Things you don't like/hate about Ibiza.

The tossers that try and put those bit of string on your wrist and then charge you for the privelege of being manhandled. Tell you what love let's do a deal, you let go of my arm... and i won't break your nose. How does that sound?

Lol classic and so true! A mate nearly shook hands with one of them (why he went to i have no idea) luckily we dragged him away!
The tossers that try and put those bit of string on your wrist and then charge you for the privelege of being manhandled. Tell you what love let's do a deal, you let go of my arm... and i won't break your nose. How does that sound?

huh?whats that all about then?
huh?whats that all about then?

We call them the lucky lucky mens' wife! Group of big girls that offer to shake your hand, if you go to shake theirs they grab hold of your hand put a wrist band on you and wont let go till you pay for it! 5euro i think they wanted too! Luckily i knew about it but if not a nice kick to the lower regions would have made them let go!
We call them the lucky lucky mens' wife! Group of big girls that offer to shake your hand, if you go to shake theirs they grab hold of your hand put a wrist band on you and wont let go till you pay for it! 5euro i think they wanted too! Luckily i knew about it but if not a nice kick to the lower regions would have made them let go!

Yeah they got me the first year I was in Ibiza, they got 50 cents and then swore at me! Last year I saw them get some guy fresh of the boat hand her a 10 euro note and then was running after her shouting "I gave you 10 now wheres my 7 change" all the women kept shouting was "no speak english"

He got done there!
huh?whats that all about then?

The religious women who kind of hover around San An.
The Looky Looky women, I guess, is a decent name for them. You can find them along the promenade by Ibiza Rocks Bar.

I got caught in 2009 the first year I went, cost me €3. Nerver again. :lol:
Not so much a hate, but it gets frustrating every time I walk past Mambo's or Savannah's in the day time and I find I'm walking to the sound of the beat. Then, I become self concious and look around, and sure enough people sat around have noticed I'm walking to the beat.
When I walk I always have the intro from Saturday Night Fever going on in my head and I think people know it.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk,
I'm a woman's man: no time to talk.
While I love the Island, I agree that some things need addressing.

For me it's:
1. Theft. Someone will now say ''It happens everywhere in the world in any city etc...''. However, in recent years it is getting ridiculous in Ibiza, DC10 and Space especially. Pickpockets and handbags going at an alarming rate.
Also , houses and villas getting broken into. Some villas are getting done every other week. Why can't the police put undercover agents to infiltrate these gangs??
2. Drinks usual. However they seem to have at least stablised over the past two years.
3. Looky- Looky people and any street scam artists.
4. Aggressive security staff...especially the ones that kill people.
1/ Rude people who work in bars / security etc.

You have jobs that we get people from Eastern European countries to do and I earn more than you will in 10 years. Remember that the next time you throw a warm bottle of water at me

2/ People who leave all their rubbish on the beach. Pick it up and put it in the bin!

3/ Playa Den Bossa

4/ English 'too cool for school' workers who think they are rockstars

5/ No day time parties

6/ How **** Pacha has become.
No good supermarkets being open on sunday
Taxi companies that keep giving you different numbers to call so you go round in circles
Not sure if this still happens, but people asking for a sip of my drink!!

Get your own drink!!! :spank:

And the drink prices... I´d buy a lot more if they were cheaper!!