everyone dismisses the west end
people who dont dance and go straight to the dancefloor just to take pictures
being hassled on the west end from one boozer to the other
taxi people who take advantage of the pissed up by bumping the fair up a extra 4 euros on the sly
Sorry - I missed the part when it was anything other than **** ...when did that happen?

I heard it had got better since the money set had forced the kiddywinks out. (fmif aside)

...but then, not been for years so noone listen to me! :lol:

Nooooo Underwater and Perfecto were the best nights on the Island for me at one time..... I used to love Pacha - but its too VIP now but I still go....:lol:

(mind you - I never pay to get in so cant really complain....:oops:)
Nooooo Underwater and Perfecto were the best nights on the Island for me at one time..... I used to love Pacha - but its too VIP now but I still go....:lol:

(mind you - I never pay to get in so cant really complain....:oops:)

I will always remember Paul Oakenfold dropping Bullet in the Gun in Pacha..... a seminal Ibiza moment for me 8)
I will always remember Paul Oakenfold dropping Bullet in the Gun in Pacha..... a seminal Ibiza moment for me 8)

i remember the first time he ever played it in Cream. Goosebumps right now thinking of it!

it was called Fire to Fire by Space Boys at that time. I went to 3 Beat Records on the Monday and was literally laughed out the shop when i asked for it! Come back in a year, Steve Parry told me!
i remember the first time he ever played it in Cream. Goosebumps right now thinking of it!

it was called Fire to Fire by Space Boys at that time. I went to 3 Beat Records on the Monday and was literally laughed out the shop when i asked for it! Come back in a year, Steve Parry told me!

Amnesia always had a better sound system that Pacha and it was such a big room tune back then.......Probably one of the best vocal crossovers of its time
Nooooo Underwater and Perfecto were the best nights on the Island for me at one time..... I used to love Pacha - but its too VIP now but I still go....:lol:

(mind you - I never pay to get in so cant really complain....:oops:)

I still enjoy Pacha, but my favorite night has shifted to Flower power. I guess I'm getting old:lol:
i remember the first time he ever played it in Cream. Goosebumps right now thinking of it!

it was called Fire to Fire by Space Boys at that time. I went to 3 Beat Records on the Monday and was literally laughed out the shop when i asked for it! Come back in a year, Steve Parry told me!

What about Flaming June when he used to start his set in the courtyard. Now that deserves a mention.
I went to 3 Beat Records on the Monday and was literally laughed out the shop when i asked for it! Come back in a year, Steve Parry told me!

Those were the days ... I was never one of the chosen few either with 3 Beat even though Steve Parry was allowed to send me 5 of his choice on a regular basis :oops: (he did have good taste !!). Rhythm Syndicate used to slip me the TPs, sometimes 12 months before they got to promo - though they were all pretty much from Rowan Blades and the deep progressive lineage !

Actually went round the counter, lifted up and kissed the girl at Massive Records though when she popped a promo copy of BT's Dreaming * in my baggie once .. she called me up when he visited too - and I got my whole BT 12" collection signed :p (such a shame he seems to have lost his way :().

* :

Who remembers another Perfecto monster, Timo Maas's Ubik - another one which seemed to take forever to come out

I still enjoy Pacha, but my favorite night has shifted to Flower power. I guess I'm getting old:lol:

:lol: ..... fun to go to with the hippy chicks too ;) !! Suggested attire as follows :

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